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The market prospect of precast light steel structure houses is broad

At the beginning of the 21st century, China gradually introduced the light steel structure building system.

Therefore, light steel precast buildings have become a tuyere industry and entered thousands of households.

Therefore, some beautiful light steel villas can be seen in some characteristic towns and new rural areas.

The biggest highlight of the industry standard is to plug the security loopholes of multi-storey precast light steel housing and usher in the spring of multi-storey precast light steel housing.

However, at that time, China was actually only responsible for the construction of the foundation and the assembly of some components, and a full set of residential framework, supporting maintenance materials and equipment were imported from abroad.

It can be predicted that China’s housing construction mode will change in the future, and precast light steel housing will become the main construction direction.

In the late 1970s, China’s construction industry began to introduce light steel structure buildings, mainly some builders introduced some two – or three – story villas from Japan, the United States, Australia, and other countries.

In the early 1980s, light steel structure buildings really developed in China.

The precast light steel residence can resist magnitude 9 earthquake and magnitude 12 typhoon, and the bearing snow thickness on the roof can reach 1.5m.

As a mature steel structure system abroad, light steel structure housing system is one of the development directions of housing industrialization.

In recent years, with the technical innovation and policy opening support of light steel buildings, there has been an upsurge of light steel buildings one after another.

In 1987, China promulgated the first design standard for cold formed steel structures, technical code for cold formed thin wall steel structures (gbj18-87).

The light steel wall adopts high-efficiency energy-saving system, which has breathing function and can adjust the dry humidity of indoor air; The roof has ventilation function, which can form a flowing air room over the house to ensure the ventilation and heat dissipation requirements inside the roof.

In the 1990s, China put forward the policy of “China’s housing industrialization”.

The technical standard for Cold-Formed Thin-Walled Steel multi-storey residential buildings implemented on January 1, 2019 is applicable to multi-storey light steel residential buildings with 6 floors and below, which complements the technical standards in this field.

Two Hole Anchor

The construction speed is very fast.

In 2002, the Ministry of Construction issued the “technical guidelines for the industrialization of steel structure integrated residential buildings”, and many pilot projects of low-rise, multi-storey and high-rise new houses have appeared all over the country.

From 2011 to 2019, the state officially promulgated and implemented the technical code for construction of low rise cold-formed thin-walled steel houses (jgj227-2011).

Nowadays, precast light steel houses have entered people’s life, and this construction method is adopted in more and more areas.

National planning projects such as new rural construction, shared farm and green tourism industry base are mainly cast light steel houses.

Precast light steel residence the performance of precast light steel residence is much better than that of traditional brick concrete residence.

The standard was issued by the Ministry of housing and urban rural development on October 9, 2018.

In 2016, Premier Li presided over the executive meeting of the State Council and proposed to vigorously develop steel structure precast buildings and promote the adjustment and upgrading of industrial structure.

90% of the materials of precast light steel houses can be recycled, and the service life of the main structure is more than 90 years, which is three times that of traditional houses.

The past and present of light steel structure houses in China in 1958, China gave birth to the first cold bending mill and built light steel structure plants.

Brick concrete residence has been criticized for a long time because it does not have the ability to resist natural disasters, does not protect the environment during construction, and cannot meet the needs of national sustainable development.

China’s light steel industry has become more perfect and has become the first choice for many buildings, not only in urban public buildings, but also in rural economic construction, and has become the frontier representative of national new science and technology buildings…

The construction period of a 200 square meter house can generally be completed within 4 weeks.

On January 1, 2019, a new industry standard of China’s cast light steel housing industry – Technical Standard for Cold-Formed Thin-Walled Steel multi-storey housing (JGJ / t421-2018) will be implemented.

The span of light steel houses can reach 6 ~ 12M, which provides residents with greater living space and can be divided freely at the same time; All materials of light steel houses are green and environment-friendly building materials, which are healthy and environment-friendly, and have become a building method vigorously promoted by the state.

With the publicity and implementation of the new standard, the spring of multi-storey precast light steel residential buildings is coming.

The new light steel structure housing industry is becoming more and more standardized, which provides a basis for the design and acceptance of low rise light steel houses with 3 floors and below.

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