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More than 30% of the newly started area of precast buildings | Shaanxi printed and distributed the Implementation Opinions on Promoting the

In order to accelerate the improvement of quality and efficiency of the construction industry, seize the commanding heights of the industry development, better serve and integrate into the new development pattern, and help the high-quality development of the province, the following implementation suggestions are formulated.

Deepen the reform of the examination and approval system for construction projects, further streamline and optimize the examination and approval process, and promote online examination and approval throughout the process.

The General Office of the CPC Shaanxi Provincial Committee and the General Office of the People’s Government of Shaanxi Province issued the Notice on the Implementation Opinions on Promoting the High Quality Development of the Construction Industry.

Increase policy support to attract central enterprises and enterprises with special (comprehensive) qualifications outside the province to settle down or establish subsidiaries in Shaanxi.

Build an overseas development platform for enterprises in the province, establish a contact mechanism for key enterprises and major projects, and support enterprises to contract projects abroad.

Government invested projects and projects using precast or building information model (BIM) construction technology should actively adopt the general contracting model, and encourage non-state-owned investment projects to give priority to general contracting.

3、 Key Task (I) Promote the development and growth of construction enterprises.

Relying on leading backbone enterprises, establish resident service agencies in the construction industry in regions with large market potential to coordinate and solve the difficulties and problems encountered by construction enterprises in undertaking business across provinces.

Cultivate whole process engineering consultation.

The implementation opinions on promoting the high-quality development of the construction industry.


Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of construction industrialization, digitalization, intelligence and greening, realize the high-quality development of the construction industry in the province, and make greater contributions to the steady growth of the province, stabilizing the main market and ensuring employment.

Support large backbone enterprises to participate in the construction of major projects in the province, and improve the market share of high-tech and high value-added construction.

The construction industry is the pillar industry of the national economy of our province and the advantageous industry of enriching the people and strengthening the province.

Where government procurement projects are suitable for SMEs, they should be purchased exclusively for SMEs.

For civil construction projects, the architect responsibility system is implemented on a trial basis, giving play to the leading role of architects to provide full process engineering consultation.

Support engineering design, engineering supervision, bidding agency, cost consulting and other enterprises to develop the whole process of engineering consulting by means of joint operation, mergers and acquisitions.

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Quality and safety – The quality assurance system has been improved, the construction level and building quality have been significantly improved, the safety production situation has continued to be stable and good, the number of accidents and deaths in safety production has declined year by year, and more than 50 Luban Awards and National Excellence Awards have been created, so as to achieve the safe development and high-quality development of the construction industry.

Promote the “going global” development of enterprises.

Green development – the newly started area of precast buildings accounts for more than 30% of the total area of new buildings.


Support enterprises to become better and stronger.

Innovation driven – build an Internet platform for the construction industry, create an intelligent construction pilot city, establish five intelligent construction industry bases, and cultivate two innovation consortia of leading enterprises.

Establish a directory of precisely supported service enterprises, and take the “one enterprise, one policy” assistance measure to help enterprises improve their qualification level.

No place or department (unit) shall directly or in disguised form set up various barriers to restrict private construction enterprises from participating in bidding or contracting business.


Optimize the construction market environment.

For the settlement and audit of EPC project with fixed price contract, only the change and adjustment part agreed in the EPC contract shall be reviewed, and the fixed price lump sum part in the EPC contract shall not be reviewed separately.

Public welfare buildings and large public buildings invested by the government have reached the level of one star or above.

Government invested projects should take the lead in promoting whole process engineering consultation.

Strengthen project support supply.



The goal of “dual control” of carbon emissions has gradually been achieved along the Yellow River basin, Qinling Ecological Protection Zone and other key areas.

2、 The development goal is to achieve positive progress in the coordinated development of intelligent construction and building industrialization by 2025, continue to optimize the construction industry structure, continuously improve the scientific and technological innovation ability of construction enterprises, significantly improve the core competitiveness, achieve large-scale development of green buildings, and significantly enhance the technical quality of industrial workers.

Leading enterprises are encouraged to take project cooperation as the basis to drive small and medium-sized enterprises to develop in the direction of “specialization, refinement, and novelty” and improve their core competitiveness.

Scale benefit – the total output value of the construction industry exceeds 1 trillion yuan, striving to reach 1.2 trillion yuan, and the added value of the construction industry accounts for about 9% of the provincial GDP; 3 enterprises with an annual output value of more than 100 billion yuan and 15 enterprises with an annual output value of more than 10 billion yuan; The number of registered practitioners of all kinds has reached 300000, and the number of construction practitioners has reached 1.4 million.

Vigorously promote EPC.


(2) Improve the project construction organization mode.

Establish inter provincial strategic cooperation and promote the free flow of enterprises and employees without barriers.

Support design units and construction enterprises to obtain “double qualifications” to independently carry out EPC business.

Structural optimization – the total number of enterprises with comprehensive and Class A general construction contracting qualifications has reached 37 and 500 respectively, and the export-oriented degree of the construction industry has reached 37%; Cultivate 100 EPC enterprises, 50 whole process consulting enterprises, 30 intelligent construction backbone enterprises, build 2-3 whole industry chains with backbone enterprises as chain owners, and build a Guanzhong urban construction industry cluster with Xi’an as the center.

Encourage private construction enterprises in the province to actively participate in the construction of projects in emerging areas, either alone or in cooperation with central enterprises and state-owned enterprises.

We will promote the “Internet plus+Regulation” model, strengthen the linkage between the market and the scene, and punish all kinds of illegal acts in accordance with the law..

The implementation of green building standards and building energy efficiency standards for new buildings in cities and towns across the province has reached 100%.

(3) We will deepen the reform of the construction industry to “streamline management and provide services”.

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