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Beijing issues opinions on the implementation of precast buildings

In 2025, the target is 55%.

Improve the technical scheme planning and design scheme technical demonstration system in the early stage of the project.

Accelerate the cultivation of workers in the cast construction industry, give play to the main role of enterprises in vocational education and training, and encourage enterprises to establish their own industrial workers.

Deepen the integration of industry and education and school enterprise cooperation, support colleges and universities to set up courses related to precast architecture, innovate talent training mode, and provide professional talent guarantee for the realization of the goal.

The opinions on systematic design and standardized production also gives instructions on the design and production process of precast buildings.

As developers, they can actively study and reduce their own pressure.

In terms of production, the Opinions also pointed out that it is necessary to improve the standardization level of precast components, promote the use of size guidelines for main components and parts, improve the basic size and combined size library of precast components, and meet the requirements of standardized design and selection.

Beijing’s active implementation of such policies also has a very good guidance.

Study and formulate the menu type full decoration scheme, clarify the decoration standard and price range, promote the standardized, integrated and modular decoration mode, accelerate the application of smart products and smart home, and meet the personalized needs of consumers.

For example, in this opinion, it is mentioned to give financial incentives to qualified precast construction projects; Encourage financial institutions to increase credit support for precast construction projects.

The opinion points out that according to the requirements of applicability, economy, safety, green and beauty, promote the precast buildings to be green, low-carbon and intelligent, effectively improve the industrialization level of new buildings represented by precast buildings, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, and achieve the work goal of 55% of the newly-built building area by 2025.

“The precast building is not only the assembly of the external structure, but also the interior decoration and furniture assembly, which is another level of the precast building.” Yan Yuejin said.

Promote the certification of green building materials, components and parts, cultivate the integrated supply base of precast building components and parts, and accelerate the construction of green supply chain.

If it is realized, the quality can also be more guaranteed.

Yan Yuejin analyzed that the implementation of systematic design and standardized production can realize the rapid delivery of houses.

Coordinate the building structure, electromechanical equipment, parts, assembly construction and decoration, and implement integrated forward design and standardized design.

For such a new model, Yan Yuejin analyzed that the model of adding matching buildings and full decoration to new houses, if well controlled, will help to promote the emergence of some new residential products, which is also worthy of national learning and reference..

On May 10, the implementation opinions of the general office of Beijing Municipal People’s Government on the further development of precast buildings (hereinafter referred to as the opinions) stated that by 2025, the proportion of precast buildings in the newly-built building area will reach 55%, and specifically put forward the requirements that the assembly rate of single buildings with an area of more than 20000 square meters should not be less than 60%, the implementation of standardized design, industrialized production and the delivery of fully decorated finished products, Promote the development of precast buildings from many aspects and improve the construction level and quality.

“Precast buildings must be the direction of future buildings.” Zhang Dawei, chief analyst of Zhongyuan Real estate, said that it can save energy and reduce emissions, which is in line with the development direction of green buildings.

Liang Nan, an analyst at Zhuge housing search data research center, said that the full decoration can avoid the deformation and driving up house prices caused by the non-uniform fine decoration to a certain extent, which is conducive to curbing the rapid rise of new house prices and promoting the healthy and stable development of the real estate market.

Yan Yuejin, research director of the think tank center of E-House Research Institute, also said that from a higher perspective, the characteristics of green and environmental protection of precast buildings are also part of the major strategic objectives of China’s carbon peak in 2030 and carbon neutralization in 2060.

Strengthen the training of professional and technical personnel, carry out online training services for the improvement of cutting-edge technologies and skills of precast construction, and improve the professional title evaluation mechanism of precast construction professionals.

The Opinions also put forward clear requirements for this, indicating that it is necessary to promote the implementation of full decoration and finished product delivery of new precast buildings and include them in the housing sales contract.

The Opinions also emphasizes the need to vigorously cultivate professionals in precast architecture and expand the talent team in design, production, construction and management.

As for the cost of achieving this goal, Yan Yuejin also pointed out that the cost of precast buildings is higher than that of ordinary buildings, which may put some pressure on developers, but there will be some incentive measures in the follow-up promotion.

In terms of design, the opinion emphasizes the need to strengthen systematic and integrated design, give play to the leading role of design, implement the architect responsibility system, implement the whole process engineering consultation dominated by design, and promote the coordination of the whole industrial chain.

For home buyers, it will also bring a better living experience.

Gradually increase the proportion of precast decoration of indemnificatory housing, commercial housing and public buildings, and encourage existing buildings to adopt precast decoration.

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At the same time, improve the design and selection standards, implement standardized design, and promote the design method of less specifications and more combinations to ensure that the design depth meets the production and construction requirements.

Promote the application of intelligent production lines for steel structural members and precast concrete structural members, promote the realization of information management in production, and gradually establish a professional, large-scale and information-based production system based on standard parts and components.

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