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Policy dividend for green buildings and precast buildings in 31 provinces and cities

Hunan’s “Regulations on the Development of Green Buildings in Hunan Province”: (1) Appropriate financial incentives can be given to green buildings above two stars, ultra-low energy consumption buildings and green buildings built with three-dimensional greening technology; (2) If the housing provident fund loan is used to purchase the commercial housing of green buildings above two stars or ultra-low energy consumption buildings, the loan amount will rise by a certain percentage.

At present, all parts of the country are deploying development plans for green buildings, especially in new buildings and government-invested construction projects.

04 Jiangsu’s Notice on Promoting the Development of Green Buildings in the Province: (1) One-star projects will be rewarded at 15 yuan/square meter, and two-star and three-star projects will be rewarded at a certain proportion; (2) The operation of the logo project will increase 10 yuan/square meter on the basis of the design logo award standard.

05 Shandong Provincial Measures for the Management of Special Funds for Building Energy Efficiency and Green Building Development: 15 yuan/square meter for one star, 30 yuan/square meter for two stars, 50 yuan/square meter for three stars, and no more than 5 million yuan for a single project.

09 Hubei “Several Opinions on Promoting the Steady and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market in the Province”: (1) We will encourage the transformation of the real estate industry by rewarding the plot ratio; (2) One-star, two-star and three-star green buildings will be rewarded with plot ratio of 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% of the total area; (3) For precast projects, the plot ratio will be rewarded; The deed tax corresponding to the whole decoration part is exempted.

08 Henan “Henan Green Building Action Implementation Plan”: For buildings that use new wall materials and obtain the three-star, two-star and one-star green building star rating, the collected special fund for new wall materials will be returned, and a certain volume rate will be given.

All localities should implement the relevant land, fiscal, tax, financial and other incentive policies for the development of green buildings, and support the construction of green building projects and green ecological urban areas.

The “Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for Building Energy Efficiency and Green Building Development” issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development clearly proposes that by 2025, green building standards will be fully implemented for new urban buildings.

12 Anhui “Administrative Measures for Special Funds for Green Buildings and Assembled Buildings in Anhui Province”: The Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development formally submits the special funds allocation plan to the Provincial Department of Finance, which issues transfer payments or handles centralized treasury payments according to regulations.

(2) In the evaluation activities and the selection of various demonstration projects, the system of priority selection or priority recommendation and reporting of green buildings shall be implemented.

Hebei Provincial Regulations on Promoting the Development of Green Buildings: The R&D expenses of new technologies, new materials and new equipment for green buildings can enjoy preferential policies such as pre-tax deduction.

14 Shaanxi Notice on Accelerating the Promotion of Green Building Work in Shaanxi Province: 45 yuan/square meter for two-star green buildings and 80 yuan/square meter for three-star green buildings.

06 Zhejiang Provincial Regulations on Green Buildings (Revised Text): (1) The R&D expenses for developing green buildings can enjoy pre-tax deduction and other benefits; (2) For those who use housing provident fund loans to purchase green buildings above two stars, the loan limit can be increased by 20% at most.

Beijing’s “Interim Measures for the Management of Municipal Incentive Funds for Beijing’s Assembled Building, Green Building and Green Ecological Demonstration Zone Projects”: 50 yuan/square meter for two-star logo projects, 80 yuan/square meter for three-star logo projects, and no more than 8 million yuan for a single project.

50% of the funds will be allocated first if the design logo of two stars or three stars is obtained.

The following is a summary of green building subsidy policies in 31 provinces and cities in China, clarifying the amount and scope of financial subsidies for star green buildings in many provinces and cities in China.

Jiangxi’s Opinions on the Implementation of the Development of Green Buildings in Jiangxi Province: (1) The green buildings are listed as the assessment indicators of the provincial government’s energy conservation objectives and responsibilities.

11 Fujian Green Building Action Implementation Plan: (1) For two-star and above buildings, provincial energy-saving funds will be awarded; For the real estate development enterprise to develop the star green building residential district project, the plot ratio of 1%, 2% and 3% will be awarded according to the first, second and third grade respectively.


03 Guangzhou “Supporting the promotion of green buildings and the construction of green building demonstration projects”: two-star 25 yuan/square meter, unit project maximum not more than 1.5 million yuan; Three-star 45 yuan/square meter, unit project maximum not more than 2 million yuan, etc.

The provincial financial reward standard for one star, two stars and three stars is 10 yuan/square meter, 15 yuan/square meter and 20 yuan/square meter.

02 Shanghai “Special Support Measures for Shanghai Building Energy Efficiency and Green Building Demonstration Projects”: (1) Operation identification project: two-star 50 yuan/square meter; Three-star 100 yuan/square meter; (2) Assembled integrated building demonstration project with AA grade of 60 yuan/square meter, AAA grade of 100 yuan/square meter, etc.

In order to improve the enthusiasm of building green buildings, a series of green building incentive policies have been introduced, including financial subsidies, priority awards, credit and financial support, and reduction of urban supporting costs.

(2) Establish a reward system for green buildings in finance, tax, land, planning and construction, and formulate corresponding management measures to reward green building projects.

A further 50% has been allocated after obtaining the operation identification.

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07 Sichuan Implementation Rules for Promoting Green Building Action: (1) For projects that have passed green building certification, relevant departments should give priority to recommendation and reporting in the “Luban Award”, “Guangxia Award”, “Tianfu Cup”, “National Green Building Innovation Award” and other evaluation activities and various demonstration projects.

(2) For projects that have won the green building star rating, the provincial finance will reward 10 yuan/square meter according to the building area.

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