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Financial support for “double carbon” work opinions: vigorously promote the application of precast buildings and green building materials

Focusing on achieving the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutralization on schedule, we will strengthen the connection between financial support policies and the outline of the national “fourteenth five year plan”, seize the critical and window period of the “fourteenth five year plan” carbon peak work, implement active financial policies to improve efficiency, pay more attention to the requirements of accuracy and sustainability, and reasonably plan the policy system of financial support for carbon peak and carbon neutralization.

In order to implement the major strategic decisions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on carbon peak and carbon neutralization, the Ministry of Finance issued the opinions on financial support for carbon peak and carbon neutralization (CAI Zi Huan [2022] No.

Support green and low-carbon scientific and technological innovation and basic capacity building, support green and low-carbon living and resource conservation, support the consolidation and improvement of carbon sink capacity, and support the improvement of the green and low-carbon market system.

The opinions put forward that the key directions and areas of financial support mainly include: supporting the construction of a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system, supporting the green and low-carbon transformation of key industries, and supporting the development of industrial sectors towards high-end, intelligent, green and advanced manufacturing.

First, general requirements.


Recently, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Finance answered the reporter’s questions on the relevant opinions.

Before 2060, the policy system of fiscal support for green and low-carbon development was mature and sound, and the goal of carbon neutrality was successfully achieved.

The main objectives are: by 2025, the fiscal policy tools will be continuously enriched, the fiscal and tax policy framework conducive to green and low-carbon development will be initially established, and strong support will be given to all regions and industries to accelerate green and low-carbon transformation.

Third, fiscal policy measures.

Relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Finance answered reporters’ questions on the introduction of the opinions on financial support for carbon peak and carbon neutralization.

53, hereinafter referred to as the “opinions”), and the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Finance answered reporters’ questions on the opinions.

First, based on the present, with a long-term perspective..


Including strengthening the role of financial support and guidance, improving the market-oriented diversified investment mechanism, giving full play to the incentive and restraint role of tax policies, improving the government’s green procurement policy, and strengthening international cooperation to deal with climate change.

Q: what is the overall framework and main contents of the opinions? A: Based on the current development stage and focusing on supporting the realization of carbon peak, the opinions put forward policies and measures such as comprehensive use of financial capital guidance, tax regulation, diversified investment and government green procurement to do a good job in financial security, including four parts.

We will support the northern heating areas to carry out energy-saving transformation of existing urban residential buildings and rural houses, and promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality in urban and rural construction.

53, hereinafter referred to as the opinions).

It mainly expounds the guiding ideology, working principles and main objectives of financial support for carbon peak and carbon neutralization.

The introduction of the opinions is conducive to clarifying the work goal of financial support to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality, guiding financial cadres at all levels to improve their political position, unify their thinking and understanding, and focus on promoting their work; It is conducive to guiding the financial departments at all levels to clarify the key directions and areas to support the carbon peak and carbon neutralization work, identify the focus, and accelerate the establishment and improvement of the fiscal and tax policy system to promote the efficient use of resources and green and low-carbon development; It is conducive to giving full play to the synergy of multiple policies such as financial funds, taxation, government procurement, etc., forming a collaborative promotion mechanism for the work of the financial department, which is linked up from top to bottom and interacted horizontally with other departments, so as to effectively promote the realization of the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

ask: what are the principles of financial support for carbon peak and carbon neutralization? A: the opinions put forward four principles.

We will continue to promote the substitution of electricity in industries, transportation, construction, agriculture and rural areas, and implement “electricity instead of coal” and “electricity instead of oil”.

On May 30, the Ministry of Finance issued the opinions on financial support for carbon peaking and carbon neutralization (CAI Zi Huan [2022] No.


In order to thoroughly implement the major strategic decision of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on carbon peak and carbon neutralization, the Ministry of finance has issued the opinions according to the relevant work deployment of the opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on the complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept and the action plan for carbon peak before 2030 (GF [2021] No.

The opinions pointed out that the main measures to support the fiscal policy of carbon peak and carbon neutrality include: strengthening the guiding role of financial funds, improving the market-oriented diversified investment mechanism, giving full play to the incentive and restraint role of tax policies, improving the government’s green procurement policy, and strengthening international cooperation to deal with climate change.

Second, support key directions and areas.

Q: what is the background and significance of the opinions? As one of the “1+n” policy systems for building carbon peak and carbon neutralization, the opinions are the top-level design documents for the financial departments to implement the relevant major decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and an important guarantee scheme for carbon peak and carbon neutralization.

By 2030, a fiscal and tax policy system conducive to green and low-carbon development will be basically formed, a long-term mechanism to promote green and low-carbon development will be gradually established, and the goal of carbon peak will be smoothly achieved.

Its working principle is to base on the present and focus on the long term.


It clearly supports the construction of a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system, green and low-carbon transformation in key industries, green and low-carbon scientific and technological innovation and infrastructure capacity-building, green and low-carbon life and resource conservation and utilization, consolidation and improvement of carbon sink capacity, and improvement of green and low-carbon market system.

Fourth, safeguard measures.

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Specifically, it includes four aspects: strengthening responsibility implementation, strengthening coordination and cooperation, strict budget management, and strengthening learning and publicity.

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