China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

How to accept the cast construction and installation?

Lifting Loop

Different from the conventional cast-in-situ reinforced concrete project, the cast project purchases components from the component factory for on-site installation, which involves the mobilization, installation and acceptance of cast components.

Production: quality first Incapable of action: safety is the most important official account.

What is the specific acceptance content? This paper summarizes the examples based on specifications and enterprise standards for your reference.

Service is the root of the situation: strive to be powerless, struggle to move to oneself: to serve the people, to serve the benefit, to serve the development, to serve the happiness to scan the upper two-dimensional code, and to pay attention to the Guizhou Public Building Engineering Co., Ltd.

public hotline: 400-0851-221..

Corporate culture: to become the best service provider in the construction industry.

General requirements component acceptance quality acceptance of laminated floor components: quality acceptance of external wall cladding components: quality acceptance of internal wall panel components: quality acceptance of laminated beam components: quality acceptance of stair components: installation acceptance of PC external wall panel installation quality acceptance standard: installation quality acceptance standard of laminated floor: installation quality acceptance standard of laminated deck: installation quality acceptance standard of laminated beam: Acceptance criteria for installation quality of air conditioning panels: acceptance criteria for installation quality of interior walls and partition boards: Source: copyright of Engineering Technology Alliance belongs to the original author.

Vision: adult enterprise, enterprise happiness and employee happiness values: pursuit of excellence, sincere dedication, carrying forward the spirit of craftsman and creating a better tomorrow.

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