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A new breakthrough in the structural system of precast canopy of high-speed railway station building

Feasibility verification of some patent certificates in order to verify the structural safety performance of the cast canopy, the design team of the Engineering Research Institute of the group carried out calculation and analysis, connection performance test and seismic performance test of the canopy under strong earthquake.

The turnover of steel formwork can reach 150 times.

With good appearance effect and low maintenance cost, the canopy components can basically achieve the effect of fair faced concrete by adopting the factory processing mode of shaped steel formwork.

The system can start the off-site processing of components during the construction period of off-line works, retaining walls, canopy foundations and pipelines of the platform.

Technological breakthrough in the solid drawing of the precast concrete canopy of Baiyin South Railway Station in March 2019, the Engineering Research Institute of the Group vigorously carried out the exploration and development of the precast canopy according to the requirements of the 13th five year plan for the development of the construction industry and the outline of the advance plan for railways with powerful transportation in the new era of China Railway Group.

The column root and foundation, column top and upper support beam are connected through grouting sleeve, and the roof components and support beam are connected through simple support.

Based on the entity of the railway passenger station canopy undertaken by the group in recent years, after a variety of model comparison and selection, A fully assembled concrete canopy system based on simply supported system is established.

The precast canopy middle plate is hoisted, and the low-carbon environmental protection components are manufactured by setting steel formwork and movable integral platform formwork.

On the premise that it is applicable to different projects, it replaces the wood bamboo plywood with high material consumption and high energy consumption, saves a lot of frame turnover materials, responds to the national environmental protection policy, and is conducive to the realization of the low-carbon goal.

Recently, the demonstration application of 21 span precast concrete canopy at Baiyin South Station of China Lanzhou passenger dedicated line constructed by China Railway Construction Co., Ltd.

Compared with cast-in-situ canopy, semi industrialized processing saves a lot of labor for formwork erection and disassembly and turnover material transportation, and saves more than 70% labor on site, which greatly alleviates the shortage of labor in canopy construction.

The overall production cost is greatly reduced, which lays a solid foundation for the follow-up promotion of precast concrete canopy.

Compared with the cast-in-situ structure, the cost of the cast concrete canopy is basically the same under the condition of component standardization, but the maintenance cost is greatly reduced.

At the same time, anti falling beam fixing measures are added to ensure the seismic demand of the overall structure.

The overall service life is long, the maintenance is simple, and the maintenance cost in the later stage is low.

System features the system fully integrates the advantages of bridge structure and house building assembly, and has the characteristics of high prefabrication rate, less wet operation, convenient hoisting and convenient standardized design.

Later, it will be popularized and applied on a large scale in Dongxing station and other station buildings.

During the R & D and trial use of the precast concrete canopy, the leaders of the State Railway Group paid full attention to and affirmed the further R & D of the precast concrete canopy, which will be raised to the R & D subject of the State Railway Group.

Contributed by: Railway Passenger Station Construction Research Institute of Group Engineering Research Institute..

was completed, marking the full application of the precast canopy system developed by the group.

The structural form of the canopy is mainly divided into three components: beam, plate and column.

The cost of the solid canopy of Baiyin south station is controllable.

Without priming and plastering, the fair faced requirements of China Railway Group can be realized.

At the same time, China Railway Group has started the project research and development of the standard of precast concrete canopy, which lays a solid foundation for the further promotion of precast canopy.

During the research and development of the assembled canopy, the hoisting operation scientific and technological achievements reserve group has applied for four invention patents, 15 utility model patents and 15 authorized patents; In addition, two construction methods, one volume of relevant construction drawings and one volume of technical specifications have been formed, and the conversion rate of scientific and technological achievements has reached 80%.

Pile Cage Spacer

Compared with the cast-in-situ structure, the construction period can be saved by more than 40%, At the same time, reduce the potential safety hazards caused by cross operation.

Application breakthrough: the building area of Baiyin south station is 9999.73 square meters, the building area of canopy is 14532.16 square meters, and 3 sets and 7 lines are set.

Considering the whole life cycle, the comprehensive cost is reduced.

After the on-site operation conditions are met, the fully mechanized hoisting construction is adopted to reduce the cross operation with other types of work on the same operation surface, and greatly shorten the duration of key lines of canopy structure construction.

Calculation and analysis of canopy structure low cycle reciprocating connection performance comparison test scale model seismic performance test component production mode canopy component processing can establish a component processing plant nearby the project, the processing of column and support beam components adopts shaped steel formwork, and the processing of roof components innovates and invents a special movable integral platform to realize rapid assembly, quick disassembly and high turnover of component processing.

The advantages of the system of producing precast concrete canopy with integral platform formwork for roof component processing are less labor, the degree of mechanization of precast concrete canopy component processing and on-site hoisting is high, and the overall labor is less.

The comparative test of low cycle reciprocating connection performance verified the connection performance of key nodes, and the cast canopy successfully passed the test of magnitude 10 earthquake in the seismic performance test.

This system is the ground application of the group company to expand the scope again after the application of the innovative system of three span double column cast concrete canopy at Changzhi East Station in 2020.

Among them, the second platform is 213.8m in the middle, 12m in width and 2565.60m2 in area.

It adopts the cast structure of double columns and double cantilevers.

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