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Guizhou │ 30% assembly type, the full text of the “14th five year plan” for the development of construction technology and green buildings

Combined with the construction of demonstration small towns, characteristic towns and beautiful villages in the province, explore the pilot application of precast steel structure buildings in rural housing construction.

During the 14th Five Year Plan period, we will continue to increase the proportion of green buildings to ensure that green buildings account for 60% of new urban buildings in the province in 2021 and 70% in 2022.

Promote the large-scale development of precast buildings in key areas.

By the end of 2022, the precast buildings in our province will account for more than 20% of the new buildings in cities and towns in the province.

Encourage the industry to actively develop construction technologies and construction methods suitable for precast buildings, innovate the project management mode, and accelerate the application of complete technology for construction and installation of precast buildings, installation protection technology and construction quality inspection technology.

Among them, Qiandongnan Prefecture focuses on promoting the development of modern wood structure precast buildings.

Promote the large-scale application of integral kitchen and toilet, integrated equipment pipeline, precast light partition wall, etc.

Round Bar Ferrule

In the construction projects invested by the government, such as office buildings, schools, hospitals and so on, we should give priority to the use of precast construction technology and products, and give full play to the role of demonstration and guidance.

Actively promote the transformation of shanty towns with a construction scale of more than 20000 square meters (except for monetized resettlement), public buildings, government invested office buildings, schools, hospitals and other construction projects, and widely adopt precast construction; For new projects with an above ground construction area of more than 100000 square meters, precast construction shall be actively adopted for buildings with a construction scale of no less than 30%.

In 2020, precast buildings accounted for 15.64% of new buildings in cities and towns.

By the end of 2025, the proportion of precast buildings in new buildings in the province will reach 30%, forming a number of industrial clusters with obvious characteristics based on backbone leading enterprises, technology R & D centers and industrial bases.

Actively promote the application of phosphogypsum building materials, and the construction industry has consumed more than 10 million tons of phosphogypsum waste residue during the 14th Five Year Plan period.

Vigorously promote the use of precast construction in government investment projects, and actively cultivate and develop precast construction industrial bases and demonstration projects.

End of PDF version of Guizhou Province’s “14th five year plan” construction technology and green building development plan.

The effect of pilot demonstration, promotion and application is obvious.

95 Abstract: during the 13th Five Year Plan period, the promotion and application mechanism of precast buildings has been gradually improved, Issued the implementation opinions of the general office of Guizhou Provincial People’s Government on vigorously developing precast buildings (qfbf [2017] No.

Actively support, encourage and promote the precast construction of office buildings, schools, hospitals and other construction projects invested by regional governments.

Establish and improve the project quality and safety supervision system suitable for the characteristics of precast buildings, strengthen the quality and safety management of precast buildings on the construction site, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of precast buildings.

Notice of Guizhou Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development on printing and distributing the development plan of construction technology and green buildings in Guizhou Province during the 14th five year plan (qjkt [2021] No.

Strengthen the promotion and application of precast buildings.

The technical level of precast buildings has made great progress and the ability of independent innovation has been significantly enhanced.

54), the Interim Measures for the quality and safety management of precast construction projects in Guizhou Province (QJT [2019] No.

By 2025, new urban buildings will fully implement the green building standards.

Guiyang City, Zunyi City, the central urban area of Anshun and the directly administered area of Gui’an new area are the areas to actively promote the development of precast buildings, while other areas are the areas to encourage the promotion.

By the end of 2022, precast buildings will account for more than 20% of new urban buildings in the province, and strive to account for 30% of new urban buildings by the end of 2025.

During the 13th Five Year Plan period, 261 precast buildings have been completed in the province, with a construction area of 5031200 square meters, 49 provincial precast building demonstration projects, and Guiyang has been rated as a provincial precast building demonstration city.

37), the pricing quota of precast construction projects in Guizhou Province (2018 Edition) The evaluation standard for precast buildings in Guizhou Province (dbj52 / t100-2020) and other documents and standards have effectively promoted the development of precast buildings in Guizhou Province.

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