China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Vigorously develop precast buildings! Opinions of the general office of the State Council on further releasing consumption potential and

For enterprises that do not lay off staff and reduce staff, we will implement the policy of stable post return of unemployment insurance.

Strengthen the cross-border integration of Commerce, culture, tourism, sports, health, transportation and other consumption, and actively expand new scenes of immersive, experiential and interactive consumption.

Smooth the production and marketing connection between manufacturing enterprises and Internet platforms and commercial circulation enterprises, and encourage the development of reverse customization (c2m), personalized design and flexible production.

2、 Comprehensively innovate and improve quality, and strive to stabilize the basic plate of consumption (4) actively promote the upgrading of physical consumption.

Establish and improve the regulation mechanism for the collection, storage and throughput of important commodities, continue to do a good job in daily monitoring and dynamic regulation, and implement measures to ensure supply and price stability such as grain, oil, meat, eggs, milk, fruits and vegetables and bulk commodities.

Promote the inheritance and innovation of Chinese excellent traditional culture and promote the high-quality development of publishing, film, radio and television.

(5) Efforts should be made to promote the consumption of health, elderly care and other services.

We will promote the system of commitment and compliance certificate for edible agricultural products.

In combination with the situation and needs of epidemic prevention and control, accelerate the establishment and improvement of the living material guarantee system and unblock the logistics channels of important living materials.

Vigorously develop global tourism, promote the innovative development of red tourism, leisure tourism, industrial tourism and tourism performance, and promote the development of intangible cultural heritage themed tourism.

Encourage qualified regions to carry out regular nucleic acid testing for employees of retail, catering and other enterprises free of charge, and provide subsidies and support for enterprise epidemic prevention and disinfection and sterilization expenses.

(3) Innovate consumption formats and models.

We will deepen East-West cooperation in the service sector, vigorously implement consumption assistance, and help the central and western regions, especially underdeveloped regions, improve their development capacity and consumption level.

Opinions of the general office of the State Council on further releasing consumption potential and promoting sustainable recovery of consumption Guo Ban Fa [2022] No.

Encourage urban agglomerations and metropolitan areas to develop cross regional cultural and tourism annual tickets, joint tickets, etc.

We will implement the smart action to help the elderly, accelerate the transformation to adapt to aging and the development of intelligent products, develop products and services suitable for the consumption of the elderly, such as tourism, health preservation, health consultation, life care, chronic disease management and so on, and support inter provincial cooperation in living and providing for the aged.

Promote the innovative development of time-honored brands, strengthen the identification, management and protection of geographical indication products, and cultivate more local brands.

We will strengthen the construction of commodity quality, brands and standards in agriculture and manufacturing, and promote variety cultivation, quality improvement, brand building and standardized production.

We will thoroughly implement the tax reduction, tax rebate and fee reduction policies to support manufacturing, small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households.

We will continue to implement the policy of periodically reducing the premium rates of unemployment insurance and work-related injury insurance.

To meet the needs of normalized epidemic prevention and control, we should promote new consumption, accelerate the organic integration of online and offline consumption, expand and upgrade information consumption, cultivate and expand new consumption formats such as smart products and smart retail, smart tourism, smart radio and television, smart elderly care, smart housekeeping, digital culture, smart sports, “Internet + medical health”, “Internet + care”, and “Internet + home decoration”.

We will promote the financial system to transfer profits to the real economy through various measures such as reducing interest rates and fees.

Clean up the unreasonable price increase in the power transfer link.

Take practical and effective measures to stop arbitrary charges, apportionments and fines.

1、 Responding to the impact of the epidemic and promoting the orderly recovery and development of consumption (1) focusing on market players, we will strengthen the rescue of enterprises.

9 people’s governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government, ministries and commissions under the State Council and institutions directly under the State Council: consumption is the final demand, the key link and important engine for unblocking the domestic cycle, has a lasting driving force for the economy and is related to ensuring and improving people’s livelihood.

Further promote the pilot demonstration of cultural and tourism consumption..

Organize the implementation of the action plan for the development of ice and snow tourism.

Orderly guide the standardized development of webcast.

Accelerate the construction of inclusive care service system, support social forces to provide diversified and standardized care services, and guide market players to develop more safe and healthy domestic infant products.

We will deepen the establishment of national e-commerce demonstration bases and demonstration enterprises.

(6) Continue to expand cultural and tourism consumption.

(2) Ensure the supply and price of basic consumer goods.

Support the R & D and production of more new products and equipment with independent intellectual property rights, leading the trend of science and technology and consumption, and broad application prospects.

We will implement relief and support measures for food and beverage, retail, tourism, civil aviation, highway, waterway and railway transportation and other special industries.

Encourage local governments to increase assistance, support all regions to introduce tax relief and other measures in accordance with the actual situation, implement phased preferential policies for power consumption and postpone the payment of endowment insurance premiums for industries in extreme poverty, and provide appropriate assistance to small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households in the service industry renting non-state-owned houses, so as to stabilize more players in the consumer service market.

Magnetic Steel Chamfer

Guide financial institutions to optimize credit management, provide financing support to industrial enterprises seriously affected by the epidemic, and avoid industrial loan restrictions, loan withdrawal and loan interruption.

Optimize and improve epidemic prevention and control measures, guide parks, scenic spots, stadiums, cultural and Expo venues to improve facilities and service conditions, and extend the opening hours in combination with the actual situation.

We will deepen the development of multi-level and diversified medical and health services, actively develop traditional Chinese medicine, health care and other services, and promote the upgrading of medical and health consumption and the consumption of protective articles.

A number of suburban warehouse bases integrating warehousing, sorting, processing, packaging and other functions shall be scientifically planned and built in large and medium-sized cities to ensure the timely and nearby transportation of living materials in case of emergency, and effectively ensure the continuous circulation of consumer goods.

At present, due to the COVID-19 and other factors, the recovery of consumption, especially contact consumption, is slow, and small and medium-sized enterprises, individual businesses and service industries are facing more difficulties.

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