China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Great development of assembly industry! Henan implements first! Assist in policy implementation!

All cities under the jurisdiction of provinces should earnestly implement the main responsibility for promoting the assembly type buildings, and strengthen the implementation of responsibilities in all links.

(Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development) actively promoted technical skills training, and trained a group of technical talents and industrial workers familiar with precast buildings and building information models (BIM).

(Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development) vigorously promote the application of building information model (BIM) in design, production, construction, operation and maintenance, and the whole process engineering consultation.

The construction unit shall adopt the general contracting mode in principle when selecting the organization and implementation mode of construction projects.

(Provincial Development and Reform Commission and people’s governments of all cities and counties).

In the project initiation stage, the development and reform department shall strengthen the evaluation and demonstration of the project application report or feasibility study report for the government invested projects that implement assembly construction.

The office buildings, office buildings, schools, hospitals, parking buildings, and large public buildings are preferentially constructed with cast steel structures or composite structures.

Strengthen the management of the approval process.

The precast construction project can be subject to bidding according to the technical complex project, and the project with only a small number of potential bidders can be subject to invited bidding according to regulations; If it is necessary to use irreplaceable patents or proprietary technologies for construction, the design and construction may not be subject to bidding according to law.

(The Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development and the Department of Human Resources and Social Security are responsible according to the division of responsibilities.) VI.

All provincial cities, Jiyuan Demonstration Zone housing and urban and rural construction authorities, the Development and Reform Commission, the Education Bureau, the Science and Technology Bureau, the Finance Bureau, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the Natural Resources Bureau, the Transportation Bureau, the Health Commission, and the Office Affairs Administration (Center) Government services and big data management institutions: In order to further implement the Implementation Opinions of the General Office of the People’s Government of Henan Province on Vigorously Developing Fabricated Buildings (YZB [2017] No.

(Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development) Expand the scope of support funds for science and technology innovation projects, include precast buildings in the support field of science and technology plan guidelines at all levels, and support enterprises, universities, and scientific research institutions to carry out technological breakthroughs.

(Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, people’s governments of cities and counties) In 2022, the proportion of precast construction in the annual land transfer plan projects of cities under provincial jurisdiction shall not be less than 25%, the proportion in 2023 shall not be less than 30%, the proportion in 2024 shall not be less than 35%, and the proportion in 2025 shall not be less than 40%.

(The Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Education, the Health Commission, the Administrative Bureau, the Department of Transport, and the Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development are responsible according to the division of responsibilities, and the people’s governments of cities and counties are encouraged to actively use precast components to build municipal infrastructure such as urban bridges and pipeline corridors.

(The Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Department of Education, the Health Commission, the Bureau of Public Affairs, and the Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development are responsible according to the division of responsibilities, and the people’s governments of all cities and counties) to promote the construction of libraries, exhibition halls, airports, railways, highways, ports and other passenger terminals.

153) within a time limit to ensure that the floor area ratio guidance policy is fully implemented..

At the construction supervision stage (Provincial Housing and Urban Rural Development Department, people’s governments of all cities and counties), for projects that are explicitly built by assembly in the project approval or land transfer documents but are not used, each regulatory responsible subject shall strictly check the construction drawing review, construction permit, completion acceptance and other links.

In the land transfer stage, for the social investment projects that meet the precast construction conditions and are provided with land by means of bidding, auction and listing, the natural resources department shall, in accordance with the precast building construction requirements proposed by the housing and urban and rural construction departments, specify the precast construction methods and the proportion of precast construction in the land auction, listing and transfer documents.

Strictly control the implementation of projects in cities under the jurisdiction of all provinces, and may not change the construction method of projects by meeting minutes, instructions, instructions, etc.

(Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, people’s governments of all cities and counties) V.

Coil Insert

153), accelerate the development of precast buildings in our province, promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, and help the urban and rural construction sector to reach the peak of carbon, we hereby notify the following matters: 1 Clarify the implementation scope and objectives and tasks of precast buildings.

The departments of development and reform, natural resources, and housing and urban construction should, in combination with their responsibilities, urge the implementation of a closed supervision mechanism for all links in the capital construction process of precast buildings.

(Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, People’s Governments of all cities and counties) III.

Encourage the overall relocation of villages, community activity centers (rooms), police rooms, public toilets and other construction projects that are suitable for standardization and modularization to be built by assembling.

To promote the general contracting of construction projects, the design, production and construction of components and parts shall be considered as a whole.

(People’s governments of all cities and counties) IV.

All cities under the jurisdiction of provinces should issue and implement the document on the floor area ratio requirements of precast buildings in the Implementation Opinions of the General Office of the People’s Government of Henan Province on Vigorously Developing Fabricated Buildings (YZB [2017] No.

Increase policy support to encourage eligible enterprises to actively apply for high-tech enterprises and Henan Enterprise Technology Center, and enjoy corresponding financial subsidies or preferential tax policies according to regulations.

(The Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Department of Natural Resources, and the Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development are responsible according to the division of responsibilities, and the people’s governments of all cities and counties are responsible for the division of responsibilities.) II.

Highlight scientific and technological innovation and capacity building, accelerate the improvement of technical standard systems such as precast building design, production, construction, acceptance and pricing, atlas, and standardize the quality and performance requirements of precast buildings.

Since the date of issuance, all government invested or led projects in the province, such as government office buildings, schools, hospitals, and venues that have not obtained project approval (approval, filing) documents, should adopt precast construction technology, New public buildings with an assembly rate of no less than 50% can choose whether to use assembly construction technology: (I) Public supporting facilities (including nurseries, kindergartens, parking lots, power distribution rooms, etc.) and supporting dormitories that are not built independently in the construction land; (2) Special buildings involving confidentiality.

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