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Precast policy | Shandong Province: promote the construction of steel structure housing, and adopt steel structure for new public buildings

By 2025, 6000 kilometers of urban roads will be built and 40000 kilometers of rural roads will be built and reconstructed.

By 2025, the proportion of rural population covered by large-scale water supply projects will be greater than 85%, and the rural tap water penetration rate will reach 97.5%.

1、 Constructing the spatial carrier of urban and rural green development (I) promoting the green development of Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration.

(led by the Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development, the Provincial Department of transportation and the Provincial Department of agriculture and rural development, and responsible by the provincial development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of natural resources, the Provincial Department of water resources, the Provincial Energy Bureau, the Provincial Rural Revitalization Bureau and the State Grid Shandong electric power company according to the division of responsibilities) (V) promote the systematization of ecological and environmental protection facilities.

The relevant matters concerning the promotion of green development in urban and rural construction are hereby notified as follows.

Vigorously promote urban water conservation, and all cities divided into districts will create national water-saving cities by 2025.

We will promote a new type of urbanization with people at the core, and the urbanization rate of permanent residents will reach about 68% in 2025.

Optimize the pattern of land and space development and protection, carry out major projects of land and space ecological restoration and comprehensive improvement, and improve the connectivity and integrity of the ecosystem.

(led by the Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development, and the provincial development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of natural resources and the Provincial Department of water resources are responsible according to the division of responsibilities) (III) building a beautiful and livable village.

(the Provincial Department of natural resources, the Provincial Department of ecological environment, the Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development, the Provincial Department of agriculture and rural development, the Provincial Energy Bureau and the Provincial Rural Revitalization bureau are responsible according to the division of responsibilities) II.

Implement the five-year action to improve the rural living environment, and promote the comprehensive treatment of rural domestic garbage, sewage and black and smelly water bodies.

Comprehensively promote the construction of urban and rural greening and ecological corridors, and build a complete and coherent ecological green space and corridor system.

Implement the provincial pilot of urban physical examination, gradually establish the normalization mechanism of “one physical examination every year and one evaluation every five years”, and incorporate green development into the evaluation index system.

Carry out the green energy development action of “hundreds of townships and thousands of villages”, coordinate the comprehensive development of renewable energy such as photovoltaic, biomass energy and geothermal energy, and build about 100 benchmark townships and 1000 benchmark villages by 2025.

We will accelerate the preparation and implementation of village plans and establish and implement an evaluation mechanism for rural construction.

Focus on counties located in ecological functional areas and agricultural grain producing areas, and carry out the pilot construction of green and low-carbon counties.

(led by the provincial development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Department of natural resources, the Provincial Department of ecological environment, the Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development, the Provincial Department of transportation and the Provincial Department of water resources are responsible according to the division of responsibilities) (II) building a green and low-carbon city.

We will implement the strategy of ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin, build an overall regional development layout of “a group of two centers and three circles”, and formulate and implement green development goals and policies commensurate with the carrying capacity of resources and environment.

Give play to the radiation and driving role of Jinan and Qingdao to create a “one hour traffic circle” covering 20 million people respectively.

By 2025, the treatment rate of rural domestic sewage will reach more than 55%, and a total of 5000 beautiful rural demonstration villages will be built.

1398 rural black and smelly water bodies will be basically completed in 2023.

Strengthen the connection between urban and rural passenger transport and urban public transport, and realize the full coverage of qualified Township passenger transport lines.

Support Qingdao to carry out the national green city construction and development pilot, and form a development model that can be copied and popularized.

Promote planners, architects and engineers to go to the countryside and improve the level of rural housing design and construction.

Strengthen the space control and use control of “three zones and three lines”, and accelerate the formation of a unified “one map” of land and space planning of the whole province.

Promote the green upgrading of infrastructure (IV) promote the integration of urban and rural infrastructure.

Promote the “integration of plant and network” of urban domestic sewage collection and treatment facilities, layout and build sewage resource utilization facilities and sludge harmless resource disposal facilities.

Optimize the urban road network structure, promote the “narrow road and dense road network”, and implement the special action of “four good rural roads” to improve quality and efficiency.

Improve the quality and safety management system and complete the investigation and rectification of rural houses by the end of October 2023.

Promote the construction of sponge city and incorporate the indicators such as the control rate of total annual rainwater runoff into the relevant special plans at the city and county levels.

We will implement urban renewal, promote small-scale and gradual organic renewal and micro transformation, and prevent large-scale demolition and construction.

By 2025, build and transform 5000 kilometers of urban sewage pipe network and 5000 kilometers of rainwater pipe network, realize “double clearing” of black and smelly water bodies in urban built-up areas and rainwater and sewage combined pipe network of the whole county (city and district), and upgrade and transform more than 60% of urban domestic sewage treatment plants in the province, The effluent meets the standard of quasi class IV water, and the harmless disposal rate of sludge reaches more than 95%..

We will carry out the construction and transformation of urban and rural power grids, gas pipelines and heat pipelines, strengthen the construction of rural energy infrastructure, and implement rural electrification upgrading projects.

Implement urban ecological restoration, carry out key actions to increase greening, and promote the quality and upgrading of garden cities and forest cities.

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We will establish an integrated planning, construction, management and protection mechanism for urban and rural infrastructure, promote special actions to make up for deficiencies and upgrade infrastructure, and accelerate the extension and coverage of urban infrastructure to rural areas.

Improve urban and rural water supply guarantee capacity and implement rural water supply guarantee projects.

By 2025, the green space rate of urban built-up areas will reach 37.5%, and the per capita park green space area will reach 17.5 square meters.

We will improve the mechanism for coordinated regional development, comprehensively promote the co construction and sharing of major infrastructure and public service facilities, promote the rational layout of “two new and one heavy” facilities, and establish a mechanism to link the supply scale of urban residential land with the flow of urban population.

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