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Deepening design and application of PC components in precast buildings

Because the deepening design of precast building structure has fine requirements, and the precast components have integrated characteristics, in order to truly optimize the deepening design of precast building PC components, we should pay attention to the application of BIM Technology to meet the fine design requirements of precast component segmentation, node connection and detail size.

With the help of the efficient calculation and analysis ability of bim3d model, we can analyze the defects of design products and find them in time, and then formulate effective improvement and optimization methods through this model to comprehensively improve the quality of the designed precast building structures.

To optimize the deepening design of PC components of precast buildings, we should consider the overall planning and design from the overall situation, abandon the design method of “overall first and then split” under the traditional mode, organize professional designers such as building structure, electrical equipment, interior decoration, water and electricity decoration to participate together, and constantly optimize the overall layout of precast buildings according to the actual use and decoration needs of precast building projects, Through collective discussion, the overall design and component deepening design of the precast building project are completed in collaboration, so as to avoid the problems of component connection and process conflict, and lay a good foundation for the smooth progress of the precast building construction.

In addition, in the process of deepening the design of PC components of precast buildings, in addition to comprehensively considering the construction impact factors, we should also be based on the safety of the overall structure of precast buildings, and constantly simplify the assembly, so as to provide guarantee for the subsequent high-quality and efficient construction of precast buildings.

In the installation of shear wall structure, it is necessary to specify the specific location of connecting reinforcement, and mark the sleeve specification in detail to ensure the rationality of the design scheme of key components such as adjustable gaskets and temporary supports.

Use BIM Technology to deepen the design.

In addition, we can also build a bim3d model based on the in-depth design of precast building structures.

Taking the beam column joint as an example, the detailed design link needs to provide the laying length of the composite beam, the specific dimensions of reinforcement anchorage, formwork installation and construction details.

The design unit shall invite qualified construction units to verify the key connection nodes, verify the operability of PC component assembly of large precast buildings, and further optimize the in-depth design of PC components of precast buildings according to the results of sample verification, so as to provide guarantee for the smooth installation and construction of precast buildings.

Strengthen sample verification.

(this article comes from the Internet.

Overall planning and design.

At the same time, in the process of deepening the design of PC components of precast buildings, we can make full use of the visualization function of BIM Technology to optimize the distribution of spatial positions of various components and pipelines in precast buildings, so as to provide guarantee for the smooth progress of construction, and achieve the goals of reducing costs and reducing construction period.

After the detailed design of precast building PC components is completed, the results of the detailed design should be verified.



Comprehensively consider the construction influence factors.

When necessary, we should cooperate with the construction technicians of precast building PC component manufacturers and construction enterprises to design, so as to avoid the problem that the design does not meet the actual construction requirements.

In the deepening design of node structure, the staff need to identify the key nodes of precast buildings, such as external walls, shear walls, beam column structures, and refine the structural measures.


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In addition, in the connection link of reinforcement sleeve, the location of grouting hole that needs to be fully evaluated, and the setting of air outlet shall be checked in detail in the design scheme to ensure the rationality of the detailed structural scheme.

When deepening the design of precast building PC components, we should comprehensively consider the specific requirements of construction technology, construction technology, component production, installation and other aspects.


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