China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Vigorously develop precast buildings and precast decoration

By 2025, the photovoltaic coverage rate of the roofs of new public institutions and new plants will strive to reach 50%.

10) to comprehensively promote the green and low-carbon development in the field of urban and rural construction.

At the same time, the “Third Assembled Star Recommended Project Release Ceremony and the Second Assembled Electromechanical Chief Engineer Joint Conference and Chief Engineer Forum will be held.

Waved Anchor

We should promote local materials and local materials, and promote new construction methods such as precast buildings according to local conditions.

Promote the industrialization of new buildings, promote the industrialization of new buildings represented by precast buildings, focus on the construction of precast houses such as steel structures, and promote the coordinated development of intelligent construction and building industrialization.

Vigorously develop precast buildings and precast decoration.

We will comprehensively promote green construction and explore the establishment of a dynamic assessment and evaluation system for green construction of engineering projects.

By 2030, carbon emissions in urban and rural construction will reach a peak.

Do a good job in updating and maintaining the provincial and municipal building energy consumption supervision platform, and timely disclose the energy consumption information of key energy-consuming buildings.

Promote the integrated development of green low-carbon buildings, ultra-low energy consumption buildings, smart buildings and healthy buildings.

It is the supporting medium for information retrieval of the “HVAC column” of the precast building industry network.

Optimize the energy structure of buildings, expand the application mode of renewable energy buildings, promote the integrated construction of renewable energy in new buildings, and encourage the installation of renewable energy application systems in existing buildings.

Continue to carry out building energy efficiency evaluation and guide third-party institutions to carry out credit evaluation of energy efficiency evaluation institutions.

Strive to achieve a green and low-carbon development pattern in the field of urban and rural construction in 2060, substantially improve the carbon emission governance system, governance capacity and technical level, significantly reduce the intensity and total amount of carbon emissions, take the lead in the use of energy and resources in the field of urban and rural construction in the world, and fully complete a beautiful living environment.

The “Third National Assembled Electromechanical Annual Conference” jointly sponsored by the Assembled Construction Industry Development Center of the China Equipment Management Association and the Hubei Provincial Refrigeration Society is scheduled to be held in Wuhan, Hubei Province, in March 2023.

Build high-quality green buildings, improve the policy mechanism and standard system, and promote high-quality development of green buildings throughout their life cycle.

We will carry out research on the appropriate technical route of green rural housing, steadily improve the energy efficiency level of new rural housing, explore and promote the energy-saving transformation of existing rural housing, and gradually improve the energy efficiency level of rural housing.

By 2030, we will fully establish a green urban and rural construction and development policy system, and realize the green and low-carbon transformation of construction methods; The quality of urban and rural human settlements and the carrying capacity of resources and environment have been significantly improved; The characteristics of urban and rural space and the quality of architectural functions have been significantly enhanced; The structure of building energy use is more optimized, and the building energy use efficiency and carbon emission reduction level are internationally advanced; A green and low-carbon lifestyle has taken shape.

Promote the inclusion of green building operation requirements in property service contracts, and improve the green and low-carbon operation level of buildings.

By 2025, precast buildings will account for 50% of the area of newly-started buildings in the same period, and precast decoration buildings will account for 30% of the area of newly-started finished buildings in the same period.

Improve the level of safety and durability, health and comfort, convenience of life, resource conservation and livability of buildings.

Promote the large-scale application technology of renewable energy such as smart microgrid and virtual power plant, explore the demonstration of “optical storage, direct and flexible” and “smart microgrid” projects, and promote the application of distributed solar photovoltaic buildings.

Improve the management level of green operation of buildings, establish a system for collecting operation data of green building identification projects, strengthen data sharing, and carry out green building operation evaluation.

Actively promote the application of medium-deep and shallow geothermal energy, promote the application of air-source heat pump and other technologies, develop biomass energy according to local conditions, and accelerate the promotion of low-carbon building energy.

A few days ago, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Jiangsu Provincial Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the Notice on the Implementation Plan of Carbon Peak in the Field of Urban and Rural Construction in Jiangsu Province (SJK [2023] No.

Strengthen the operation adjustment of energy consumption equipment in public buildings, advocate the building energy consumption mode of “part space, part time”, and vigorously improve the intelligent operation level of buildings.

Promote the construction of green rural housing, improve the design level and construction quality of rural housing, and continue to improve rural housing conditions.

In general, by 2025, the policy mechanism for green and low-carbon development in urban and rural construction will be more perfect; The total scale of green buildings and green urban areas in the province continues to be the leading in the country, and the demonstration effect of low carbon buildings has initially emerged; Newly-built buildings in cities and towns are designed and constructed according to the ultra-low energy consumption building standards, and the building energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction level are leading in the country; The application proportion of renewable energy buildings was further increased, and the renewable energy substitution rate of urban buildings exceeded 8%; The growth rate of carbon emissions in urban and rural construction has been effectively controlled.

By 2025, large public buildings invested by the government will be designed and constructed in accordance with the standard of green buildings above two stars.

Actively promote energy-saving construction equipment, monitor energy consumption of key equipment, and implement group control management for many similar equipment.

Vigorously develop ultra-low energy consumption and near-zero energy consumption buildings, and encourage government investment projects to take the lead in demonstration.

We will improve the certification system for green building materials products, explore the establishment of a carbon database for building materials, give priority to green building materials, and actively carry out demonstration applications.

For more wonderful information, click the blue letter on the top to pay attention to us about our media communication platform, the precast construction industry network is a comprehensive information platform for construction industrialization built by the construction industry cloud based on the assembly center of China Design Association, which integrates industry information, technology, education, finance, brand, business opportunities, marketing, management, personnel and other one-stop services! HVAC magazine (monthly) and HVAC Online are professional journals and portal websites in the heating, ventilation, refrigeration and air conditioning industry, and the industry-leading network information dissemination platform.

Promote the comprehensive electrification of new public buildings, and the electrification proportion will reach 20% by 2030.

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