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Civil engineering bar policy mutation? Slow down, assembly

Precast building is a hot topic in recent years, which is not shown in the table below.

It’s mainly because the original grand blueprint, especially some hard indicators, took too big steps and pulled the crotch.

It’s a bad time.

Here’s an interesting detail.

When the state proposed various goals for the development of precast buildings, there was no unified statement on what is precast buildings! In 2015, the Ministry of housing and urban rural development (MOHURD) just produced a standard for the evaluation of industrial buildings (GB / t51129-2015), which was implemented from January 1, 2016.

During the chief engineer’s forum held by the steel structure design branch of China Steel Structure Association on August 18, 2018, the experts held a closed door meeting.

Entrust relevant units to carry out research on wood structure building technology suitable for China’s national conditions, put forward the development countermeasures of wood structure buildings in China, and promote the healthy development of wood structure buildings in China.

The Department of standards and quotas had to immediately “letter on requesting the revision of the evaluation standard for industrial buildings” jbbh 2016 [164] to organize the new standard work, People and units left some and changed some.

In view of the current sharp rise in the price of sand and gravel concrete and other building materials, as well as the treatment of sea sand chaos, relevant units have been entrusted to carry out a feasibility study on promoting steel structure precast buildings and promoting the modernization of the construction industry.

Of course, the reasons given by the Ministry are somewhat reluctant: the price of sand and gravel concrete has increased sharply, and the sea sand chaos has been controlled.

Maybe it’s also a record.

The first batch of demonstration cities and industrial bases of precast buildings have been investigated and evaluated.

Can the current design method and construction quality withstand the test of earthquake? How many experiments can really verify this? For example, precast concrete shear wall, its reinforcement is very thin and the diameter of connecting sleeve is also very small.

It was only in September that the state proposed “precast buildings”, not “industrial buildings”.

▲ click the civil engineering bar to pay attention to our civil engineering bar.

It seems that the precast construction movement is going to rest.

In addition to safety issues, the durability of precast buildings is also very worrying..

By 2020, the proportion of precast buildings in new buildings will reach more than 15%, including more than 20% in key areas, more than 15% in actively promoted areas and more than 10% in encouraged areas.

How to align it? How to ensure grouting quality? In Japan, precast shear wall structure is not engaged.

Encourage all localities to set higher development goals, Realize the all-round development of precast buildings.

Compared with the “notification” on October 28 and the “action plan” on March 23, it is obvious that the term “notification” is more grounded.

Let’s review the action plan for precast buildings in the 13th five year plan issued by the Ministry of housing and urban rural development on March 23, 2017, This action plan is formulated to promote the all-round development of precast buildings.

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The following is the summary of Civil Engineering: Beijing began to build hollow slabs in 1958.

The industry experts have long expressed concern about the current development of precast buildings.

Make use of various resources and channels to support the development of precast buildings, especially actively coordinate with the land department to take precast buildings as the content of construction conditions when transferring or allocating land All localities can take the level of assembly rate as the basis for supporting and encouraging policies.

The evaluation standard for precast buildings was issued in December 2017 and implemented from February 1, 2018.

The evaluation scheme has been drafted.

Start the preparation of guidelines for precast building technology system, sort out and put forward mature, applicable, safe and reliable precast building technology system suitable for China’s national conditions, and increase the promotion and application.

Due to poor integrity and continuity, a large number of casualties were caused during the Tangshan earthquake in 1976.

This is not a problem.

They engage in precast concrete frame and frame tube, which use coarse reinforcement, and the construction quality is easy to ensure.

Study the basic theory, technical system and construction technology of multi-storey and high-rise precast concrete buildings with high assembly rate, and study the application of high-performance concrete, high-strength reinforcement, energy dissipation, shock absorption and prestress technology in precast buildings   ……

Through the evaluation, the current development status of precast buildings has been studied and the existing problems and deficiencies have been analyzed.

I guess the MOHURD must have felt dizzy at that time.

It’s a pity that the evaluation standard for industrialized buildings was revised within one year and abolished within two years.

The authoritative civil engineering expert team will build wechat tumunao and join the provincial and municipal exchange group? Or not? This is a problem.


A National Symposium on precast buildings was held to listen to the introduction of the development of precast buildings in some regions, exchange work experience and deploy the next work.

Here are several key words: active and safe, steel structure, mature and applicable, safe and reliable, wood structure.

The prominent problem of the current precast building is also the poor integrity and continuity.

From February to May this year, the eleventh inspection team of the Central Committee inspected the Party group of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, In the “Circular of the Party group of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development of the Communist Party of China on the progress of inspection and rectification” issued on October 28, 2018, there is a special section on precast buildings.

(3) Actively and steadily promote the development of precast buildings.

It’s comforting that the standard number hasn’t changed.

The competent departments of housing and urban rural construction in all provinces (autonomous regions and cities) shall include the development of precast buildings in the key assessment and supervision projects as an important assessment index in the field of housing and urban rural construction.

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