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Guangdong │ 25% assembled, Dongguan City issued the key points of housing and urban rural construction in 2022

Encourage projects to create excellence, and support enterprises to strive for high-quality projects, standardized star construction sites, safety demonstration sites and science and technology demonstration projects.

We will continue to promote the establishment of green communities and strive for more than 70% of the communities (i.e.

We will continue to rectify and standardize the order of real estate, improve the supervision system of pre-sale funds, and resolutely and effectively deal with the risks of individual head real estate enterprise projects.

Constantly enhance the brand advantages of “Dongguan construction”, encourage enterprises to “go out” to explore external markets, encourage qualified enterprises to promote their qualifications, and support local enterprises to participate in large-scale project construction in the form of consortium.

3、 Make efforts in urban and rural construction and support the building of a high-quality modern city (I) implement the action of project quality improvement.

(4) Vigorously promote the upgrading of the construction industry.

(3) Strengthen the management of rural housing construction.

Study and formulate measures to promote and support the reform and development of the construction industry, study and establish a library of high-quality service enterprises for engineering construction, and carry out the selection and reward of high-quality construction enterprises of “Dongguan construction” in 2022.

We will accelerate the development of the long-term rental housing market.

(3) Vigorously cultivate and build a talent team.

Focus on this official account to release updates at 7:00 or 11:11; Committed to the full release of the policy guidance of the national precast construction industry.

We will optimize the security of public rental housing and further increase monetary subsidies for people with housing difficulties.

161) to meet the requirements for the establishment of green communities in 2022.

In 2022, strive to attract 1-2 high-quality construction enterprises from other cities to settle in Dongguan.

The key points of work in 2022 are as follows: first, make efforts to ensure housing security and support the creation of a new highland for people’s livelihood happiness (first) maintain the steady development of the real estate market.

Explore and promote the reform of “certificate upon delivery” to further improve the efficiency of housing related services.

By the end of 2022, the green building area will account for more than 80% of the newly started civil building area in the city, and the precast buildings will account for more than 25%.

Accelerate the development of affordable rental housing, and strive to build 30000 affordable rental housing units in 2022 (including 10000 new units).

Vigorously cultivate high skilled talents of construction craftsmen and build a high-quality construction skilled talent team based in Dongguan.

(2) Improve the level of rural construction.

According to local conditions, we will develop housing with common property rights and start the construction of 4000 sets of “three limited housing” projects.

Study and issue a work plan for talent house purchase.

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Build two beautiful and happy village characteristic continuous demonstration areas such as Xiegang and Dongkeng.

Pay close attention to project quality management, fully implement the lifelong responsibility for project quality and the quantitative assessment and credit evaluation system on the construction site, and constantly standardize the quality behavior of the main responsible units of all parties.

(2) Improve the housing security system.

Accelerate the development of green buildings, prepare and complete the special plan for green buildings in Dongguan (2021-2035), carry out carbon reduction actions in the construction field, and promote the industrialization of new buildings dominated by precast buildings.

In 2022, it is planned to create 2 national standard chemical sites (strive to reach 3) and more than 55 provincial safe and civilized demonstration sites.

Promote the construction of quality standardization, strengthen the quality management of engineering concrete, standardize the inspection behavior of engineering quality, and promote the quality insurance of residential engineering.

We will deepen cooperation in the construction industry in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, promote mutual recognition of professional qualifications, and explore and implement the management mode of engineering construction in Hong Kong and Macao.

Improve the concept and level of architectural planning and design, and strive to build a number of urban boutique buildings with Dongguan characteristics.

Increase the attraction of construction talent recruitment, and strive to bring the introduction of construction technology and management talents into the scope of our city’s policy to encourage the introduction of scientific and technological talents.

Continue to track and do a good job in economic monitoring and output value statistics, and promote the retention of output value in Dongguan.

Study and carry out the pilot work of “using the special funds for municipal housing security to improve the living environment of village self built houses (villages in cities)”.

(2) Vigorously attract high-quality enterprises.

2、 Promote industrial upgrading and support the cultivation, growth and development of new drivers (I) vigorously carry out the action of “cultivating excellence and supporting strength”.

In 2022, the city’s housing and urban rural development system will earnestly implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the plenary sessions of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the central economic work conference, earnestly implement the work deployment of the provincial Party committee, the spirit of the 15th municipal Party Congress and the spirit of the provincial and municipal “two sessions”, based on the new starting point of “double 10000”, and focus on the urban characteristics of “scientific and technological innovation and advanced manufacturing”, Grasp the new development stage, implement the new development concept, build a new development pattern, promote high-quality development, coordinate the epidemic prevention and control and Housing Urban and rural construction, focus on eight aspects: housing security, industrial development, urban and rural construction, reform services, industry management, information construction, security and stability and party construction, and strive to create a new situation of high-quality development of housing and construction.

We will continue to allow the newly divided Dongguan first-class qualified enterprises to use the performance of the original company as the bidding credit within two years.

Guide the municipal talent housing operation institutions to consolidate and expand the achievements of the “Guanyu” brand, expand the supporting service system, and strive to build a number of new talent housing projects and communities.

The full text of the key points of housing and urban rural construction in Dongguan in 2022 is as follows.

Accelerate the development of construction industrialization, develop characteristic intelligent construction industrial system, and cultivate new intelligent construction formats with Dongguan characteristics.

We will study and revise the measures of Dongguan Municipality for the safe housing of talents (for Trial Implementation), and strengthen the housing security of medium and high-level talents in our city.

Adhere to the “stability first”, steadily establish and implement the long-term mechanism of the real estate market, comprehensively boost market transaction confidence, and support the commercial housing market to better meet the reasonable housing needs of buyers.

Strive to introduce super qualified enterprises and bid winners of major projects to settle in Dongguan.

We will improve the housing policy system and accelerate the improvement of the housing security system with public rental housing, indemnificatory rental housing and housing with common property rights as the main body.

Strengthen the management of rural housing construction in the city, improve the management policies of rural housing, and guide the orderly and standardized construction of rural housing..

Actively attract large central enterprises, provincial state-owned enterprises and high-quality enterprises to set up their headquarters in Dongguan.

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