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Special treatment for “obsessive-compulsive disorder”! How beautiful is the mechanical and electrical assembly construction of the machine

The “zero welding” green environmental protection operation is carried out on the site.

Pfeifer VS Box

The refrigeration room project of PICC central China Center project includes 18 sets of equipment and 29 meters of pipelines 132 valve parts help the construction and production of the project.

It includes four sets of refrigeration systems, 21 large refrigeration units, 6 large industrial countercurrent cooling towers and 70 circulating water pumps, The pipeline length is more than 10000 meters.

The refrigeration room project of the Grand Theater of Zibo culture and Art Center is a fan-shaped structure, including 15 sets of equipment More than 800 meters of pipes and more than 600 pipe fittings helped hold the 18th China International Ceramics Expo.

The cooling water main pipe of the refrigerator room in the complex building of Shandong Construction Bank is more than 350 meters.

The refrigeration room of Shanghai JW Marriott Marquis Hotel project has 1000 meter long pipeline and 4306 bolts 142 pipeline segments pass through “Bida integration” The engineering technology system can realize the refrigeration room from scratch within 7 days.

It takes only 21 days to complete the BIM deepening design and assemble on site.

The preparation of this standard solves the current situation that there is no standard for the mechanical and electrical assembly construction of cold and heat source machine room, provides a technical basis for all units in the installation industry to carry out the application of mechanical and electrical assembly technology of machine room, will comprehensively improve the application level of mechanical and electrical assembly technology of machine room in the industry, and promote the healthy, rapid and high-quality development of mechanical and electrical assembly construction of machine room.

Attention to courtesy: focus on official account of electromechanical world (id:mepbbs) reply Keywords: specification, get 500 sets of common norms set! If you are in urgent need of electromechanical related information, please add wechat jdtxxm consultation! Recently, the technical standard for mechanical and electrical assembly construction of cold and heat source machine room (T / cias-4-2021), edited by China Construction Bayi installation company, was officially published.

It is the first panel plant project in Henan Province to win the China installation star.

It takes only 40 hours to complete the modular overall assembly of circulating pump, the overall lifting and assembly of precast pipe row, and the installation speed of modern refrigeration room.

On the mechanical and electrical assembly construction of computer room, which is better? China Construction Bayi is looking for and installing groups of neat and orderly mechanical and electrical products in the computer room to treat your “obsessive-compulsive disorder”! The refrigeration room of Tianjin Luneng lvyinli project has 42 sets of equipment, 860 meter pipeline, 363 valve parts, 9274 bolts, 2 managers and 12 workers.

The refrigeration room of Huarui photoelectric project has a construction area of 4600 square meters.

It takes 10 days to complete the construction, nearly 2 months ahead of the original planned construction period.

It refreshes the classic boutique of the construction speed of the refrigerator room in Shandong Province | the standardized Atlas of China Construction electromechanical installation engineering [VIP data] electromechanical installation engineering (Luban Award) Detailed node practice diagram [VIP data] electromechanical installation specialty – building electrical materials [VIP data] case sharing Manual of common quality defects of a state-owned enterprise project (electromechanical + Civil Engineering) can be edited! [VIP data] China Jinmao electromechanical node and process construction method Atlas (word version).

The construction area of the refrigeration room of Jinan rongchuang cultural tourism city rongchuang Mao project is 2700 square meters, equivalent to the size of 6.5 standard basketball courts.

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