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The Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau organizes on-site observation activities for prefabricated buildings

On February 28th, in order to vigorously promote the application of new technologies such as green construction and prefabricated construction, the on-site observation activity of prefabricated construction in Changzhou was officially held at the second phase of the “Three Centers” project of the Jiangnan Rural Commercial Bank in Jintan. More than 300 people, including all regulatory personnel of the city’s construction supervision agencies, representatives of construction, supervision, design enterprises, and relevant association leaders, participated in the observation..

The prefabricated assembly rate of the observed project reached 96%, which is at the leading level in China. It is a vivid practice of Changzhou City actively promoting the integration and application of prefabricated building technology projects. The attendees successively observed the production process of prefabricated components in the factory area and the physical assembly structure of the project. They exchanged and learned about quality control nodes such as on-site prefabricated component installation technology, grouting sleeve connection construction technology, safety management of anti falling construction without external scaffolding, as well as green construction methods such as BIM technology and building energy conservation. Through on-site observation, attendees gained a deeper understanding of the advantages of prefabricated construction in improving construction quality, enhancing safety and civilization levels, shortening on-site construction periods, reducing resource waste, low-carbon environmental protection, and energy conservation. Professor Guo Zhengxing from Southeast University was specially invited to give a special lecture on the quality and safety technology of prefabricated building construction during this observation activity. He gave in-depth explanations on key technologies such as prefabricated component installation technology control, connection sleeve grouting quality control, wall panel installation grouting control, and high-altitude operation safety protection..

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Next, the Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau will closely follow the theme of high-quality development in the construction industry, take the comprehensive practice of green construction as the guide, vigorously promote green construction methods such as prefabricated construction and intelligent construction, continue to promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction capacity and industrial structure of construction enterprises in the city, and assist in the construction of Changzhou as the “New Energy Capital”..

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