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40% cast │ six departments of Shandong Province issued opinions on promoting the development of the whole industrial chain of new building

actively develop green construction (I) promote green construction.

(led by the Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development) (II) actively develop intelligent construction equipment.

Collaborative development of intelligent construction (I) promotion of building information model (BIM) technology.

(the Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development takes the lead, and the Provincial Department of industry and information technology is responsible according to the division of responsibilities) (III) innovate the construction organization mode.

(led by the Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development, the Provincial Department of Finance and Jinan Branch of the people’s Bank of China are responsible according to the division of responsibilities) (III) develop green building materials.

Establish a standardized component and part library, improve the supporting capacity of the whole bathroom, integrated kitchen, integral doors and windows and other parts industry, and accelerate the formation of a standardized and serialized supply system.

Promote the R & D and manufacturing of advanced manufacturing equipment, intelligent equipment and equipment related to smart construction sites, promote the application of digital technology, system integration technology, intelligent equipment and construction robots, and support advantageous enterprises to develop digital processing and manufacturing equipment and intelligent construction machines and tools.

Fully implement green construction, strictly implement dust pollution prevention measures on construction sites, and include the prevention and control costs into the project cost.

BIM Technology is used to guide the whole process of precast building survey and design, component production, construction and installation, decoration, operation and maintenance, and solve the problems of repeated modeling and information separation in each stage.

Improve the design and selection standards of precast buildings, implement the standardized design of building plane, facade, components, parts and interfaces, promote the design method of less specifications and more combinations, and promote the integrated design of multi disciplines such as architecture, structure, equipment pipeline and decoration, so as to avoid secondary separation.

(led by the Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development, and responsible by the Provincial Department of science and technology and the Provincial Department of industry and information technology according to the division of responsibilities) (III) build an Internet platform for the construction industry.

Encourage backbone enterprises in the construction industry and advantageous Internet enterprises to try first, build an Internet platform for the construction industry with the functions of business collaboration, information integration and service transaction, create innovative application scenarios based on the platform, and accelerate the formation of integrated service capabilities covering the whole construction industry chain such as design, construction, consulting, employment, procurement, production and transportation of parts and components.

Jinan, Qingdao and Yantai should specify key areas to comprehensively promote precast buildings, and encourage other qualified cities to specify comprehensive promotion areas of precast buildings.

General contracting enterprises are encouraged to establish an intelligent construction cooperation platform.

Municipal People’s governments, county (city, district) people’s governments, provincial government departments, directly affiliated institutions and financial institutions: with the consent of the provincial government, in order to fully implement the new development concept, promote the development of the whole industrial chain of new building industrialization, and promote the transformation, upgrading and high-quality development of the construction industry, Combined with the actual situation of our province, the following opinions are put forward.

(led by the Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development and responsible by the Provincial Department of industry and information technology according to the division of responsibilities) III.

(led by the Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development) (II) promote the full decoration of buildings.

For commercial housing delivered with full decoration, the decoration cost shall be specified in the commercial housing sales contract, which shall be included in the house purchase loan base and not in the maintenance fund base of public parts.

(led by the Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development) II.

(led by the Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development, the Provincial Department of finance, the Provincial Department of industry and information technology, the provincial market supervision bureau and the provincial SASAC are responsible according to the division of responsibilities) IV.

(led by the Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development, the provincial development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of education, the Provincial Department of natural resources, the Provincial Department of agriculture and rural areas, the Provincial Health Commission and the provincial SASAC are responsible according to the division of responsibilities) (II) improve the standardization level.

Promote the product certification of green building materials, establish an acceptance database, encourage engineering projects to use the products in the database, and take the lead in government investment, key projects, municipal public utilities, green buildings, precast buildings and other projects.

Precast buildings shall be adopted for construction projects invested by the government or state-owned funds, and the proportion of precast buildings in other projects shall not be less than 30%, and the proportion requirements shall be gradually increased.

Encourage the R & D and application of process construction methods suitable for industrial construction, focus on the promotion of construction equipment and machines such as precast component hoisting and independent support, promote the collaborative construction of decoration and main structure and electromechanical equipment, and improve the industrialization and refinement level of construction.

Comprehensively promote precast internal partition boards, stair boards and floor slabs, actively promote vertical components, and give priority to precast construction for qualified underground garages.

Swift Lift Anchors

By 2025, the proportion of newly started precast buildings in the province will account for more than 40% of new buildings in cities and towns, including 50% in Jinan, Qingdao and Yantai.

Actively promote the delivery of full decoration, advocate menu decoration, develop assembly decoration, and promote standardized and modular parts such as pipeline separation, integrated decoration technology and overall kitchen and bathroom.

Shandong Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development and other six departments issued and interpreted the full text of the opinions on promoting the development of the whole industrial chain of new building industrialization.

1、 Accelerate the development of industrial construction (1) vigorously develop precast buildings.

Promote the digital delivery of survey and design results, pilot promote BIM construction application and approval and artificial intelligence drawing review, and promote BIM version of commercial housing instructions.

Accelerate the construction of smart construction sites.

Promote government procurement, support the development of green building materials, carry out the construction of demonstration projects for the application of green building materials, and improve the application proportion of green building materials.

The planning and construction conditions of new civil buildings in cities and towns shall clarify the relevant requirements of precast buildings, strictly control the links such as joint review of planning and design scheme, review of construction drawings, construction permit and joint acceptance of completion, and include them in the land supply scheme and implement them in the land use contract.

In principle, new schools and hospitals shall adopt steel structure, and actively promote the construction of steel structure housing and rural housing.

promoting the development of industrial agglomeration (I) promoting industrial development as a whole..

Integrate the concept of green development into the whole construction process of project planning, design, production, transportation, construction and delivery, formulate green construction evaluation system and technical guidelines, and create a number of green construction demonstration projects.

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