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CCTV pays attention to the green transformation of urban and rural construction: vigorously develop precast buildings

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This year, the Ministry of housing and urban rural development will cultivate a number of precast building production bases, establish a professional, large-scale and digital production system based on standard components, promote the formation of a complete industrial chain, improve the level of building industrialization, and strive to achieve more than 30% of new precast buildings by 2025.

Last year, the central government issued two opinions in a row, clearly proposing to improve the quality of green and low-carbon development of urban and rural construction and promote the green transformation of urban and rural construction.

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At present, the relevant departments have taken a series of measures to accelerate the green development of urban and rural construction in China by carrying out green building creation actions, steadily promoting the energy-saving transformation of existing buildings, and vigorously developing precast buildings.

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