China Precast Magnet

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Fabricated interior is the future interior

I divide the precast building into two parts.

At the same time, after large-scale industrial manufacturing, the small-scale manual synthesis field is abandoned.

Party a +epc is a model for the future of the industry.

Most of them have completed industrial manufacturing, but many similar manufacturers have structural overcapacity.

They are the industrial upgrading of traditional building materials.

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The first part is the cast structure, and the second part is the cast interior decoration, which is easy to be ignored.

Only we are the slowest in this field.

In today’s mobile internet society, many industries have changed.

Upgrading building materials to building components to meet the explosive growth of precast interior decoration is an industry opportunity.

This quality is not the quality of the product itself, but the quality after installation.

After the development of precast buildings and precast interior decoration, in some cases, we will no longer use building materials, but use building components.

Its essence is intelligent manufacturing and overall cost reduction.

China’s modern construction market has gone through 30 years, and our development achievements are obvious to all.

Its advantage is standardized design.

The central, provincial and municipal governments have successively issued documents to vigorously promote precast buildings, which is one of the trends of future architectural development.

In this process, the industry will reshuffle, and every enterprise should strive to survive and develop.

The assembly method shall be implemented.

High quality building components are the best-selling products in the market.

The design shall be divided, standardized and modularized, and continuously iterated and upgraded.

The assembly type has the characteristics of standardization, modular design, factory production, assembly construction and so on.

We are talking about the positioning of the enterprise in the field of building materials.

Why do you choose cast interior? There are too many advantages of the built-in assembly.

As we all know, human society has entered industrial society, information society and internet society from primitive society and agricultural society.

The second is the “the Belt and Road”.

Building components are suitable for assembling interior decoration.

With the continuous increase of these two expenses, the situation of decoration companies is getting worse and worse.

We always say that industrialization, Internet +, mobile Internet, food, clothing, housing and transportation all involve other fields.

Precast building is the mainstream architectural mode in China in the future, and precast interior decoration is the mainstream interior decoration mode in China in the future.

The concept of precast building.

Looking for new tools and organizing new models without being forced by these two inherent costs is the way out for the decoration company in the future.

In addition, it is truly combined with “Internet +” and has opportunities for sustainable growth.

There are many traditional decoration companies and design companies.

First of all, one-stop service and assembling life are the inevitable trend of social development.

In the initial stage of the field of precast buildings and precast interior decoration, leading enterprises have developed to billions of development scale, attracting the attention of many emerging enterprises in the investment community.

First, the State Council issued a policy to promote the construction of General Assembly in 2016, requiring the total assembly rate to reach 30% in 2020.

Generally speaking, precast buildings are an important part of the specific landing mode of supply side structural reform and new urbanization development.

The quality is good, the performance is guaranteed, the requirements for manual operation technology are low, the construction period is greatly shortened (the construction period is shortened by more than 50%), the dry operation construction site is free of garbage and noise, the materials are safe, environmentally friendly, formaldehyde free, and the fire rating is A1.

In line with the trend of social development, the development trend promoted by the government often has good prospects.

At present, the application of assembly must have two foundations, one is standardization, the other is batch.

Building component is a system composed of one or more kinds of building materials and several accessories to independently complete certain building functions.

Finally, whoever can run out, who can run out of quality and speed, will be able to take the lead in this market.

In addition, the boundary should be friendly, that is, the material itself is a part and cannot be cut on site, so the boundary should be friendly and seamless; In addition, the quality is good.

Therefore, all countries in the world, especially the countries along the “the Belt and Road” and some poor countries, take China as an example and learn from China’s rapid development model over the past 30 years.

At the same time, it is at the bottom of the industrial chain and the living environment is very poor.

The development of traditional decoration engineering companies is restricted by two factors: decoration materials and decoration workers.

There will be some problems.

Fourth, the development trend.

In the process of upgrading, one point is industrial intelligent manufacturing.

What will the next 30 years look like? In the direction of the “the Belt and Road”, there are three major markets like China in the world waiting for Chinese people and Chinese entrepreneurs to go out together, so the way out for everyone in the future is to go out together with precast buildings..

Precast building is the future building, and precast interior decoration is the future interior decoration.

After modularization, iteration can be carried out, and the iteration cost is very low.

In recent years, with the alternation of hot and cold in the decoration market, new technologies and new ideas are profoundly changing all aspects of the traditional decoration industry from production to construction.

Third, industrial upgrading.

Today, many industries will consciously or unconsciously, actively or passively enter the mobile Internet era, and the production and consumption patterns will undergo earth shaking changes.

The whole building consists of several parts.

EPC company’s products belong to today’s real estate developers, design institutes, construction companies, decoration companies and building component manufacturers; At the same time, the building materials industry will undergo a new round of reshuffle; Quickly form large-scale, cross regional high-quality parts suppliers; Has become or will become a listed company; They will form a close capital and market alliance with EPC alliance members and conduct in-depth strategic cooperation.

Secondly, the concept of building components is briefly introduced.

It is applicable to the traditional building mode and is a link in the traditional building industry chain.

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