China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Detailed explanation of main responsibilities and contents of precast building construction supervision

If the construction project is supervised, the construction unit shall entrust the supervision unit to supervise the production of precast concrete components and pay the corresponding supervision fees.

Design unit: the construction drawing design documents shall strictly comply with the provisions on the preparation depth of precast architectural design documents.

In the preparation stage of the project construction, we should focus on the spot check of the program approval and demonstration procedures; During the construction stage, the spot check of on-site safety protection, the shift leadership of the person in charge and the employment of the operators with certificates should be focused on, and the implementation of the quality and safety responsibilities of all parties should be supervised.

Establish corresponding working system, organize all parties involved in the project to carry out the first piece acceptance of precast concrete components production and the first section acceptance of on-site installation, and carry out mass production or subsequent construction after passing the acceptance.

The construction general contractor shall specify the limit of general and subcontract responsibilities in the subcontract for the links of cross construction, so as to effectively implement the safety responsibilities; And coordinate and urge all subcontractors to cooperate with each other to effectively implement the contents of the construction organization design and special plan.

Relevant government supervision institutions: supervision institutions at all levels should effectively carry out supervision according to the requirements of project quality and safety supervision and the particularity of the construction of assembled monolithic concrete structures.

The production unit shall actively cooperate with the supervision unit to carry out relevant supervision work.

For the special construction operation platform for precast buildings with new materials, new equipment and new processes, and the protective facilities for high-altitude and edge operations, the special scheme shall be demonstrated by experts as required.

(including acceptance, maintenance and strength of concealed works out of the pool) the production unit shall identify the precast components that pass the inspection, and the components with incomplete identification shall not leave the factory.

2、 The quality supervision and production unit of precast components shall design the processing drawings of precast components according to the reviewed and qualified construction drawing design documents, which must be reviewed and confirmed by the original construction drawing design unit..

Prepare the production plan of precast components, clarify the quality assurance measures, and implement it after performing the approval procedures as required.

Prepare the special quality and safety plan for precast building construction in time, and perform the approval procedures as required.

The subcontractor shall obey the overall construction scheduling arrangement of the general contractor, especially the hoisting subcontractor shall strengthen the coordination and cooperation with other subcontractors.

The construction general contractor shall prepare and strictly implement the safe production and civilized construction measures according to the characteristics of the construction site, such as the setting of component storage yards, the installation and use of equipment and facilities, and the discontinuous construction caused by hoisting.

Coordinate the construction progress and work cooperation of all parties involved in the construction, such as design, construction general contracting, supervision, component production, etc.

Supervision unit: the supervision unit shall strictly review the approval and expert demonstration of the special construction scheme, prepare operable supervision implementation rules according to the special scheme, and clarify the requirements of key links, key parts and on-site inspection of supervision, and the on-site inspection of key links and key parts shall retain image data.

Components delivered from the factory shall be provided with complete component quality certificates.

In the construction drawing design documents, the structural type, precast assembly rate, precast component parts, precast component types, structural practices between precast components and between precast components and main concrete pouring shall be specified, and a special chapter of structural design description shall be prepared.

The design unit should do a good job in on-site services, And assign a special person as the person in charge of on-site service.

The operators engaged in the hoisting of precast components on site must hold the certificate of special type of work for high-altitude operation of building construction.

When there are important changes related to structural safety and use functions, the design unit shall strictly control them and remind the construction unit to send the modified documents to the original examination organization for examination.

1、 Responsibilities and obligations of main participating units: construction unit: send the design documents of precast building construction drawings to the review organization for review.

according to the specifications and standards.

(now some prefabrication yards do detailed design for the approval of the designer) the design unit should fully consider the factors such as component lifting points, tower cranes and wall embedded parts of construction machinery, scaffolding tie-in together with the construction unit, so as to facilitate component production and subsequent construction, and put forward measures to ensure quality and safety in the construction process (including checking the bearing capacity of the component stacking site).

When there are important changes related to structural safety and use functions in the construction drawing design documents, it is necessary to send them to the original review organization for re review.

Strengthen the quality control in the production process of precast components, and strengthen the inspection of raw materials, concrete strength, connectors, component performance, etc.

The construction unit shall pass the external audit of the safety production management system in accordance with the code for management of safety production in site construction (dgj08-903-2010).

According to the construction characteristics of precast buildings, the cost of safe production and civilized construction measures shall be fully allocated.

Put forward special design requirements for possible major risks.

Production unit of precast components: the processing drawing design of precast components must be reviewed and confirmed by the original construction drawing design unit.

When the on-site supervision is implemented for the production of precast components, the supervision unit shall earnestly perform the relevant supervision responsibilities, implement the acceptance of raw materials, testing, concealed works and inspection lot acceptance, and prepare the on-site supervision evaluation report.

The construction unit should vigorously promote the application of BIM Technology, so that the process, process, facilities and equipment meet the relevant requirements of quality and safety.

If the supervision institutions at all levels find that there are defects in quality and safety production conditions in the key links such as the preparation and approval of the plan, the stacking, lightering, hoisting of precast components, on-site protection and component connection, structural waterproofing, waterproof construction, etc., they shall immediately order local suspension of construction and rectification, if necessary, comprehensive shutdown and rectification, and deal with the relevant responsible units and individuals according to law.

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The key points of the site supervisor’s daily on-site inspection shall include the preparation work of the construction unit before hoisting, the on-the-job situation of the management personnel in the hoisting process, the employment situation of the operators with certificates, the on-the-job performance of the hoisting supervisors, the protective measures for the edge operation and the implementation of the relevant auxiliary facilities plan, etc.

The spot check and supervision shall be strengthened on the physical parts of the project and construction behaviors involving the safety of engineering structure, use function and environmental impact.

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