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[Easy to install new buildings] The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has formulated the Management Measures for Quality

Article 9 After accepting the application, the qualification licensing authority shall conduct material review and expert review, complete the review and make a written decision within 20 working days.

In order to strengthen the management of the quality inspection of construction projects, the Measures are formulated in accordance with the Construction Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Regulations on the Quality Management of Construction Projects, the Regulations on the Seismic Administration of Construction Projects and other laws and administrative regulations.

Article 16 The entrusting party shall entrust a testing institution with corresponding qualifications to carry out the quality testing of construction projects.

The qualification licensing authority shall complete the review within 20 working days and make a written decision.

Article 6 The unit applying for the qualification of a testing institution shall be an enterprise or institution with the qualification of an independent legal person, or a partnership established according to law, and shall have the corresponding personnel, instruments and equipment, testing sites, quality assurance system and other conditions.

The construction project quality inspection mentioned in these Measures refers to the construction materials, construction components, fittings and equipment that enter the construction site in accordance with the relevant national laws, regulations and standards for the inspection items related to the structural safety and main use functions of the construction project as entrusted by the construction project quality inspection agency (hereinafter referred to as the inspection agency) in the activities of building construction, expansion and reconstruction and municipal infrastructure projects, And the quality of engineering entities.

The expert review time is not included in the qualification license period.

Article 10 The qualification certificate of a testing institution shall be issued electronically, and the format shall be formulated by the competent department of housing and urban and rural construction under the State Council.

For those who meet the qualification standards, the qualification certificate of the testing institution shall be issued within 10 working days from the date of making the decision and reported to the competent department of housing and urban and rural construction under the State Council for the record.

Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the activities related to the quality inspection of construction projects and their supervision and management.

In order to strengthen the management of construction project quality inspection, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has formulated the Construction Project Quality Inspection Management Office Law in accordance with the Construction Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Regulations on the Quality Management of Construction Projects, the Regulations on the Seismic Management of Construction Projects and other laws and administrative regulations, which will be implemented as of March 1, 2023.

The testing institution and its staff shall not recommend or supervise the manufacture of building materials, building components, fittings and equipment.

Article 8 An application for the qualification of a testing institution shall be submitted to the competent department of housing and urban and rural construction of the people’s government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government where the registration is located, and the following materials shall be submitted: (1) an application form for the qualification of a testing institution; (2) List of main testing instruments and equipment; (3) The real estate ownership certificate or lease contract of the testing site; (4) Professional title certificate of technical personnel; (5) Management system and quality control measures of the testing organization.

The qualification standards and business scope of testing institutions shall be formulated by the competent department of housing and urban and rural construction under the State Council.

Those who have not obtained corresponding qualification certificates shall not undertake the construction project quality inspection business specified in these Measures.

The application form for the qualification of testing institutions shall be formulated by the competent department of housing and urban and rural construction under the State Council.

The competent departments of housing and urban and rural construction of the local people’s governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and management of construction project quality inspection activities within their respective administrative areas, and may entrust their subordinate construction project quality supervision institutions to carry out the specific implementation.

Chapter II Qualification Management of Testing Institutions Article 5 Qualification of testing institutions is divided into comprehensive qualification and special qualification.

Article 13 If a testing institution changes its name, address, legal representative, etc.

If the testing place, technicians, instruments and equipment of the testing institution are changed, which affects its compliance with the qualification standards, it shall submit an application for re-approval of the qualification to the qualification licensing authority within 30 working days after the change.

Article 4 The competent department of housing and urban and rural construction under the State Council shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the quality testing activities of construction projects nationwide.

Chapter III Management of Testing Activities Article 14 Those engaged in quality testing of construction projects shall comply with relevant laws, regulations and standards, and relevant personnel shall have corresponding knowledge and professional ability of quality testing of construction projects.

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For testing institutions that meet the qualification standards and do not act in accordance with Article 30 of the Measures within the validity period of the qualification certificate, the validity period shall be extended for 5 years with the consent of the qualification licensing authority.

Article 12 If a testing institution needs to extend the validity of the qualification certificate, it shall submit an application for the extension of the qualification to the qualification licensing authority 30 working days before the expiration of the validity of the qualification certificate.

Article 3 A testing institution shall obtain the qualification of a construction project quality testing institution (hereinafter referred to as the qualification of a testing institution) in accordance with these Measures, and engage in construction project quality testing activities within the scope of the qualification permit.

The qualification certificate is valid for 5 years.

The testing institution shall carry out the quality testing of the construction project in accordance with the laws, regulations and standards, and issue the testing report.

Article 7 The competent departments of housing and urban and rural construction of the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for the qualification licensing of testing institutions within their respective administrative areas.

Article 15 A testing institution shall not have any affiliation or other interests with the construction, construction and supervision units related to the construction project under test, as well as the construction materials, construction components and equipment suppliers.

Article 11 If a testing institution applying for comprehensive qualification or additional qualification has committed any act specified in Article 30 of these Measures within one year from the date of application, the qualification licensing authority shall not approve its application.

If a qualified testing institution, which should be rectified in accordance with Article 35 of these Measures but has not completed the rectification, will not approve its application for comprehensive qualification or additional qualification.

The qualification licensing authority shall complete the formalities within 2 working days.

within the validity period of the qualification certificate, it shall go through the change procedures of the qualification certificate within 30 working days after going through the change procedures of the business license or the legal person certificate.

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