China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

By the end of 2022, the proportion of precast buildings in Hainan will not be less than 80%!

At the same time, it is also stipulated that the review must be approved by more than three quarters of experts before passing the review, that is, when the expert group is composed of seven experts, each expert needs to express independent opinions, and only no less than six experts clearly indicate that the project has technical difficulties, If it is really unable to meet the specific requirement of “the assembly rate of precast concrete structure buildings shall not be less than 50%” in the Calculation Rules for Assembly Rate of precast buildings in Hainan Province, it can be built in the traditional way.

However, due to the poor development foundation and weak foundation of Hainan architecture, there are still many problems in the development of these two years.

Since the issuance and implementation of the provincial government’s “Opinions on the Implementation of Vigorously Developing Precast Buildings” (Qiongfu [2017] No.

All projects will be reported to the provincial precast building joint meeting office to organize experts to review and determine, and the composition and number of experts are specified, that is, the expert group should be composed of no less than 7 experts, all of which should be selected from the precast building expert database in Hainan Province.

100) document in 2017, our province’s precast buildings have achieved rapid development.

Liu Lianwei, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, said that the issuance of the Notice was to further supplement and promote the problems and development status quo since the issuance and implementation of the provincial government’s Opinions on Vigorously Developing Fabricated Buildings (Qiongfu [2017] No.

Article 3 of the Notice proposes to accelerate the development of technological systems such as precast buildings and green buildings, production and construction of parts and components, as well as the upstream and downstream industrial agglomeration such as decoration, consulting services and training.

100) Supervision and accountability are specified, involving 13 policies and measures.

The Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued 13 articles in response to the six major problems in the promotion of precast buildings in the past two years, and solicited modification opinions from the Department of Natural Resources and Planning, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments, and received more than 30 feedback opinions, which were revised and written after repeated discussions.

For example, many enterprises have not changed their ideas and are unwilling to produce in the way of precast construction; The policies for the development of precast buildings in cities and counties are not in place.

Shuttering Magnet

Overall planning of the production capacity layout of precast buildings.

Liu Lianwei, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development in the background of the issuance of the Notice, said that precast buildings, as an important form of architecture, not only meet the development requirements of our province’s strategy of building a national ecological civilization pilot zone, but also have the advantages of high degree of industrialization, short construction period, convenient transportation of components, recyclability in the whole life cycle, green environmental protection, etc.

It needs to be studied and judged by industry technical experts from different perspectives, and should not be decided by the municipal and county governments with a meeting minutes, instructions or instructions.

In 2018, the province determined to implement the precast building area of 820000 square meters, and in 2019, it has reached nearly 4 million square meters.

At present, the proportion of precast buildings in the newly built precast buildings still has great room for improvement.

In addition to the existing precast building industrialization base in Chengmai, Ding’an and Wanning and the proposed precast building industrialization base in Sanya, the new production capacity of precast building components should be planned and concentrated in Lingao Gold Port Development Zone in principle.

To truly solve the outstanding problem that the relevant functional departments do not strictly control the main links of the project.

Strengthen supervision and strictly control the construction of projects that are not planned to be constructed by assembly.

Article 8 of the Notice emphasizes that we should speed up the formulation of standards for precast building components, tap the production potential of existing precast building components in our province, and strictly control the quality of precast building components.

On May 26, the press conference of the Notice of the General Office of the People’s Government of Hainan Province on Accelerating the Development of Fabricated Buildings (hereinafter referred to as the Notice) was held in Haikou, where the contents of the Notice were announced and further interpreted.

Article 2 of the Notice clearly states that “the municipal and county governments shall not determine the construction method of the project in the form of meeting minutes, instructions and instructions”.

Second, when expert review and judgment are needed, the expert review process of the project that is not suitable to be constructed in assembly mode due to technical reasons is further clarified.

Whether a project is suitable for assembly construction should be a technical issue in theory, and professional judgment should be made according to the specific plan of the project, including whether the irregular and overrun structure must be adopted, and the technical or spatial conditions are special.

The Notice requires that the projects that are not planned to be constructed in the precast way due to technical reasons will no longer be distinguished according to the provincial key or out-of-limit and general projects.

Encourage enterprises, colleges and universities, and research and development institutions to increase investment in research and development, and carry out technical research on building vibration reduction and isolation, anti-corrosion, waterproof, and sunshade under strong typhoon, high temperature, high humidity, and high salt conditions in accordance with the characteristics of tropical marine monsoon climate.

The core provisions of the Notice include the following aspects: define the approval responsibilities of each link of precast building construction, transfer the management responsibilities of relevant government departments to the first article of the Notice, and define the main responsibilities and tasks of various government functional departments in the main links of land transfer, planning, construction and construction supervision, This is mainly about the implementation of the responsibilities of each link in the Administrative Provisions on the Implementation of Main Links of Assembled Buildings in Hainan Province (Provisional) (QJK [2019] No.

Emphasize industrial agglomeration and support for scientific and technological innovation, and give full play to the comprehensive advantages of precast buildings.


Move forward the review of whether the project is suitable for precast construction, and run through the main stages of the project implementation process, and make full use of the existing regulatory mechanism of closed links in the capital construction process of precast buildings.

In our work survey, it is found that the decision not to adopt the precast construction method for the project in the form of meeting minutes, instructions, instructions and other forms is still relatively common in some cities and counties.

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