China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Why is precast building the inevitable way for the development of construction industry?

To produce a wooden rod, you need to saw a tree, you need steel to saw a tree, you need steel to make steel, you need to dig ore to make steel…

03 seize the opportunity of industry development at present, precast buildings are ushering in the golden period of rapid development.

For the construction industrialization, it seems more important to win the first place.

For any emerging market, whoever can seize the opportunity is most likely to occupy this market.

As long as any enterprise enters the tuyere, it can get a share.

From the road of construction industrialization in foreign developed countries, we can see that the vigorous promotion of policies is bound to push this industry to the wind outlet.

In today’s strong policy promotion, any hesitation and hesitation may lose the best opportunity to enter.


China’s precast construction industry has been driving on the fast lane of development and growth, and the blueprint has been clear.

In this documentary, making a pencil in Germany requires cedar wood in California, graphite in Heilongjiang, China, rubber in jalla, Thailand…

It does not need to spend time, energy and money waiting for market opportunities, but also seize the rapidly emerging market opportunities.

The best time to enter an industry is the night before the market outbreak.

Pile Cage Spacer

Have you ever thought that the construction industry will be subverted by industrialization, and all the walls, stairs, balconies and beams of your home will be put together like Lego blocks? This is the charm of precast architecture! Promoting the modernization of construction industry after years of rapid development, China’s construction industry has greatly accelerated the process of urbanization on the one hand, but on the other hand, many problems such as high energy consumption, high pollution, high waste and uncontrollable quality caused by the traditional extensive mode of production have become increasingly prominent.

To make a pencil, you need different people to cooperate in production, which is the industrialization of manufacturing industry.

We all know that building block toys, some of which are even hundreds or thousands of pieces.

When you and your children splice a pile of loose building blocks into a remote-controlled car or a house, in addition to a great sense of achievement, you will also find that building blocks modularize all parts and steps.

As we all know, at present, the government is vigorously promoting the construction industrialization and increasing the relevant favorable policies.

Several documents issued by the State Council and the Ministry of housing and urban rural development clearly put forward the development goals of “striving to make the proportion of precast buildings in new buildings reach 30% in about 10 years” and “by 2020, the proportion of precast buildings in new buildings will reach more than 15%, including more than 20% in key areas”, and pointed out that all provinces and cities should speed up the implementation of key tasks, Strengthen safeguard measures to promote the all-round development of precast buildings.

It can effectively avoid the manual operation error under the traditional construction mode, ensure the construction quality, reduce the energy consumption and pollution caused by on-site construction, reduce the labor cost and improve the production efficiency.

Precast buildings are built by means of systematic design, modular splitting, factory manufacturing and on-site assembly, which can better control the construction quality, construction period, labor consumption and cost.

Which is easier to build a pencil or a house? Don’t rush to say the answer.

This is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the current problems of industrial transformation, quality and efficiency improvement and “labor shortage”, and also meets the development requirements of new urbanization.

Let’s see a clip from the documentary “the birth of a pencil”.

Its manufacturing process is also very complicated, It needs very precise instruments to process and manufacture: thousands of people work together to produce a pencil.

This is the so-called “pigs standing at the tuyere can fly”.

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