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Vigorously develop green precast buildings! Notice of Fujian Province on promoting the standardized and healthy development of

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The planning and construction shall comply with the control requirements of ecological protection red line, natural reserves and drinking water reserves, and it is strictly forbidden to occupy the forbidden areas such as the core protection area of natural reserves and drinking water source protection area..

1383), and strengthen the guidance, standardized management, incentive and restraint of Characteristic Towns in our province, Focus on cultivating and developing leading industries, promote the cultural integration of industry and city, highlight the dominant position of enterprises, further improve the incentive and restraint mechanism and standardized management mechanism, effectively and orderly promote the high-quality development of characteristic towns, and provide support for comprehensively promoting high-quality development, surpassing, and firmly implementing the strategy of expanding domestic demand and the new urbanization strategy.

Scientific delimitation of boundaries.

Among them, the construction land area is not less than 1/2 square kilometers, which ensures the space and multi-functional needs of residents for production and life.

The leading industries of characteristic towns should be unique, high-end and distinctive on the basis of strong driving ability, so as to enhance their core competitiveness.

Characteristic towns should have clear boundaries, concentrated and contiguous areas, relatively independent space, accurate four to four ranges, and maintain a reasonable proportion of production and living ecological space.

Superimpose cultural functions.

Meet the needs of life.

Focus on high-end industries and the direction of high-end industries, rely on leading industries, extend the industrial chain, improve the value chain, innovate the supply chain, attract high-end elements such as talents, technology, capital, and strive to build characteristic industrial clusters.


People’s governments of all cities and counties (districts), the administrative committee of Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone, and relevant departments directly under the provincial government: characteristic towns are new industrial layout forms produced at a certain stage of modern economic development, with distinctive industrial characteristics of subdividing high-end, multi-functional characteristics of industrial and cultural integration, and intensive and efficient space utilization, It plays an important role in promoting economic transformation and upgrading and the construction of new urbanization.


Characteristic towns should be based on building a new platform for high-quality economic development, make full use of the low cost advantages of land, housing, labor and other factors, rely on small-scale space to fully gather high-end advanced elements, and promote the upgrading of industrial foundation and the modernization of industrial chain; We should be based on becoming a new carrier of new urbanization, fully absorb rural surplus labor, and promote the citizenization of agricultural transfer population and nearby urbanization; We should build a new fulcrum for the integrated development of urban and rural areas, promote the equal exchange and free flow of urban and rural factors, promote the rational allocation of urban and rural public resources, and drive the sustained and stable growth of farmers’ income by giving full play to the driving and radiating role of leading industries; Based on expanding new space for cross-strait cooperation, we should encourage qualified characteristic towns to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with investors in Taiwan, architects and cultural and creative teams, and explore effective ways to promote the benign interaction between Fujian and Taiwan in economy, industry, society and culture.

Accurately grasp the development orientation (I) clarify the concept connotation.


(II) clarify the role and positioning.

The site selection of characteristic towns should follow the law of economic development, based on local reality, rely on relatively developed block economy or relatively scarce characteristic resources, give priority to the optimization and development of original industrial agglomeration areas, supplemented by the cultivation and development of emerging areas, and focus on suburban areas, new urban areas, transportation lines, scenic spots and surrounding areas.

Cohesion industry development.


improve the quality and efficiency of development (I) optimize the location and layout.

Notice of the development and Reform Commission of Fujian Province on promoting the standardized and healthy development of characteristic towns.

In order to further standardize the construction and management of characteristic towns, implement the spirit of the notice of the general office of the State Council Transmitting the opinions of the national development and Reform Commission on promoting the standardized and healthy development of characteristic towns (GBF [2020] No.


Relying on natural bases such as mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes and grasses, characteristic towns should flexibly take the form of building green corridors, street green spaces and country parks, and carry out greening, lighting and beautification according to local conditions.


Characteristic towns are micro industry clusters different from administrative towns and traditional industrial parks.

Characteristic towns should focus on the basic needs of residents, improve infrastructure, public services and business supporting facilities, lay out and build a 15 minute convenient life circle, build a modern urban community suitable for living and working that integrates business, consumption, leisure, entertainment and other functions, and promote the deep integration of industry and city culture.

Characteristic towns should strengthen the protection of heritage sites, take into account the industrial characteristics and scenic spot standards, and create characteristic buildings that highlight regional characteristics.


Promote low-carbon transformation in industry, construction, transportation and other fields, vigorously develop green buildings, promote precast buildings, energy-saving doors and windows, and green building materials, and promote green construction.

33) and the notice on printing and distributing the guidelines for the standardized and healthy development of national characteristic towns (FGP [2021] No.

They focus on cultivating and developing leading industries, giving full play to the advantages of low factor cost, good ecological environment and flexible system and mechanism, creating a new platform for high-quality economic development, a new space for new urbanization construction, and a new fulcrum for urban-rural integration development A new carrier for the inheritance and protection of traditional culture.

In principle, the planned area is between 1-5 square kilometers, and the upper limit of the planned land area of characteristic towns such as cultural tourism, sports and the integration of three industries can be appropriately increased.

Promote green and low carbon.

We should focus on exploring the derivative culture of leading industries, promote the organic integration of industrial culture, innovative culture and local culture, and implant it into the construction process of characteristic towns, so as to strive to form a cultural soul and cultural characteristics that are not ours.

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