China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

The knowledge of precast architecture must be understood!!

In recent years, driven by the increasing pressure of environmental protection, urbanization and the development of real estate industry, precast buildings have entered a period of rapid development and innovation.

From this point of view, the precast building has obvious advantages over the traditional cast-in-place method, which is the inevitable development direction of the construction industry in the future* Source: network * statement: This article is only used for learning purposes, such as invasion and deletion.

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At present, the total volume of precast buildings has reached 290 million square meters in 2018.

The CAGR of the precast construction industry is 27.9% in 2017-2020 and 19.6% in 2017-2025.

The development of precast buildings in China originated in the 1950s and ushered in the first development in the 1970s-1980s.

The development trend of China’s precast construction industry has developed for about 70 years, from manual operation to mechanized production, from reference to self innovation.

Especially since 2016, the state and local governments have issued guiding, HP and encouraging policies for many times to promote the development of precast construction industry.

Referring to the development path of architectural modernization in developed countries, the proportion of steel structure buildings in China still has great room for improvement.

From the national situation, precast buildings are the general trend and irresistible.

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Compared with cast-in-situ buildings, the main advantages of precast buildings are high assembly efficiency, high precision, green environmental protection (less construction waste) and greatly reducing labor dependence.

According to the calculation, the scale of the precast construction industry is expected to reach 700.6 billion yuan and 140.11 billion yuan in 2020 and 2025 respectively.

The precast construction industry will maintain rapid growth in the future.

Don’t you understand what precast architecture is? An animation makes it clear! 01 the precast construction industry will maintain growth.

02 the national policy is inclined to precast buildings.

03 advantages of precast building because the precast building adopts the form of standardized design → factory production → precast construction, which determines that it is superior to the traditional building construction in many aspects, and solves and avoids many difficulties faced by the current traditional construction site.

Compared with foreign countries, the proportion of steel structure buildings has great room for improvement.

Considering that the labor cost increases year by year and the material cost decreases due to scale effect, it is assumed that the average price of precast construction per unit cost in the medium and short term will remain 2231 yuan / square meter.

According to the policy requirements, the proportion of newly-built precast buildings in China will reach 15% in 2020 and 30% in 2025.

From three perspectives, we can intuitively feel the gap between China’s steel structure cast buildings and developed countries represented by the United States and Japan: ◆ in 2017, China’s construction steel accounted for about 22-26% of the total steel consumption, and developed countries generally accounted for more than 50%; China’s steel consumption for building steel structure accounts for less than 2% of the total steel output, while that in developed countries is generally more than 30%; ◆ in 2017, steel structure housing accounted for less than 5% in China, 20% in developed countries and 50% in Japan.

Referring to the consumption quota of precast construction projects (Exposure Draft) issued by the Ministry of housing and urban rural development in November 2016, the median cost of precast construction per square meter is 2231 yuan / square meter of different buildings.

However, it entered a low tide around the 1990s and began a new round of development until the end of the 20th century.

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