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Our province carries out the application for provincial precast construction production base

It has a perfect modern enterprise management system and product quality control system, has a good market reputation, and has no major or above production safety accidents in recent three years.

(e-mail the recommended materials 。 The paper materials shall be mailed in triplicate to room 5211, Hebei Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development, No.

The notice requires that the housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau (Construction Bureau) and the planning and Construction Bureau of the administrative committee of xiong’an new area of each city (including Dingzhou and Xinji) actively organize local registered enterprises with independent legal personality to apply for registration, and fill in the application form for precast construction production base in Hebei Province and the application form for precast construction production base in Hebei Province, And provide relevant supporting materials (enterprise business license, qualification certificate, certificate of no quality and safety accident in recent three years, etc.).

Subsequently, the construction of the production base will be reviewed and evaluated in due time.

Source: Ministry of housing and urban rural development.

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Master advanced and mature technologies related to precast buildings, have strong industrial capacity of precast buildings, and play an exemplary and leading role in the development of precast buildings in this region.

Those who fail to complete the work objectives and main tasks will be ordered to make corrections within a time limit.


Local competent departments shall conduct a preliminary review according to the application conditions.


It has a high level of standardization and has specific practice in promoting standardized design and production.

The notice specifies the application conditions for provincial precast construction production base: 1 It has an independent legal personality, and its registered place and production site are within the administrative region of Hebei Province.

Tel: 0311-87904615) the Department of housing and urban rural development of Hebei Province will organize experts to review the production bases recommended by various regions, conduct on-site verification according to the review, and identify and publish the production bases that have passed the verification.

Recently, the Department of housing and urban rural development of Hebei Province issued a notice to organize the identification of provincial precast construction production bases.

The products are applied to precast construction projects with an accumulated area of more than 200000 square meters; The annual production of complete sets of production lines of equipment manufacturing enterprises shall not be less than 7 (or the annual production shall not be less than 9); Science and technology R & D enterprises have presided over at least 3 provincial-level or above or 5 municipal level or above research projects related to precast buildings.


If they still fail to meet the requirements within the specified rectification period, the title of the production base will be revoked.

501, Xinhua Road, Shijiazhuang city.

The application for the precast construction industrial base shall meet the following conditions: the design enterprise shall have the ability to apply the building information model (BIM) technology to the positive design of precast buildings, and its cumulative participation in the construction of precast construction projects shall not be less than 200000 square meters; Construction enterprises shall have mature process construction methods and corresponding construction technology level, and their cumulative participation in the construction of precast construction projects shall not be less than 200000 square meters; Part and component production enterprises shall have intelligent automation production capacity and part and component database, and have corresponding R & D and testing capabilities.

Those who pass the preliminary review shall be recommended to the Department of housing and urban rural development of Hebei Province before June 25, 2022.

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