China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

150 m ² Fabricated light steel Restaurant


Its sloping walls mimic the angle of the fortress, maximizing the square meters of the ground and the first floor, while retaining the original volume of the vault.

Fixing Socket Waved End

BrotherHuisaid,nowthenewfactoryisbasedonhissoleproprietorship,sonowthepressureishuge,nowthenewfactory’sforeigntradebusinesscanalso,butcanalsohaveacertainproductionsparetime,youcanworkwithusintheproductionofsparetimetodevelopnewmobilehousingproducts! Just,Iampreparingtosetupanewforeigntradeministry,ForeignTradeproductssupportingtheindustrialchain,Ithinkthiscooperationcanbeputforwardtotalkabouttheprogram! 02- light steel restaurant we imagine an urbanized box, like a mobile phone booth, which can be inserted into the ancient fortifications to start their regeneration.


From the new year’s day of 2022, “gougoushou design network” will provide you with consulting services such as project planning → design → operation management and creative product customization in the wechat world, and create your own lifestyle with our creativity! All the ideas written in the official account of “gougoushou design network” can be purchased! Liuzhiguang, the latest theme song of gougoushou, said that liusaid Hui came to our second factory last week and asked to cooperate with us.

I haven’t been to his factory for two years, so I made an appointment with Laoguan to see what we can cooperate with.

Layout plan light steel structure this box separates the dining room (downstairs) from the rest room (upstairs), and then slides onto a Yin Yang platform outside, overlooking the whole scene and the harbor.

It can cooperate with us to develop new mobile housing products when the productivity is idle! Just in time, I am preparing to set up a new foreign trade department to support the product industrial chain of foreign trade.

Now the foreign trade business of the new factory is OK, but it can also have a certain amount of production spare time.

Inside, dark and sensual toilets are installed with custom glass curtain walls and additional concealed facilities..

The steel wood structure includes light, energy, sound, running water, cooling, air extraction, food and beverage; Its hidden infrastructure makes no visible intervention visible on the walls of the fortress.

I think we can put forward plans for cooperation in this regard! Huicametooursecondfactorylastweekandaskedtocooperatewithus.

Thesteel-timberstructurecontainslight,power,sound,runningwater,cooling,airextraction,foodanddrinks; itswell-hiddeninfrastructureriddingthebastionwallsofallvisibleinterventions.

Huige said that now the new factory is solely invested by him, so now the pressure is great.

Itsslopingwall,imitatingtheangleofthebastions,maximisessquaremetresonbothgroundandfirstfloor; whilepreservingtheoriginalvolumeofthevault.

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