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The Second National Symposium on the Development of Fabricated Steel Structure Buildings was held in Chengdu

In the opening year of the “Fourteenth Five Year Plan” and the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, in order to further spread the concept of green development and promote the development of green buildings, the second national seminar on the development of precast steel structures was held in Yudu, Ganzhou, on July 22.

He believes that “any structure has unique advantages, but it depends on whether it can adapt to local conditions and make good use of it according to the characteristics of the project.” If buildings want to live long, the main structure must live long.

Zhang Xueer, the first level inspector of the Housing and Urban Rural Development Department of Jiangxi Province, pointed out that at present, more than 60 precast construction industry bases have been built in the province and cities.

As the building market with the largest building area each year, the promotion of steel structure residence will be of great significance to the upgrading of the construction industry.

Source: Han Xudong, Vice President of China Search China Fortune Media Group and Chairman of Huaxin Financial Holding, on behalf of the National Brand Engineering Office of Xinhua News Agency, said that the “National Brand Project of Xinhua News Agency” responds to the brand power strategy, serves the development of national enterprises, and helps build Chinese brands, Actively promote the healthy and sustainable development of cast steel structure construction market.

▲ The picture shows the scene of the second National Fabricated Steel Structure Building Development Seminar Source: China Search was guided by the National Brand Engineering Office of Xinhua News Agency and China Building Metal Structure Association, hosted by the Building Steel Structure Branch of China Building Metal Structure Association and the Steel Structure Branch of the Fabricated Building Industry Technology Innovation Alliance of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, and hosted by Yudu County People’s Government of Jiangxi Province, Hangxiao Steel Structure Co., Ltd Undertaken by Hangxiao Steel Structure (Yudu) Co., Ltd..

Nearly 300 people, including relevant government leaders, industry experts, and enterprise representatives, participated in the meeting.

▲ The picture shows Han Linhai, a professor in charge of Tsinghua University and vice president of Guangxi University.

Source: Ganzhou was identified as the second batch of national precast building model cities in China.

The newly started area of precast steel structure buildings has been expanding year by year.

We will work together to create policies, funds, talents, services and brands.

▲ The picture shows the scene of the second National Fabricated Steel Structure Building Development Seminar Source: The China Search Seminar closely followed the theme of the green development era, and focused on topics related to the high-quality development of steel structure buildings under the background of “carbon peak” and “carbon neutral”.

▲ The picture shows Han Xudong, Vice President of China Fortune Media Group and Chairman of Huaxin Financial Holding.

At the same time, they can be combined with informatization, and quality and safety control, health monitoring, etc.

▲ The picture shows Hu Yuke, Executive Vice President of the Architectural Steel Structure Branch of China Building Metal Structure Association Source: Hu Yuke, Executive Vice President of the Architectural Steel Structure Branch of China Building Metal Structure Association, pointed out that, from the perspective of achieving the goal of low-carbon and green development in China’s urban and rural construction, steel structure buildings have great potential in many fields.

▲ The picture shows Mao Decan, the general manager and doctor of Zhejiang Hanlin Architectural Design Co., Ltd.

can be done by computers to promote the industrialization of buildings with informatization, Industrialization promotes informatization.

Source: Han Linhai, a professor in charge of Tsinghua University and vice president of Guangxi University in China Search, introduced in detail the research results on the theory and application of concrete filled steel tube structure analysis based on the full life cycle.

We have issued supporting documents on recruitment and employment, and set up an enterprise service center to provide full tracking services for project signing, implementation, production and operation.

“This is the most important content of the transformation and upgrading of traditional construction industry to modern new building industrialization.” ▲ The picture is Jiang Huancheng, an academician of the CAE Member.

▲ The picture shows Zhang Xueer, the first level inspector of the Housing and Urban Rural Development Department of Jiangxi Province Source: China’s search for Jiangxi Province is one of the seven pilot provinces for the construction of steel structure precast residential buildings.

The precast buildings have developed to a level every year, and the market has been growing.

Source: China searches for “modularization and lightweight of precast steel structure buildings is the future development direction.” Jiang Huancheng, an academician of the CAE Member, believes that the gene of steel structure is assembly, and assembly can be recycled to achieve sustainable development, Strive to create a light, good and economical road for the development of precast buildings.

Source: Mao Decan, the general manager and doctor of China Search Zhejiang Hanlin Architectural Design Co., Ltd., said that steel structure buildings are inherently precast green buildings, which truly achieve “five sections and one environmental protection”.

The development trend of CFST in China is to mix it with other components to produce the effect of 1+1 greater than 2.

▲ The picture shows Li Xinmin, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Ganzhou Municipal Committee and vice mayor of Ganzhou.

He believes that the development of steel structure buildings is an effective practice to promote the green development of the construction industry.

Li Xinmin, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Ganzhou Municipal Committee and vice mayor of Ganzhou, said that as a famous old revolutionary base in China, Ganzhou has built three precast building industrial bases, including one national demonstration base, one provincial demonstration base, and six manufacturers of precast building components, 14 leading enterprises in the design, development and construction of precast buildings.

It has been clearly stated in the “Fourteenth Five Year Plan” and the long-term goal of 2035 that the construction industry will turn to the direction of precast buildings with higher quality and efficiency, new industrialization, informatization, greening, etc., highlight the development of green buildings, upgrade the level of intelligent construction, and promote steel structure housing.

The promotion and application of precast buildings need not only the active exploration of industry leading enterprises such as Hangxiao Steel Structure, but also the concern and support of the government, industry, media and all sectors of society.

Concrete filled steel tube (CFST) is a high-performance main structure.

▲ The picture shows Chen Yunming, Member of the Standing Committee of Yudu County Party Committee Source: China has searched Yudu as the venue of this forum, and Chen Yunming, Member of the Standing Committee of Yudu County Party Committee, introduced the three advantages of Yudu in developing the precast building industry: first, good policies, financial subsidies for the introduction of foreign high-end equipment and advanced technology, and tax incentives for research and development of new products and processes; Second, the cost is low, with cost advantages in terms of labor and water use; Third, the environment is excellent.

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