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Opinions of the general office of Hainan Provincial People’s Government on further promoting the high-quality green development of precast

(leading unit: municipal and county governments; cooperating units: Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development and provincial development and Reform Commission) (VII) innovative project organization and management mode..

Study and formulate product quality standards for precast components.

For the urban roads, bridges, tunnels, rail transit, comprehensive pipe gallery, landscaping, sanitation and other projects invested and constructed by the government, if the conditions are met, the development and reform department shall clearly adopt the cast components when approving the project initiation.

Promote the application of precast interior decoration in the project, and guide the project to adopt complete sets of technologies and processes for precast decoration such as dry construction method and pipeline separation.

Actively cultivate upstream and downstream industrial clusters based on the construction industry, basically form a precast construction industry chain covering R & D and design, component production, construction and installation, training and education, and greatly improve the level of building industrialization, digitalization, intelligence and low-carbon.

Improve the standard design level, actively promote the application of the mature technical system of precast interior decoration and vertical precast components in our province, and improve the assembly rate of new buildings.

The market supervision department shall strengthen quality supervision according to the characteristics of precast parts.

Advocate the application of light steel structure and precast modern wood structure in tourism, garden landscape and antique building projects.

(leading unit: Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development; cooperating units: provincial market supervision bureau and Provincial Department of industry and information technology) (IV) vigorously promote precast interior decoration.

Encourage enterprises to increase R & D efforts, improve the design and production capacity of integrated parts and components, such as integrated bathroom, integrated toilet, drainage on the same floor, integrated kitchen, integrated partition and wall system, integrated floor system, integrated door and window system, storage system, and gradually form a standardized, serialized and universal supply system of high-quality decorative parts and components.

Actively promote steel structures and steel-concrete composite structures in municipal bridges, transportation hubs, bus stops, public parking buildings, airport terminals and other transportation infrastructure.

Take the lead in adopting precast interior decoration in government funded affordable housing projects such as comfortable housing, and promote precast decoration components.

Promote the expansion and application of precast construction technology from housing construction engineering to municipal engineering.

Strengthen the promotion of steel structure precast buildings, and give priority to steel structures in public buildings invested by the government, large-span and large space public buildings invested by the society, and public buildings with a single building area of more than 20000 square meters, especially in the area with seismic fortification intensity of 8.

All new buildings that meet the conditions shall be constructed in a cast manner.

The modernization level of the construction industry has been significantly improved.

Issue guidelines for precast building design (review points), applicable technology promotion projects and directories.

2、 Key work (3) establish and improve the technical standard system.

In 2022, the proportion of newly started precast buildings in new buildings will not be less than 60%, and then it will increase year by year.

Two Hole Anchor

Popularize the use of precast reinforced concrete inspection wells, segment components and other industrialized production of finalized, standardized and integrated precast components.

(2) Work objectives.

Combined with the climate and environmental characteristics of our province and the practice and exploration of construction projects, the precast buildings will be incorporated into the green building standard system for overall consideration, and the evaluation standard of precast buildings in our province will be gradually improved.

Among the government investment projects and social investment projects in the key parks of Hainan free trade port, we will choose to conditionally carry out the integrated demonstration of green and low-carbon technologies such as precast buildings, green buildings and ultra-low energy consumption buildings in tropical areas, and promote the integrated application of precast buildings and solar energy.

Gradually establish a standard system for precast buildings suitable for the actual situation of our province, including design, production, construction, inspection and acceptance, to support the high-quality green development of precast buildings.

Issued by: General Office of Hainan Provincial People’s Government written on: April 30, 2022 people’s governments of cities, counties and autonomous counties, and units directly under the provincial government: in order to further promote the high-quality development of precast buildings in our province, improve the construction level and quality, drive the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, achieve low-carbon green development, and boost the construction of the national ecological civilization pilot zone, with the consent of the provincial government, we hereby put forward the following opinions.

Promote the expansion and application of precast construction technology from residential buildings, public buildings and industrial buildings to municipal infrastructure.

1、 General requirements (I) guiding ideology.

By 2025, the proportion of newly started precast buildings in new buildings will be more than 80%.

Vigorously promote the precast interior decoration, and realize the precast interior decoration from demonstration application to what should be done.

(leading unit: municipal and county governments; cooperating unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission and Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development) (VI) actively promote the application of various structural types and technology integration.

Strictly implement the system of household acceptance and model room for full decoration.

Benefit and quality, gradually form a technology and standard system that conforms to Hainan’s reality and has Hainan’s characteristics, and realize the transformation, upgrading and sustainable and healthy development of the construction industry.

Formulate technical standards and pricing basis for precast interior decoration.

(the Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development, the provincial market supervision bureau and the municipal and county governments shall be responsible according to their respective responsibilities) (V) expand the application of components in municipal engineering.

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