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[industry information] Baotou, Inner Mongolia plans to reduce the assessed market price of precast construction land by 11%

5、 For the above green buildings, precast buildings and ultra-low energy consumption buildings that have obtained the green building evaluation mark, the construction waste disposal fee will be exempted.

If you have any comments and suggestions, please give feedback by email or in writing.

The same project can only enjoy the policy preference once, and cannot be enjoyed repeatedly.

3、 Provide land support for ultra-low energy consumption building demonstration projects.

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6、 The above preferential policies are valid for one year on a trial basis.

For cities with one-star green building evaluation mark, the supporting fee will be reduced by 50%, for cities with two-star green building evaluation mark, the supporting fee will be reduced by 70%, and for cities with three-star green building evaluation mark, the supporting fee will be reduced by 100%.

4、 For precast buildings, according to the principle that the enterprise bears a part and the land price supports a part, the land transfer price of the project using precast buildings will be reduced by 11% on the basis of the assessed market price.

On June 16, 2022, Baotou Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development issued relevant preferential policies on promoting the healthy development of green buildings, precast buildings and passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings in Baotou.

2、 For the projects that have won the green building logo, priority will be given to selection or recommendation and submission in the “Luban Award”, “Guangsha Award”, “Huaxia Award”, “grassland Cup”, “high-quality model project of the autonomous region” and other evaluation activities and various demonstration projects.

The rest of the land transfer price can be paid within one year (no interest will be charged).

Notice on soliciting public opinions on the preferential policies for promoting the healthy development of green buildings, precast buildings and passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings in our city in order to implement the deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, strengthen confidence, respond decisively, fully implement the new development concept, effectively coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and take targeted, powerful and effective incentive and regulation measures to promote the healthy development of the real estate market in our city.

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In combination with the actual situation of our city, the following preferential policies are hereby formulated.

For the projects of passive construction in our city (constructed according to the three-star standard of green building), the land payment will be further reduced by 30% on the basis of the benchmark land price, and the proportion of the first payment of land payment will not be less than 50% of the total payment.

Email feedback to In written form to room 1401, Baotou housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, zip code 014010.

The deadline for this consultation is july1,2022.

Our bureau has drafted relevant preferential policies on promoting the healthy development of green buildings, precast buildings and passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings in our city, and is now seeking public opinions from all walks of life.

In order to implement the deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, strengthen confidence, respond decisively, fully implement the new development concept, effectively coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and take targeted, powerful and effective incentive and regulation measures, Promote the healthy development of the city’s real estate market.

Obtain the three-star green building evaluation mark and enjoy preferential policies according to the three-star green building standard.

On this basis, for those who have obtained the three-star green building evaluation mark, the land payment will be reduced by 3% on the basis of the benchmark land price.

1、 We will continue to promote the implementation of the policy of reducing and exempting urban infrastructure supporting fees for green building projects and the policy of stipulating green building construction incentive fees in the cost quota for construction projects in the autonomous region (2017).

For projects constructed in accordance with the requirements of ultra-low energy standards, priority shall be given to ensuring land use.

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