China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Policy | 35% precast, issued in the “14th five year plan” for building energy efficiency and green building development in Dongguan

The plan mentioned to improve the level of “six modernizations” in the whole process of precast buildings.

By 2025, the precast building area of the whole city will account for 35% of the newly-built building area.

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Recently, Dongguan housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau issued the “14th five year plan” for building energy efficiency and green building development in Dongguan (hereinafter referred to as the plan).

During the “14th five year plan” period, the proportion of precast buildings invested by the government will reach 70%.

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Precast buildings are typically characterized by the “six in one” construction method, namely, design standardization, production industrialization, construction assembly, decoration integration, management informatization and application intelligence.

In principle, precast buildings should be implemented in affordable housing and large-scale public construction projects.

The government invested projects will lead the development of precast buildings.

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