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The 2022 Party Mass Work Conference of New Tianshan Cement was successfully held

In his speech, Sui Yumin first spoke highly of the party and mass work of regional companies in the first quarter, with solid work and rich and colorful activities.

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Fifth, we must do a good job in inspection, rectification, and inspection work, and improve the monthly supervision and notification mechanism.

The second is to do a good job in rectifying the inspection effectiveness list.

At the meeting, 15 regional companies reported on the party building work in the first quarter, work arrangements for the next three quarters, and matters requiring coordination and support from the headquarters in their respective regions; The party and mass work department of the headquarters publicized the key points of the 2022 propaganda and ideological work of China Building Materials Group and the 2022 party building work of the New Tianshan Cement Party Committee.

Finally, he asked everyone to strengthen communication and learning, and under the guidance of the “1345” party building work system of China Building Materials Group, work together to do a good job in the party building work of New Tianshan Cement, and jointly create a “first-class”.

First, we must adhere to the leadership of the Party’s political construction, and include the spirit of the 20th National Congress and innovative theory in the first topic and the first topic of the Party committee, as well as in the learning content of the General Party Branch and the Party Branch.

The meeting was chaired by Pan Xiaoping, Assistant to the President of the company and Minister of the Party and Mass Work Department.

To scientifically and meticulously protect themselves and enterprises against the epidemic; We need to improve our political standing, strengthen responsibility, firmly establish the ideological concept of “people first, life first”, effectively implement the requirements of “the party and government share responsibilities, and one post has dual responsibilities” for safe production, firmly hold the bottom line of the red line of safe production, and take practical actions to prevent risks, ensure safety, and protect stability to welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

She thanked regional companies for their support and cooperation with the Party-Masses Work Department, highly praised the exchange results of regional companies, and hoped that everyone would seriously understand and convey the spirit of Secretary Sui’s speech and implement all work.

He reiterated the five principles and seven main responsibilities that party organizations in state-owned enterprises should follow, in particular, to strengthen the unity of party leadership and improve corporate governance, integrate party leadership into all aspects of corporate governance, adhere to the deep integration of party building work and production and operation, and test the effectiveness of party organization work with the results of enterprise reform and development.

He personally led us to study the Organization Rules for Grass roots Work in State owned Enterprises of the CPC and the Guidelines for the Election of the Party Committee of China Building Materials Group, requiring us to carefully study the system specifications and do a good job of “three reports, two batches and two communications”, and make preparations, recommendations and elections according to the intentions of the superior party organizations.

Sui Yumin proposed three requirements for the recent key work.

They also exchanged views on the basic work of party building, party congress, ideological propaganda, work groups, political inspection and rectification, and official document submission.

Led by the party and mass work departments of companies at all levels, the party committee should adopt “guaranteed” measures and a monthly notification mechanism to strengthen supervision and implementation.

Third, we must earnestly study and understand the “Guidelines for the Election of the Party Committee of China Building Materials Group”, and promote the relevant work of the New Tianshan Cement Party Congress in a standardized and orderly manner.

Regarding the party and mass work of New Tianshan Cement in the next three quarters, she made special emphasis and explanation on eight aspects.

Source | New Tianshan Cement Editor | New Tianshan Cement-

Sixth, comprehensively sort out the construction of labor union organizations and do a good job in holding the New Tianshan Cement Workers’ Representative Meeting; Extending the tradition of the company in the sector, building a platform to help employees make contributions in the new era; Carry out poverty alleviation and actively create a “home” culture.

First, we must do a good job in the matter of holding party congresses for the party organizations of companies at all levels.

At the same time, the shortcomings were pointed out, and the importance of managing the enterprise publicity platform was emphasized.

Third, we must do a good job in epidemic prevention and safety.

Sui Yumin, Deputy Secretary of the Company’s Party Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Improve the information release approval process and authority, refine the existing external information platform management plan, and strictly comply with the requirements of listed companies; Make good use of external media resources and tell stories about cement; Use and manage the propaganda ideological and cultural positions; Strengthen the construction of the team of correspondents and improve the quality of publicity; Strengthen learning and do a good job in corporate culture.

We hope that everyone can improve together.

Second, we need to learn the compilation of the new Tianshan Cement party mass system and the guidelines for publicity work, and strengthen the basic work of party building.

Subsequently, he reported the four aspects and 15 types of common problems found by China Building Materials Corporation during its inspection tour of four subordinate sector companies in 2021, and requested full-time deputy party secretaries of regional companies to pay high attention to them, develop practical and effective rectification work plans, and achieve comprehensive rectification.

On the afternoon of April 21, the 2022 video conference on party and mass work of New Tianshan Cement was successfully held.

Nearly 70 people from the Party and Mass Work Department of New Tianshan Cement, leaders in charge of Party and Mass Work of regional companies, Party and Mass Work Departments, and propaganda staff participated in 26 venues.

Pan Xiaoping made a summary of the meeting.

Fourth, do a good job in publicity.

Seventh, we need to designate special personnel to improve the organization and implementation of the work of the team.

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