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Precast Concrete Accessories

Maximum reward 5000m ² Area, Guangdong Kaiping precast construction project implementation of building area support measures printed and

The change of relevant certificates shall be completed before the verification of planning conditions, and the matters related to the reward construction area must be indicated in the surveying and mapping results of the verification of planning conditions.

If the precast building standard is not met, the construction unit shall adjust and change the design in time.

28) and the notice of the office of the Kaiping Municipal People’s Government on printing and distributing the implementation plan of Kaiping to vigorously promote the development of precast buildings (KFB [2021] No.

The full text of Kaiping precast building project implementation building area support measures (Trial) is as follows: in order to promote the development of precast buildings in our city, according to the spirit of the implementation opinions of the general office of the Guangdong Provincial People’s Government on vigorously developing precast buildings (YFB [2017] No.

(2) Pre evaluation in the design stage after the completion of the preliminary design, the construction unit shall apply to the Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development for pre evaluation in the design stage of precast buildings.

of the precast construction project.

The construction unit applies to the Municipal Bureau of natural resources and the Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development (hereinafter referred to as “the Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development”) for the implementation of precast buildings, signs the supervision agreement for precast buildings (see the annex for details), and specifies the objectives and requirements, assessment methods, corresponding liabilities for breach of contract, etc.

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(3) For projects that have passed the pre evaluation in the design stage of the construction project planning permit, the construction unit shall apply to the Municipal Bureau of natural resources for handling or changing the “construction project planning permit”.

(7) The construction unit for completion acceptance shall add a special chapter on precast buildings in the project completion acceptance report, including the location and area of individual buildings, structural type, types of precast components, precast construction technology, prefabrication rate and assembly rate, and indicate whether they comply with the construction drawing design documents and relevant technical requirements, which shall be signed and confirmed by all parties involved in the construction.

The review opinions of the relevant reward area are noted in the planning, pre-sale, completion acceptance filing and other permits.

The Municipal Natural Resources Bureau will support and reward the construction area in the “construction project planning permit” remarks.

The municipal engineering quality supervision institution shall supervise the completion acceptance organized by the construction unit and issue opinions on the implementation of precast buildings in the project.

(3) The construction area of support incentives is not included in the pre-sale scope, and the corresponding scope must be commercial and residential units with complete functions.

If it involves the adjustment of the planning and construction scheme, it shall apply to the Municipal Bureau of natural resources for the adjustment of the “construction project planning permit” according to the procedure.

(4) Construction drawing review the construction unit shall indicate the number and proportion of the construction area awarded in the construction drawing design documents, and submit the construction drawing design documents, pre evaluation opinions, pre evaluation application form at the design stage of the precast construction project, assembly rate calculation of the precast construction project, implementation plan of the precast construction project and other relevant materials to the construction drawing review organization for review after the completion of the construction drawing design of the project.

The construction drawing review organization shall review the relevant requirements of precast buildings such as the assembly rate of the project.

2、 Application procedure (I) apply for and sign the supervision agreement.

For those who have transferred the land before the release of the supporting measures but have not handled the general layout plan, they will also enjoy the reward after actively applying for the precast construction method.

(4) The construction area of the support reward is not included in the plot ratio accounting of the plot, and there is no need to modify the existing legal planning.

In addition to submitting legal elements, the pre evaluation opinion and supervision agreement in the design stage of precast buildings must also be submitted at the same time, indicating the number and proportion of the construction area applied for reward and the design scheme of the specific building location.

Support principle (I) the implementation object of supporting and rewarding the construction area is the construction project that the construction unit adopts precast buildings on its own land and passes the evaluation of precast buildings.

In the same land, the cumulative construction area without capacity shall not exceed 3% of the total area of precast buildings, and the cumulative area shall not exceed 5000 square meters.

The area not included in the pre-sale scope shall not be less than the incentive construction area.

(8) Verification of planning conditions of construction projects when the construction unit applies to the Municipal Natural Resources Bureau for verification of planning conditions, it shall provide the completion evaluation opinion of precast construction projects..

(5) For projects that apply for precast construction in real estate pre-sale and obtain incentive construction area, when applying for real estate pre-sale, the construction unit shall clearly mark the location and area of the incentive residential unit in the application drawing (it must be a commercial and residential unit with complete functions), and the incentive construction area is not included in the scope of pre-sale.

(6) The quality supervision institution of daily supervision and construction projects shall include the implementation of precast buildings in the daily supervision and inspection work, and the relevant supervision and inspection shall form a written supervision record, and give opinions on the implementation of precast buildings in the project acceptance stage.

Combined with the actual situation of Kaiping City, we now formulate the support and reward policy for the construction area of precast construction projects in Kaiping City, which is as follows: -.

After the completion acceptance of the project, the construction unit shall apply to the Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development for the completion evaluation of the precast building at the implementation stage.

The Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development shall organize the completion evaluation and issue the opinion on the completion evaluation of precast buildings.

If it passes the examination, the construction drawing design document examination certificate shall be issued, and the words “the construction drawing design document of the project meets the relevant requirements of precast buildings such as the assembly rate in the evaluation standard for precast buildings of Guangdong Province” shall be indicated in the construction drawing design document examination certificate and examination report.

The Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development shall organize experts to identify the relevant materials submitted by the construction unit and issue the pre evaluation opinion in the design stage.

(2) For projects that meet the conditions and adopt precast buildings, those that meet the evaluation grades of basic grade, a grade, AA grade and AAA in the evaluation standard for precast buildings (dbj/t15-163-2019) of Guangdong Province will be rewarded with 2.7%, 2.8%, 2.9% and 3.0% of the total construction area of the project respectively.

43), Improve the construction efficiency and quality, and encourage the use of precast buildings in construction projects.

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