China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Cement production lubrication management system


Under the guidance of the mechanical technical administrator, the machine repair section and the use section shall deal with the leakage of the equipment lubrication and the failure of the lubrication system to ensure that the lubrication device is in good condition.

Replace oil below 200L at a time (1).


1、 General requirements: The Production Department is the executive department of the lubrication work.

The equipment use section shall do a good job of equipment lubrication and fill in lubrication records according to the requirements of equipment lubrication card and “five fixed”.

Whether the equipment lubrication is carried out according to the requirements of the equipment lubrication card.

(3) After the approval of the Mechanical and Electrical Department, the technical administrator of the department shall arrange sampling, marking and sample sending.

The typical physical and chemical test cycle of large equipment oil shall be conducted every six months, and the comprehensive physical and chemical test cycle shall be conducted once a year.

6、 Oil sampling and test procedures 1.

(3) Check whether the lubrication facilities are in good condition, whether there are defects and hidden dangers, and evaluate the damage to the equipment according to the defects.

3、 Daily management of equipment lubrication 1.


Under the guidance of the mechanical technical administrator, the mechanical maintenance section and the use section shall regularly check and record the equipment lubrication system, and timely deal with the problems found, and report to the Mechanical and Electrical Department in case of major hidden dangers.

(5) .

The mechanical technology management engineer of the department is responsible for the equipment lubrication management of the department.

Oil test procedure: (1) The technical administrator shall submit the test application form for the oil used at the lubricating point according to the regulations.

4、 Equipment lubrication file management 1.


Patrol inspection and inspection of equipment lubrication status shall be carried out in the use and machine repair section.

(3) .

The lubrication management technicians of the department check the equipment lubrication and the establishment of the record account.

The lubricating oil with relatively good oil quality can be used for equipment with low accuracy requirements after filtering, and also for lubricating points such as chains and wire ropes that need to be oiled.


The professional management department selects a reasonable test unit to analyze and confirm the test results.


(2) The mechanical and electrical department reviews and confirms whether the oil is tested.


Replace the oil 100L-200L at a time, and the department technician shall make a plan and material requisition, and go through the online process, which shall be approved by the department leader and reviewed by the professional management department, and then the oil can be collected.

5、 Approval authority and procedure for oil change: 1.

(8) Check whether all instruments and meters are complete, normal and intact.

The oil change shall be determined according to the test results.



Main contents of equipment lubrication assessment: (1) Implementation of “five fixed” for equipment lubrication.

(4) Check whether the oil pipeline is smooth and whether there is leakage.

Under the guidance of the lubrication management professional department (mechanical and electrical department), it completes the lubrication work of the equipment, so that the oil parts of the equipment meet the technical requirements of lubrication and ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

The replaced and recovered waste lubricating oil shall be stored by classification and kept uniformly by the local section.

The department technician shall make a plan and a material requisition, and go through the online process, which shall be approved by the department leader, reviewed by the professional management department, and reported to the company leader in charge for review before the oil change can be used.

When the waste oil is used again, it needs to be approved before being used.

(5) Check whether the oil temperature, oil pressure and oil flow are normal.

(6) Check whether the quality of Shantou is normal and whether the lubrication is good.

(4) Whether the equipment lubrication archives are complete and the contents are complete.


The use section shall inspect and maintain the lubrication facilities as required, and timely handle the dripping, oil leakage and lubrication failure found to ensure the normal lubrication and cleaning of each lubrication point.

(4) The professional personnel shall analyze and confirm the test sheet after receiving it.

Records and archives shall be sorted out, filed and properly kept in a timely manner, and the retention period shall not be less than 18 months.

The use section shall regularly hand over the waste oil to the warehouse for unified management, handle the handover procedures, and establish a recycling account.

The equipment lubrication system must be regularly checked and recorded in the use section.

The main inspection contents include: (1) whether the lubrication facilities (devices) are complete and intact.

The oil sample shall be taken and sealed by the mechanical maintenance section, and sent to the mechanical and electrical department for testing after the technical administrator checks and confirms.

(2) Check whether the oil is correct.


Under the guidance of the professional management department, the department’s equipment lubrication card should be prepared.

The technical administrator shall arrange oil sampling according to the requirements of the test cycle.

Whether the oil volume (level) is appropriate and can meet the needs.

Department leaders and technical managers shall check the implementation of the lubrication system on a monthly basis and assess the relevant responsible persons and units according to the formulated lubrication management assessment system.


For the replacement of 200L-1000L lubricating oil at a single lubricating point, the lubricating oil quality inspection notice shall be filled out and tested before the oil change.

(2) .


The use section shall establish the equipment dry oil lubrication file by system, and record the time, place, quantity, oiler and lubricant grade of each refueling and oil change.

When replacing more than 1000L of lubricating oil at a time, it is necessary to determine the replacement according to the oil quality test results.

The lubrication of each equipment must be “five fixed”.


7、 Assessment of equipment lubrication 1.

The equipment shall be lubricated and maintained according to the oil filling (changing) quantity and oil filling (changing) period required by the equipment lubrication card.


Ferrule Insert

2、 The production department is responsible for lubrication: 1.

(9) Check whether the automatic lubrication control signal and control system are safe and reliable.

The mechanical technical administrator shall declare the monthly oil consumption plan according to the actual production oil consumption and submit it to the Mechanical and Electrical (Equipment) Department for approval on time every month.


The department technician shall make a plan and material requisition, and go through the online process, which shall be approved by the department leader, reviewed by the professional management department, and approved by the general manager of the company before the replacement.

(7) Check whether the oil cooling system works normally.

(2) Equipment lubrication accident.


The machine repair section shall establish the equipment thin oil lubrication file by system, and record the time, place, quantity, oiler and lubricating oil brand of each refueling (or refueling) and oil change.

The mechanical technician is responsible for the statistical analysis of lubricating oil consumption per ton of product of the department, and submits it to the Mechanical and Electrical Department on time every month.

Replace oil 1-100L at a time.

The plan and material requisition shall be prepared by the department technician and approved by the department leader.



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