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800000 ㎡ precast, Sichuan Suining printing and distributing the key points of construction management in the whole city in 2022

(4) Standardize the construction and management of ready mixed concrete (mortar) mixing plant.

Guide enterprises to make good use of the development service platform of Sichuan construction industry and establish a “going global” development promotion mechanism.

We will implement the incentive policies for upgrading the qualifications of construction enterprises and cultivating talents.

Vigorously promote the integrated application of building information model (BIM) technology in the whole process of survey, design, construction, operation and maintenance, give full play to the traction role of BIM Technology in the whole industrial chain and whole process application of precast buildings, and open up the whole process of precast building design, production, construction, operation and maintenance..

(6) Accelerate the implementation of intelligent construction.

(4) Promote the integrated development of Suining and Tongchuan.

(2) We accelerated the promotion of the development of precast buildings and started the construction of 800000 square meters of precast buildings throughout the year.

Guide the cultivation of regional backbone enterprises of precast construction, cultivate and form a group of precast design and construction enterprises and industrial workers, and help implement the “double carbon” development in the construction field.

(3) Implement the “no cash” Regulations on concrete mixing in the downtown area, and gradually expand the “no cash” area.

Implement the precast building policy of our city, increase the application depth and breadth of precast buildings in government investment projects from the aspects of project initiation, budget approval, planning scheme and construction design, encourage hospitals, schools and other public buildings to give priority to the use of steel structure, and promote the application of steel structure assembled technology in rural housing construction.

We will implement the policies on the cultivation of workers in the construction industry in China and the province, support and guide construction enterprises to speed up the cultivation of their own skilled workers, and promote the “double improvement” of the number and quality of workers in the construction industry.

Support, guide and encourage the equity reform of construction enterprises with different ownership, form a number of backbone leading enterprises and improve their comprehensive competitiveness.

Elephant Foot Ferrule

Promote the formation of a large-scale and skilled model for the output of workers in the construction industry.

Please earnestly implement them in combination with the actual situation.

(2) Continue to expand the scale of professional subjects.

3、 Work measures (I) enhance the competitiveness of construction enterprises.

Combined with the scale advantages of labor enterprises in our city, we will accelerate the transformation and development of construction labor enterprises such as carpentry, electrician, masonry and steel bar production to professional operation enterprises, and encourage small, medium-sized and micro construction enterprises with obvious advantages to take the development path of “specialization and innovation”, so as to form the competitive advantage of professional operation in our city’s construction industry.

Combined with the development of new technologies such as precast buildings and intelligent construction, establish a training system for the industrial team of construction workers led by the government and participated by industry associations, scientific research institutions, large enterprises, vocational education and social forces.

Actively attract construction enterprises with first-class and above construction general contracting qualification outside the city to move in, and increase support for the promotion of construction general contracting qualification of construction enterprises in the city.

1、 Main economic indicators (I) the total output value of the city’s construction industry increased by 12% year-on-year, or entered the first square of the province, and strive to achieve zero breakthrough for enterprises with special qualification of general construction contracting.

Vigorously cultivate professional talents, especially precast construction professionals such as design, production, construction and management, support precast construction enterprises to carry out school enterprise cooperation, innovate talent training mode, and guide Sichuan Vocational and Technical College of our city to offer precast construction courses and specialties related to precast construction and intelligent construction.

(7) We will continue to promote systematic governance in the field of qualification examination and approval of construction enterprises and bidding.

(5) Vigorously promote precast buildings.

The death toll of construction safety production accidents in the city shall not exceed 0.4 people / million square meters, and shall not be higher than the average level of the whole province.

(2) Strengthen the management and control of construction safety production, and eliminate major and above safety production accidents.

(3) We will implement the construction of the industrial contingent of construction workers.

(6) Vigorously improve the quality of construction projects and strive to recommend one project to participate in the Tianfu cup and more than one project to participate in the provincial structural quality project.

(5) Promote the construction of “smart construction site” platform and innovate the supervision mode of construction market.

Suining housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau March 17, 2022 the key points of the city’s construction industry management in 2022 are to implement the important decisions and arrangements of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government, closely focus on the overall work idea of “1336” of the municipal Party committee, further accelerate the transformation of the development mode of the construction industry, continuously improve the quality of construction projects, cultivate industrial talents, innovate the supervision mode of the construction market, hold the bottom line of quality, environmental protection and safety, and optimize the industrial structure of the construction industry This key point is formulated to transform the growth momentum, improve the quality and efficiency of development, and promote the sustained, healthy and rapid development of the city’s construction industry.

Strengthen guidance, service and coordination for “going global” enterprises.

Continue to carry out the three-year action to promote the integrated development of Suining and Tongchuan.

Encourage technical cooperation and project cooperation among large enterprises, municipal state-owned enterprises and private enterprises in the city, and participate in the construction of precast buildings and EPC projects.

2、 Key tasks (I) in accordance with the requirements of the guidelines for the prevention and control of the COVID-19 in key places, key units and key populations (August 2021 Edition), and in combination with the changes in the epidemic trend, scientifically and accurately carry out the epidemic prevention and control in the construction industry, implement the “four early morning” measures, and strictly prevent the spread of risks.

(9) Standardize the general contracting construction activities of housing construction and municipal projects.

Implement the decision-making and deployment of suitong integrated development, strengthen the communication and exchange between the two places, and optimize the relevant procedures for the construction, planning, design, consulting, construction and other enterprises in the two places to enter the other party’s market.

Actively explore the supporting policies for construction, supervision and other enterprises in both places to participate in local project construction bidding activities, and increase the opening of the construction market.

(8) We will promote the reform of the construction employment system and cultivate a new team of workers in the construction industry.

Notice on printing and distributing the key points of the city’s construction management in 2022 the administrative departments in charge of the construction of counties (cities, districts) and parks directly under the city: now the key points of the city’s construction management in 2022 are printed and distributed to you.

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