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Xiangtan Green Building Materials Assembled Building and Construction Industry Chain Special Production and Marketing Matchmaking Meeting

Lifting Clutches

Hunan Feishanqi is the first enterprise in China to realize visual assembly template, and also a new backbone enterprise in the precast construction industry chain.

Runyu New City Project.

signed a cooperation agreement with Hunan Feishanqi on the site of the Global Port Project and Hunan Jianxiang Engineering Construction Co., Ltd.

The contracted products mainly include aluminum die, gas filling block, etc.

Text source: How about the transformation of the old and old communities in Xiangtan Online Client in the past? What to do next? The vice governor said so! (Attached with a comparison chart) One picture to understand | Typical experience and practice in the transformation of old residential areas in Xiangtan City The publicity video of the transformation of old residential areas in Xiangtan City, “Happy Homeland in a Beautiful Community”, has released the property legislation of our city, “Open the door to listen to suggestions”, standardized management, and built a happy life, improving confidence, striving for progress, and achieving excellent results! The next step of the Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau is to do like this! Xiangtan black and smelly water body treatment public service propaganda film is coming! Build a happy home! 56 old residential areas in Xiangtan will be greatly changed (attached with aerial video+renderings)..

The municipal green building materials precast building and construction industry chain is one of the 10 industrial emerging competitive industry chains determined by the municipal party committee and the municipal government.

Twelve enterprises on the chain in our city gathered to discuss cooperation, and Hunan Feishanqi signed a cooperation agreement with the two enterprises on the spot.

In order to continue to extend the chain, supplement the chain and strengthen the chain, and consolidate the foundation of industry development, our city has issued the Xiangtan Construction Industry Tax Assistance and Tax Protection Implementation Plan, and several measures to further promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market in Xiangtan (trial) and other policies, focusing on reducing the burden of enterprises, boosting market confidence, promoting investment and consumption, and supporting the development of the industrial chain.

There are more than 1100 enterprises on the chain.

Tang Xiangqian, member and deputy director of the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban Rural Development, Huang Jianhong, member of the Party Committee and chief engineer of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, relevant leaders of the Energy Conservation Section, the Industrial Section, the “Thousand and Ten” Project Office, the General Office of the Industrial Chain and the Industrial Chain Office of the Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban Rural Development, and leaders of 12 enterprises on the chain participated in the activity.

In the afternoon of September 16, the Xiangtan Green Building Materials Fabricated Building and Construction Industry Chain Special Production and Marketing Matchmaking Meeting was held in Hunan Feishanqi Construction Technology Co., Ltd.

At the docking meeting, Hunan No.3 Engineering Co., Ltd.

In order to implement the spirit of the municipal party committee and the municipal government of “delivering policies, solving problems, and optimizing services”, continue to help enterprises rescue and increase efficiency, expand the market, and promote collaboration within the industrial chain, the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and the Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban Rural Development jointly organized this production and marketing docking meeting.

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