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Focus | precast buildings in Jinan account for 50%. Shandong will promote the high-quality development of the construction industry and do

The proportion of newly built precast buildings in Jinan will reach 50%.

Regularly update the catalogue of restricted and obsolete technology products, increase the demonstration of technology application and the promotion of achievements, improve the library of scientific and technological achievements in the field of housing and urban and rural construction, and actively cultivate and expand emerging technology construction enterprises such as intelligent construction.

By 2025, the total annual output value of the construction industry in the province will reach 2.3 trillion yuan, the number of 100 billion level construction enterprise groups will exceed 4, the number of over 50 billion level construction enterprises will exceed 12, and the number of over 10 billion level construction enterprises will exceed 45, with an export-oriented degree of more than 30%.

The municipal and county levels have studied and formulated the incentive policy for the local financial contribution of provincial enterprises, and implemented the incentive and subsidy policy of 20% of the annual increase in the tax payment of enterprises going out for construction.

However, the overall strength of the construction industry in the province is not strong, there are few backbone enterprises, weak core competitiveness and other issues have not been fundamentally resolved, and there is still a certain gap compared with the national and advanced provinces.

The plan emphasizes the need to accelerate the green development level of the construction industry.

Source: Shandong Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development and the introduction of Dazhong daily client.

Shandong Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development July 2, 2022 health villa ultra-low energy consumption precast house health villa ultra-low energy consumption precast house advantages: 1, the assembly rate of health villa is 100%.


The seismic fortification of health villa is eight degrees.


According to the plan, Shandong has determined six key tasks and refined the specific work in 21 aspects.


The health villa adopts reinforced concrete components, which will not release VOC toxic substances indoors, reduce noise, and meet the health building standards.

Accelerate the promotion and application of the top ten new technologies in the construction industry, and improve the conditions and requirements for the application of new technologies in high-quality projects and other activities such as evaluation, standards and demonstration.

Fixing Socket Waved End

The insulation of the health villa meets the ultra-low energy consumption standard (the supporting roof solar power generation system meets the passive energy-saving requirements).

The construction period is 20% of that of traditional buildings.

At the same time of “bringing in”, it is also necessary to “go out”.

Construction industry is a pillar industry worthy of the name and enriching the people.

By 2025, more than 5million square meters of ultra-low energy consumption will be built, and more than 1million square meters of pilot areas of near zero energy consumption, low-carbon and zero carbon buildings will be created.

At the same time, more than 10 industrial clusters of new-type construction industrialization will be scientifically arranged to create a number of “villages of architecture” and towns with architectural characteristics, forming construction industry clusters.

The health villa has compound grade a fire protection.

During the “14th five year plan”, more than 100million square meters of green buildings will be added every year.

The high-quality development of the construction industry should be driven by innovation.


During the 13th Five Year Plan period, the total output value of Shandong construction industry exceeded 6.3 trillion, and the total output value was 1.64 trillion in 2021, with a year-on-year increase of 9.8%; It has driven more than 3million employees and made outstanding contributions to serving the overall development situation.

We should vigorously promote green building materials and promote the development of the whole industrial chain of new building industrialization.

Original document: Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau: now the “three-year action plan for promoting the high-quality development of the construction industry in Shandong Province” is printed and distributed to you.

The plan clearly stipulates that Shandong will establish the Party committee of construction enterprises in the construction industry outside the province, gradually realize the full coverage of Party organizations in the construction industry outside the province on the basis of the pilot project of establishing Party organizations in the construction industry outside the province and some cities, strengthen communication with provincial competent departments, and play a political leading role in the development of construction enterprises outside the province.

Strengthen the promotion of enterprises, rely on regional party organizations and chambers of commerce outside the province, hold a series of publicity and promotion meetings across the province, and promote a number of high-quality enterprises going out for construction every year.

“At present, there are 6 and 9 strong cities and 10 billion strong counties in the construction industry of the province, 54 super grade enterprises, ranking the fourth in the country, 25 construction enterprises above 10 billion, and 12 are shortlisted in the top 100 private enterprises of the province, and the industrial scale continues to grow.” According to the relevant person in charge of Shandong Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development, according to the plan, Shandong will implement hierarchical cultivation, establish a cultivation mechanism for reserve enterprises and enterprise technology centers with “three upgrades, two upgrades, one upgrade and one upgrade” (“B upgrades to a”, “a upgrades to comprehensive”) qualifications, and promote Zaozhuang, Dongying, Jining, Tai’an, Liaocheng, Binzhou Heze and other cities achieved zero breakthrough.


Recently, Shandong Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development issued the three-year action plan for promoting the high-quality development of the construction industry in Shandong Province, further clarifying the road map and timetable for the high-quality development of the construction industry in the next three years.

The service life of the health villa is more than 100 years..

The plan proposes to lay out and build a number of industry key laboratories and engineering technology innovation centers, and give priority to those that meet the corresponding standards and are recognized as provincial enterprise technology centers.

At present, the provincial government has successively signed strategic cooperation agreements with central construction enterprises such as China Construction Group, China Railway, China Communications Group and China energy construction, and the attraction of headquarters is continuously increasing.

Please carefully implement it in combination with the actual situation.

Among them, the first task is to strengthen and optimize the construction industry and improve the level of strong cities, counties and towns in the construction industry by adopting the method of hierarchical cultivation.

The plan proposes to promote large-scale high-quality construction enterprises to carry out strategic cooperation with the government, strengthen provincial and municipal planning, enterprise drive, school enterprise alliance, focus on financial support, industrial support, policy empowerment, and promote large-scale high-quality construction enterprises to increase investment in Shandong, so as to achieve joint progress and win-win cooperation.

By 2025, the proportion of newly started precast buildings in the province will account for more than 40% of new urban buildings, including 50% in Jinan, Qingdao and Yantai.

According to the actual situation and development willingness of construction enterprises, set the development goals of 5billion, 10billion, 50billion and 100billion level by level in batches, and spare no effort to promote the upgrading of enterprises to form a echelon development cluster.

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