China Precast Magnet

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Let ignorance die – precast buildings don’t die!

If we know the definition of precast building in the national standard, we will not presume to let it die according to the definition of the three national standards of precast building (concrete structure, steel structure and wood structure precast building standard).

For this reason, Mr.

Such an emotional article with a lack of basic understanding of the concept, national standard definition, historical evolution, and technical principles of precast buildings has reached hundreds of thousands of readers, and has received many praise, indicating that it is not an individual phenomenon that the industry does not have enough understanding of precast buildings, and also reflects that there is indeed resistance and disgust caused by the strong promotion of precast buildings in some regions regardless of local actual conditions.

There is a desert stone bee that uses saliva and small sand particles to mix into “bee made concrete” to build a honeycomb.

Mao Hongbin’s “let precast buildings die” is to let precast buildings die as defined in the national standards? Obviously not, but he used the question of negating all precast buildings very loosely.

Red ants use pine needles, twigs, bark, leaves, straw, etc.

I would like to respond to and discuss Mr.

If we know the history of precast buildings, we will not presume to let them die.

The golden swallow uses saliva, wet mud and fluffy feathers to build valuable bird’s nests.

The national standard further explains in the article description that the precast building is a system engineering, and it is a building that integrates precast parts and components through modular coordination, module combination, interface connection, node construction and construction methods, and uses the precast integration method to efficiently and reliably assemble on the construction site and achieve the integration of building envelope, main structure, mechanical and electrical decoration.

Mao Hongbin’s lack of understanding of the connotation and specific technical details of precast buildings and even his mistakes.

The ancestors of cast-in-place buildings are bees, desert termites and honeysuckle bees that use the beeswax secreted to build honeycombs.

If you know what precast architecture is, you won’t let it die.

Branches or feathers bear tensile stress, and the cement formed after the wet mud and saliva dry bears compressive stress.

There is a desert termite in Australia, which can build a 3-meter-high ant nest by mixing dung and sand particles into “ant concrete”.

The principle of these “bird made concrete” is the same as that of reinforced concrete.

The polar bear will use the ice hole in the ice or trim the ice hole to live in the hole.

Is it wrong to promote system integration and full decoration? Mr.

If there is anything wrong, everyone has different opinions, and we welcome your criticism and discussion.

Mao Hongbin’s “Let precast buildings die” is a general term.

The source of architecture can be traced back far and far.

I admire Mr.

According to the classification of structural materials, precast buildings mainly include concrete structures, steel structures, wood structures and composite structures.

Like all primates, human beings have no architectural instinct.


Human beings evolved from primates.

The precast building is “a building with precast components integrated into the main parts of the structural system, peripheral protection system, internal system, equipment and pipeline system”.

Perhaps the most direct reason for the origin of “architecture” is the way of life around the fire pond and the protection of the fire from being extinguished by wind and rain.

The precast building is not a new concept or new thing.

It can build a house with a yard with branches.

Even birds can build precast buildings.

Some animals earlier than primates, that is, animals that appeared 60 million years ago, are the ancestors of various buildings.

Mao’s sense of responsibility and courage to express his views.

The process of building a bird’s nest with soft clay is like 3D printing.

Figure 1 The bird’s nest built with branches is the source of the precast “building”.

Fixing Socket Waved End

They can build excellent cast-in-place “buildings”, precast “buildings” and cave “buildings” without entering the architecture department and mastering structural knowledge and construction technology.

The human demand for buildings and the ability to build buildings are formed in the process of evolution.

In South America, there is a bird called kitchen bird.

Compared with its body length, such a high ant nest is equivalent to a skyscraper of thousands of human beings, and higher than the 828-meter-high Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the world’s tallest building.

There is a kind of bowerbird in South America.

The wasps and bumblebees chew the wood fibers in their mouths to make the fibers bond with saliva, just like the paper making process, making pulp fiber materials to build honeycomb.

In recent days, Mr.

I believe that anyone has the right to question, criticize and oppose precast buildings.

to build large ant nests, which are sunken “buildings” with roofs.

It is common for crows to build nests with branches on trees.

Some animals are natural architects.

Mao Hongbin’s masterpiece “Let Assembled Buildings Die” has caused a sensation.

Archaeological findings show that the earliest artificial residence of human beings was about 2 million years ago, almost at the same time that human beings began to use fire.

The ancestors of precast buildings are red ants, gardeners and crows.

Any question about precast buildings, no matter for what purpose, is a good thing! At the very least, it has attracted everyone’s attention and attention, which is more conducive to the promotion and solution of the problem.

Xu Demin specially wrote the article “It is a good thing to question precast buildings”, which you can read.

From this, we can see that precast buildings should not only focus on the assembly of the structure, but also on the integration and full decoration of the system, which is in line with the purpose and direction of realizing the industrialization of new buildings.

Does he want all precast buildings to die? Obviously not, but he used the subject of attacking all precast buildings with extreme exaggeration.

Historically, there are also stone structures, iron structures and other contemporary building structures that are less used.

The ancestor of cave dwelling buildings is the instinct of worms, snakes, rats and other worms and snakes to dig holes; Some rats and badgers either dig holes in the soil or gnaw holes in old trees.

What is precast architecture? In short, precast buildings refer to buildings built by precast components through reliable connection.

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