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Can assembly decoration replace traditional decoration? Is the blue ocean of assembly decoration coming?

It can be called a subversive revolution in traditional decoration.

The materials required for precast decoration are more suitable for industrialized large-scale production.

In the long run, the maintenance and operation costs of precast decoration are lower.

However, in terms of appearance diversity, due to the inherent characteristics of industrial production, it is insufficient compared with traditional decoration.

The appearance change of precast decoration is more convenient, and some effects that are difficult to achieve by traditional technology can be achieved through the use of new materials, new technologies and new processes.

Anyada | brand was born in 1994 for a healthy life.

Comparison between precast and traditional decoration | practicability 1 The quality stability of cast decoration parts is higher than that of traditional decoration.


Breaking from the inside out always indicates the opening of “rebirth”.

Let assembly become a means to bring a healthy environment to people.

However, although the traditional decoration can achieve relatively personalized decoration results on the premise of investing more energy and money, the precast decoration can get better completion quality with lower investment, so that more funds can be invested in personalized configurations such as furniture and furnishings.


As an integrated assembly interior decoration service provider, anyada was founded in 1994.

Characteristics of precast decoration 1 The materials used for precast decoration are mainly semi-finished products (parts), precast parts, etc., and there are relatively few on-site fabrication.

In addition to the space of kitchen and bathroom, it is difficult to achieve the results similar to the traditional process on the top decorative finish.

As Mr.

Then, in terms of staff training cost, due to the more unified installation mode of various parts of precast decoration, compared with the training difficulties of qualified workers caused by the traditional decoration, the workers required for precast decoration may have higher requirements on the initial education level, but the workers need to master fewer special skills, There are fewer special conditions to adapt to when entering the industry.

Precast decoration is mainly based on standardized operation, with relatively few customized components.

Pan, founder of anyada, described the assembly decoration as industrialization and productization.

Based on the characteristics of industrial production, the R & D results of cast decoration parts are highly reusable, and manufacturers have more power to improve product functions to win market competition.


Finally, in terms of workers’ management cost, because precast decoration can reduce the requirements for workers’ experience, relatively speaking, younger and better educated workers can be employed; Moreover, as the process of each link is closer to the traditional decoration, it is easier for workers to schedule in time (different links of the same project) and space (between different construction sites).

Comparison between cast and traditional decoration | appearance 1 The appearance diversity of precast decoration is not as good as that of traditional decoration technology, but it is relatively easy to make up for.

Traditional decoration highly depends on workers’ experience, and the engineering quality of the same raw materials in the installation level of different workers is very different.

The gap between the final completion effect and the traditional decoration is not unacceptable.

Due to the high dependence on factory production, the weight of later installation process in the factors that determine the project quality is relatively reduced, so the final project quality stability is higher than that of traditional decoration.

The appearance of the finished surface of the ground and wall has been basically the same as that of the traditional decoration process.

In recent years, the implementation of “green environmental protection and circular economy” in the large home industry has brought the concept of assembly decoration into the vision of more people.

Since its establishment, it has won the title of three national industry standard drafting units and has more than 100 national patents.


The materials and processes used in precast decoration may be inferior to traditional decoration in absolute performance in some aspects, but due to the characteristics brought by dry installation and standardized production, precast decoration has these advantages in later maintenance and operation: (1) the process difficulty and material cost of repair and replacement are low.

On site construction of precast decoration is mainly dry installation.

The company has been awarded the titles of “high-tech enterprise” and “specialized special new type enterprise” for many times..

Precast decoration is easier to increase R & D investment, and the functionality of parts is stronger than traditional decoration.

In the long run, the labor cost of precast decoration will be lower.

The assembly type makes the decoration and installation system more standardized and turns the installation site into a simple building block splicing.

Truly achieve health “starts from the substrate, protects in the installation, and extends in life”.

Plate Anchor

(2) The decoration completion data is highly standardized, the project information is relatively easy to transfer, and the labor cost of later maintenance is lower.

The design difficulty of precast decoration is relatively lower, and the overall design level is more stable.

The rise of new things will probably go through the process from questioning to accepting.

-Health integration space – editor’s note: at present, China’s ecological civilization construction has entered a key period focusing on carbon reduction, promoting the synergy of pollution and carbon reduction, promoting the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, and realizing the improvement of ecological environment quality from quantitative change to qualitative change.

Below, xiao’an will compare the differences between precast decoration and traditional decoration from three aspects, and more intuitively explain the important role of precast decoration in the re transformation and upgrading of the industry- Partial design and color display of anyada – Comparison between assembly type and traditional decoration | economy 1 In the long run, the cost of precast decoration materials will be lower.


First, in terms of working hours, it will take less time.


In terms of historical experience, the cost of these materials will be lower than that of on-site small workshop operation.


(3) High variability, easy local renovation to meet new needs.

The above characteristics make it easy for us to understand the advantages of standardized and easy installation of precast decoration.

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