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Limit analysis of North glass (002613): cast buildings, heterojunction cells, hjt, photovoltaic concept hot stocks!

The operation of the company is OK, and it has not been significantly recognized by most institutions for the time being.

If this time, we still have bad grasp of stock selection, seize the opportunity to pay attention to the official account [knowledge analysis], and grasp the opportunities of more powerful stocks later.

Lifting Anchor

The 301089 Tuoxin pharmaceutical industry, which was laid out on February 24, had a cumulative harvest increase of 78% as of the closing on March 15.

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According to statistics, the main chips are scattered in the past 10 days, showing a low degree of control.

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The recent average cost is 4.23 yuan, and the stock price runs above the cost.

Long term trend: so far, there are two main institutions with a total position of 929300 shares, accounting for 0.16% of circulating a shares.

Investors should invest carefully.

Here is also to congratulate those who have been paying attention to Zhiyu.

They have achieved good results, their strength is in front of them, and their stock selection ideas are obvious to all.

In the long market, and there is an accelerating upward trend.

Medium term trend: there is an accelerating upward trend.

Good skills get twice the result with half the effort, good methods benefit for life! More stock analysis and high-quality stock sharing are waiting for you! Add knowledge to QQ: [1579789609] get more information and exchange and learn together! More market information, official account of the public number [knowledge analysis] Bei Bei shares (002613) this vote in the past 5 days, the stock outflow is generally lower than the industry average level, and 5 days total outflow of -4259.23 million yuan.

We can continue to pay attention to it in the future.

Now let’s analyze the trend of North glass (002613): short-term trend: the strong characteristics of the stock price have been established, and the short-term correction may be possible.

The case of the layout recently known to you: 300249 yimikang, which was laid out on February 17, has achieved a cumulative gain of 112% as of the closing on March 15.

The capital of the stock is in an outflow state.

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