China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Notice on Holding the Fourth Sichuan Fabricated Construction Enterprise Talent Service and 2023 Online Talent Recruitment Activity

The university recruitment information will be sent to the education and training branch of the association and relevant departments of universities in real time.

5、 Other matters (I) Enterprise recruitment demand submission: the employer logs on the official website of Sichuan Fabricated Construction Industry Association , on“.

2、 Enterprise recruitment demand solicitation employers with recruitment demand shall submit the enterprise recruitment demand form (see the attachment for details) to the association.

Bend Loop

The specific work arrangement is as follows: First, carry out the activity content This talent recruitment service activity includes campus recruitment and social recruitment.

3、 The resumes of the employed personnel shall be delivered to the employers by college graduates and social talents within the specified time according to the job requirements of the enterprises.

In order to further promote the talent service work of the Association, focus on solving the talent demand of precast construction enterprises, play the role of the Association as a bridge between schools and enterprises, and help college graduates find jobs, the Association specially launched the fourth Sichuan precast construction enterprise talent service and 2023 online talent recruitment activity.

In order to actively implement the document spirit of the Notice of the Social Organization Administration of the Ministry of Civil Affairs on Guiding Social Organizations to Assist College Graduates in Employment, the Association has built a talent employment platform, actively carried out the construction and service of precast construction talents, assisted enterprise talent cultivation and college graduates in employment, and promoted the high-quality development of precast construction industry.

All relevant units: The development of precast buildings needs to be driven by talent cultivation and innovation.

4、 The Employer shall feed back the relevant information to the intended candidates after receiving the application resume, and inform them of the arrangement and relevant requirements of the follow-up process such as interview and signing (in case of special circumstances, the Employer’s recruitment requirements shall prevail).

After collection and sorting, the association will publicize the enterprise recruitment information through the official website, official account and talent bank of the association.

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