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Five precast construction products of China Railway Group were rated as the first batch of “new products of culture, tourism and Rural

Actively implement the Rural Revitalization Strategy of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, assume social responsibility, reflect the responsibility of central enterprises, give full play to their own advantages and enterprise strength in the new wave of Rural Revitalization and construction, and help the rural area with “one appearance for thousands of villages” to become a new rural area with “one appearance for thousands of villages”…

At present, China Railway assembly has built a number of cultural tourism and rural houses with strong local characteristics throughout the country, which fully reflects the unique advantages of personalized customization of the company’s precast buildings.

For more than ten years, China Railway assembly has continuously cultivated the rural market, helped rural revitalization, continuously upgraded and transformed rural houses, optimized and improved the living environment and promoted the development of the construction industry with a green, environmental friendly, fast and safe assembly construction method.

The precast new-type country villa built with the rapid assembly housing system saves time, labor and money; The herdsmen’s settlement house built with inorganic aggregate flame retardant wood plastic composite wallboard has the characteristics of earthquake resistance, thermal insulation, heat insulation and energy saving; The precast new farm house built with light partition board is environmentally friendly and comfortable.

In the next step, China Railway assembly will take this opportunity to continue to strengthen product innovation and R & D, and provide more, better, newer and more suitable precast building parts and complete solutions for revitalizing rural development and cultural tourism.

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The selection of new scientific and technological products is the purpose of the professional committee of cultural tourism and Rural Revitalization of new scientific and technological products of Beijing Science and technology financial development service center to implement the principles and policies of the party, the state, cultural tourism and Rural Revitalization industry development, accelerate the incubation and application of scientific and technological innovation achievements, and promote the scientific and technological progress of cultural tourism and rural construction industry in the field of Rural Revitalization, Among many new building materials products in recent years, we will explore new green, intelligent, assembly, characteristic and economic products suitable for cultural tourism and rural construction projects, so as to provide more, better, newer and more suitable new scientific and technological products for revitalizing rural development and cultural tourism.

On July 27, it was selected and recognized by the expert jury of the new scientific and technological products professional committee of culture, tourism and Rural Revitalization of Beijing Science and technology financial development service center, Five cast building components assembled by China Railway (rapid assembly housing system, fiber reinforced cement hollow extrusion wallboard, fiber reinforced cement exterior wall decoration hanging board, inorganic aggregate flame retardant wood plastic composite wallboard and building light partition board) were officially rated as the first batch of new scientific and technological products for cultural tourism and Rural Revitalization (hereinafter referred to as “new scientific and technological products”).

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