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Development and application of precast architectural design under the background of BIM

It can also realize multidisciplinary collaborative design and energy-saving and environmental protection design, provide all participants with a three-dimensional information integration platform including building materials, processing equipment, cost and other information, promote exchanges and cooperation between architects and designers, and strengthen communication with manufacturers and material suppliers on the platform.

In the assembled architectural design, software simulation can be realized in all links of architectural design and construction.

The second is to import BIM data into large-scale production facilities to realize mechanized production.

BIM can integrate the basic concepts of precast buildings into one main line, including design, production, architecture, decoration and management.

In terms of integrated decoration, its effective implementation can improve productivity, realize internal rendering and simulated installation under the condition of visualization, optimize design and installation, decompose the internal space into independent functional modules, and design after comprehensive consideration, so as to facilitate industrialized production.

In order to achieve rapid and effective sustainable development, this technology has been fully used in precast construction engineering.

In addition, precast buildings can greatly reduce the number of front-line workers, save labor, improve labor quality and shorten the construction cycle.


The precast building mainly controls the quality, progress, cost and safety of the whole project through the control of three construction stages.

The construction process of precast building can be divided into three stages: the manufacturing stage of precast building components, the transportation stage of transportation machinery and the on-site installation stage of precast building components.

The EPC mode can integrate all available resources for project design, procurement and construction to the greatest extent, and the BIM Technology can use information means to coordinate all parts of the EPC mode, so as to make full use of the personnel and information of the construction industry 2 – design method based on BIM Technology.

The second step is to carry out construction and installation training to ensure that relevant personnel accurately master the composition of precast buildings, avoid construction delays caused by misunderstanding or communication errors, and improve the proficiency and work efficiency of relevant personnel.

Click the blue word “Revit” above to follow us! At present, more than 100000 people have paid attention to joining us – text – the rapid development of modern science and technology, which has promoted the emergence of BIM Technology.


Compared with other building methods, precast building has great advantages, which can standardize the design and production mode, realize standardized design, and achieve the goal of management informatization and decoration integration.

For large-scale factory production, firstly, BIM model is used to express building components, and the abstract two-dimensional graphic information is concentrated in one model to establish a closer connection with the prefabrication plant.

The application of information technology in the construction industry brings the information data of various stages of construction engineering into the computer model, realizes the information integration through three-dimensional information technology, and coordinates the building structure size, electromechanical, drainage, heating and other aspects in an all-round way.

BIM Technology has two advantages: ① from the original two-dimensional design to three-dimensional design, the problem of synchronous design of various disciplines is solved through intuitive model, which effectively reduces the design cycle.

Based on the retention of the characteristics of precast buildings, it has promoted the transformation of architectural design to digitization, automation and intelligence.

The application of BIM Technology is an innovation of precast building design, which greatly improves the accuracy, construction efficiency and quality of precast building, and is of great significance to promote its development 1 – overview of BIM Technology and precast buildings precast structures, i.e.

The combination of BIM Technology and precast building engineering can solve the problem of resource waste caused by various reasons such as design, construction, component processing, insufficient connection and so on.

precast components produced by direct on-site assembly plants, are less affected by climate change.

The establishment of Bim and precast building information management mode, and the implementation of information management mode mainly involves three aspects: ① economic calculation analysis, which requires accurate estimation and rapid comparison through classification statistics to complete the preliminary control of cost.

Establish the close relationship between Bim and factory production, assembly construction and integrated decoration.

② In important stages such as production transmission and construction management, digital chips are used for quality recording, so as to find problems in time and improve work quality.

② Improve the accuracy of architectural design.

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The EPC mode has a high degree of consistency with the BIM Technology to a certain extent.

Establish Bim and standardized visual design, use the architectural function of BIM software to gradually build the variety, specification and quantity of precast components, and realize the interactive and refined module design concept through visual design.

At the same time, BIM Technology also includes other advantages such as visibility, coordination, simulation and optimization.

Precast building technology was introduced into the construction industry in 2002.

③ Use mobile devices to view the information required by the project in real time to improve the accuracy of the project..

At the same time, we can rely on other means to complete information collaborative design, visual assembly, the whole process and all-round information integration, and provide help for the whole process of construction through digital simulation.

BIM software can effectively extract project related information, shorten project time, control cost, improve quality and construction safety, and increase project benefits.

In the assembly construction, the first step is to introduce the project schedule into the BIM model, simulate the on-site organization and process, effectively integrate the information of time and space, form a 4D visual model, and use VR technology to master the main control methods in advance, find the existing problems in time, and improve and optimize these problems.

At the same time, the construction and installation project adopts the EPC mode, which can plan the whole installation.

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