China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Case analysis of tower crane selection and layout in cast structure project

and the precast floor slab construction project of Wuxi hengzhihe Technology Group Co., Ltd.


supervision unit: Shanghai Construction Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.

The skid between layers shall be leveled and padded.

The skid shall be on the same vertical line and the thickness shall be equal.

Because all the main buildings are located on the basement, there are settlement post cast strips around the main building.

When stacking, the spacing between adjacent components shall not be less than 200mm.

The support is provided by PC manufacturer.

Summary of maximum weight of each component 1 Weight of single laminated plate: ≤ 2t2 Weight of single stair board: ≤ 2t3 Weight of single shear wall: ≤ 3.97t2 special points for attention in tower crane selection 1 The distance between the tower crane and the main building shall ensure accessibility during installation.

Components shall be stacked with certain hook binding spacing.

Lifting Eye Anchor

Do not cross the line.

When unloading, it is advisable to enter the basement roof at the front of the vehicle to avoid the impact of the whole vehicle on the basement roof; Storage sites shall be set up according to the specification, variety, use position and hoisting sequence; The storage site is set within the effective lifting range of hoisting equipment, and channels are set between stacks; The components with poor lateral stiffness, high center of gravity and narrow bearing surface shall be placed in place.

Under the condition of meeting the target of sales node, the pure basement beside the main building shall be constructed synchronously or as soon as possible.

(4) The storage of peripheral materials and consumables shelves, the special container for PC turnover materials and consumables is welded by angle steel l100x10, and the wooden board is laid horizontally for isolation.

PC component production unit: Changzhou Jietong precast construction Co., Ltd.

(1) For the stacking of precast shear walls, PC wall panels are placed vertically and welded with 6#, 10# channel steel.

The stacking position shall be within the rotation radius of the hoisting machinery as far as possible, and the hoisting direction shall be considered to avoid turning and re handling during hoisting.

(3) The stacking steps of precast stair boards shall be stacked horizontally in layers and models (left and right).

The construction storage yard is planned in advance and clearly marked with bright yellow paint.

Selection of tower crane model 1.

The stacked components shall be separated by skids.

Basic requirements for the setting of on-site transportation roads and storage yards 1 Each PC component storage yard shall be prepared according to 1 / 3 of the area of building number; The preferred storage yard shall avoid the impact and reinforcement on the basement, and minimize the tower company’s line of sight and hoisting time when it is convenient for installation; The base soil layer of the storage yard shall be hardened and open drainage ditches shall be set around.


The precast floor slab construction project of Jiangsu hengzhihe Technology Group Co., Ltd.

construction unit: Jiangsu Nantong Second Construction Group Co., Ltd.


design unit: Wuxi Chenggui Design Co., Ltd.

The skids between components shall be on the same vertical line and the thickness shall be equal.

When stacking, the spacing between adjacent components shall not be less than 500mm.

The components hoisted first shall be stacked on the outside or on the upper layer, and the numbered or marked side shall face the channel side.

Stereotyped grids are set on both sides of the road and signs are hung.

The prefabrication rate of precast buildings is greater than 30%, and the prefabrication and assembly rate is greater than 50%.

The layout plan of the construction site is 1 Foundation and below 5 floors.

The thickness of skids shall be higher than the height of lifting rings.

shall be removed smoothly.

mainly include the precast floor slab of Jiangsu hengzhihe Real Estate Co., Ltd.

The components shall be stacked in sequence according to the model and hoisting sequence.

PC component installation unit: overview of prefabrication rate of Suzhou Xujie Construction Technology Co., Ltd For the first batch of six buildings, for example, the statistical summary table and schematic diagram of precast concrete (PC) component types are as follows: (1) summary table of precast vertical components (2) summary table of precast horizontal components (3) summary table of precast stair components.

The support itself shall be firm and shall not swing left and right or loosen after support.

The storage rack of components shall have sufficient anti overturning performance.

The components shall be stacked with a certain hook binding spacing.

The PC components in the 3pc component stacking yard are unloaded by transport vehicles and stacked in the PC special storage yard of each building.

When the main body is more than 5 floors, the site layout shall timely backfill the foundation pit of the underground garage and connect the construction road.

During disassembly, the cab, tower crane frame, front and rear boom, etc.

Each stack shall not exceed 3 pieces.

They are classified and stacked according to the specified sequence.

For PC component driving road, the turning radius shall not be less than 15m, the driving road width shall not be less than 4m, the channel shall be connected in a circular way, and stereotyped grids and signs shall be set on both sides of the road to prohibit crossing the line.

If the tower crane foundation is constructed before the surrounding area, pay attention to the safe excavation distance from the surrounding sump, well, etc..

Use wood as cushion block to ensure that the board surface is not damaged.

The laminated plates are stacked with 4 or more fulcrums.


The supporting points of wall panels shall be set at both ends of the bottom of wall panels, and the stacking site must be flat and solid.

After the PC board is vertically placed into the special support, both sides are pressed with wooden wedges.

With the large-scale promotion and landing of precast buildings, the traditional construction technology has also changed.

The number of stacking layers of precast composite floor slab should not be greater than 6 (according to the design and relevant requirements).

Let’s take a look through an engineering example.


The skid of each layer shall be on a vertical line, and the fulcrum is generally the position of lifting hole.

The selection and layout of tower crane models are very different from the traditional cast-in-place structure.

The bottom skid shall be full-length.

4 stacking of cast components each PC special storage yard is composed of four areas: peripheral material and consumable shelves, stacking area of laminated plates, stacking area of stairs and stacking area of PC wallboards.

If the tower crane foundation is set with tower foundation piles, pay attention to the construction distance from the main building and basement engineering piles.

Construction unit: Wuxi aizhihong Real Estate Co., Ltd.


(2) Stacking of precast laminated slabs the stacking layers of precast laminated slabs should not be more than 6, and the stacked slabs should be stacked stably with 4 or more fulcrums.


In addition to the skids at both ends, the support shall also be erected or temporarily fixed with support.

Components shall be stacked stably, and skids shall be placed at the bottom.

The foundation bearing capacity of tower crane foundation shall meet the requirements of tower crane machinery.

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