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Industry Report | Overview of China’s Fabricated Decoration Industry

Component integration is to integrate multiple dispersed components and materials into an organism through specific manufacturing supply, which improves performance and realizes dry construction method, making it easy to deliver and assemble.

The national policy and planning to promote the rapid and high-quality development of precast decoration can, on the one hand, promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry and achieve high-quality development.

“new” is deeply integrated with informatization, “new” is changing from “construction site” to “factory”, and “new” is changing from traditional extensive construction mode to new industrialized construction mode.

With the urban renewal and the transformation of existing buildings entering a new era, there will be more and more independent application scenarios of precast decoration, including but not limited to residence, hotel, apartment, school, hospital, commercial office, etc.

With the integration of building industrialization and informatization, it has created a high-quality development path with high scientific and technological content, excellent project quality, good efficiency and benefits, low resource consumption, less environmental pollution, and full play of the advantages of human resources, so as to finally realize the modernization of the construction industry.

(1) From the perspective of new buildings, precast buildings include precast decoration.

used in traditional decoration methods, and to adopt anchor bolts, supports, structural adhesives, etc.

Assembled decoration has three technical features, namely, dry construction assembly, separation of pipeline and structure, and integrated customization of components.

Rubber Recess Former

The so-called dry construction method is to avoid the wet operations such as gypsum putty leveling, mortar leveling, mortar bonding, etc.

Fabricated decoration and precast building precast decoration are important components of “new building industrialization”.

(3) Integrated customization of parts.

Building materials account for about 40% of the total carbon emissions in the construction field.

China’s new building industrialization is moving from assembly to new building industrialization, and building industry modernization is achieved through industrialization.

The concept of precast decoration, also known as industrial decoration, follows the principle of separation of pipeline and structure, uses integrated design methods, coordinates partition and wall system, ceiling system, floor system, kitchen system, toilet system, storage system, interior door and window system, equipment and pipeline system, etc., and adopts a new decoration construction mode that focuses on dry construction method for construction and installation of factory produced parts.

In the new development stage, the country has put forward the development requirements of “new building industrialization”.

The content of this article is excerpted from the Guide to the Development of China’s Assembled Decoration Industry in 2022.

Fabricated building, new building industrialization and building industry modernization are three in one and come down in one continuous line.

It is also an inevitable requirement to promote the industrialization of precast buildings and new buildings.

Entering a new era, the country has clearly proposed to achieve the dual carbon target by 2030.

The industrial construction mode of the main structure and the industrial construction mode of interior decoration should be considered for the precast building, so that the structure and interior decoration can influence each other.

Through technology and management integration and innovation, it achieves design standardization, production factory, construction assembly, decoration integration, and management informatization, and forms a professional industrial chain of division of labor and collaboration and socialized mass production, so as to comprehensively improve the quality, efficiency and efficiency of construction projects.

The green and low-carbon development of the decoration industry is facing huge pressure and challenges.

Assembled decoration and traditional decoration Assembled decoration is the reshaping of traditional decoration methods and an innovative development and industrial upgrading of the traditional decoration industry.

In addition, from the perspective of the relationship between precast decoration and precast buildings, they are interdependent and independent.

“new” mainly distinguishes from the previous building industrialization.

At the same time, precast buildings follow the concept of separation of interior decoration and structure, and reflect the mutual independence of structure and interior decoration.

That is, equipment and pipelines are not embedded in the building structure, but filled in the space between the six sides of the precast space and the supporting structure.

to achieve support and connection structures.

(2) From the perspective of existing buildings, precast decoration, as an innovative decoration method that can be used in the interior decoration transformation of existing buildings, is an industrialized construction method independent of precast buildings.

The “five modernizations in one” industrialized construction mode The new building industrialization is the construction industrialization driven by informatization.

In January 2022, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development issued the “Fourteenth Five Year Plan” for the Development of the Construction Industry, which clearly proposed the requirements for vigorously developing precast buildings and actively promoting precast decoration.

Assembled decoration innovation uses industrial production and dry construction methods to replace the traditional on-site wet work decoration methods, solves the labor problems, environmental problems and quality problems caused by the heavy reliance on artificial crafts in traditional decoration, improves the quality of living and working environments, and becomes a breakthrough in the development of the decoration industry..

Background for the development of precast decoration Since 2016, under the continuous promotion of the national and local governments, precast buildings have developed vigorously.

Customization of components emphasizes that although the assembly type decoration is industrialized production, it still needs to meet personalized customization, so as to avoid secondary processing on site.

Driven by the development of precast buildings, “precast decoration”, as an important part of precast buildings, has been highly valued by the industry and decoration industry, and has become the mainstream trend of the development of architectural decoration in China.

(2) The pipeline is separated from the structure.

Assembled decoration has the industrial thinking of standardized design, industrial production, assembly construction, and information coordination.

Four important characteristics of assembly decoration (1) Dry construction assembly.

The new building industrialization takes “buildings” as the final product.

It is also an important link to achieve green development and dual carbon goals in housing and urban and rural construction.

Compared with traditional decoration, it is more, faster, better, and less expensive to use heavy industrial plants and light sites.

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