China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Industry information | China will vigorously develop precast buildings, and the proportion of precast buildings in new buildings will exceed

However, while making achievements, the construction industry still has the problems of low development quality and efficiency, which are mainly manifested in extensive development mode, low labor productivity, high energy consumption and high emission, non-standard market order and so on.

In 2020, the total output value of the national construction industry will reach 26.39 trillion yuan, with an added value of 7.2 trillion yuan, accounting for 7.1% of the GDP.

The added value of China’s construction industry increased by 5.1% on an annual basis, accounting for more than 6.9% of GDP.

Cultivate a number of precast construction production bases.

Rubber Recess Former

The housing construction area will be 14.947 billion square meters, and the number of employees in the construction industry will be 53.66 million.

The level of construction industrialization, digitization and intellectualization has been greatly improved, the green transformation of construction mode has achieved remarkable results, and the transformation of construction industry from large to strong has been accelerated, providing strong support for the formation of a strong domestic market and the construction of a new development pattern.

In recent years, the role of construction industry as a pillar industry of the national economy has been increasing.

The Ministry of housing and urban rural development recently issued the “14th five year plan” for the development of the construction industry (hereinafter referred to as the “plan”), proposing that by 2025, precast buildings will account for more than 30% of new buildings; The emission of construction waste at the new construction site shall be controlled below 300 tons per 10000 square meters.

In order to further promote the transformation and development of the construction industry, the plan proposes to accelerate the coordinated development of intelligent construction and new-type construction industrialization, improve the operation mechanism of the construction market, improve the organization mode of engineering construction, cultivate the workforce of the construction industry, improve the project quality and safety guarantee system, steadily improve the earthquake resistance and disaster prevention capacity of the project Accelerate the pace of “going out” of the construction industry and other major tasks.

During the 13th Five Year Plan period, the reform and development of China’s construction industry achieved remarkable results.

According to the plan, a high-quality development system framework for the construction industry will be initially formed by 2025.

Source: People’s daily..

Encourage construction enterprises, Internet enterprises and scientific research institutes to cooperate and strengthen the integrated application of new generation information technologies such as Internet of things, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and blockchain in the construction field.

It is mentioned that we should vigorously promote the application of precast buildings, actively promote the construction of high-quality steel structure housing, and encourage schools, hospitals and other public buildings to give priority to the use of steel structure.

A market mechanism for the treatment and reuse of construction waste has been preliminarily formed, and a number of green construction demonstration projects have been built.

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