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How to build industrial workers during the development of precast buildings

The challenge of developing precast buildings for workers is not to use labor, but to try to use mechanical equipment to replace workers to do a lot of repetitive work, liberate workers from heavy repetitive work, and put them into the operation of machines, optimization of factory production lines and information management process control.

Strengthen the organization and management of industrial workers.

(2) Strengthen the cultivation of mechanization level of traditional construction workers to adapt to the characteristics of on-site assembly of precast buildings.

(3) strengthen the “Internet plus” training of traditional construction workers to meet the needs of modern information management.

The typical characteristics of precast buildings are design standardization, production industrialization, on-site assembly, decoration integration, management informatization and intelligent operation.

It is necessary to strengthen the training and complete the transition, training and management from traditional on-site construction workers to on-site construction workers.

This requires not only designers and managers, but also workers in the cast construction industry to have a certain basic knowledge of BIM, fully understand the BIM model and complete the basic work such as uploading necessary information..


The popular explanation is to consider the characteristics of assembly in the architectural design stage and try to use fewer component models to realize the predetermined functional requirements of the building; Through a small number of component models, combine as many as possible to meet the aesthetic needs of the building facade; Through high-quality factory production and on-site high-precision mechanized assembly, we can meet the needs of high-quality buildings.

The management unit needs to reorganize the relationship between industrial chemical workers and establish an industrial worker team suitable for the development of precast buildings.

How to cultivate high-quality industrial workers to adapt to the development level of precast buildings deserves attention.

In 2017, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the reform plan for the construction of industrial workers in the new era (hereinafter referred to as the reform plan), which clearly proposed that the construction of industrial workers should be included in the national and local economic and social development plans as an important support and basic guarantee for the implementation of the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country with talents and the strategy of innovation driven development, Build a great industrial worker team with ideals, faith, technology, innovation, responsibility and dedication.

The centimeter level error of traditional building installation will inevitably be replaced by the millimeter level error requirements of modern mechanized information construction.

Therefore, in the face of the current situation of vigorously developing precast buildings, the implementation of precast buildings is conducive to deal with the reduction or disappearance of demographic dividends, improve workers’ working environment and improve construction quality.

Some traditional on-site pouring operations are transferred to the factory for completion, and the other on-site and high-altitude operations are transformed into mechanized assembly and remote high-precision information quality control.

The labor mode of construction workers is bound to gradually transition from the traditional construction according to the two-dimensional blueprint to the construction and control according to the multi-dimensional “blueprint” such as visual spatial location, materials, installation and time nodes transmitted by the BIM model.

On the cast construction site, since most of the components have been precast and processed in the factory, transported to the fixed position on the site for storage, and can be directly hoisted and installed during installation, the work involved by the on-site workers will become the scheduling of on-site large-scale transportation machinery, the stacking of on-site precast components and the protection of finished products, the accuracy control of hoisting machinery, component positioning, positioning, installation Support and other details related to precast buildings.

Precast buildings have higher requirements for the mechanization level and informatization level of on-site operation workers.

In recent years, the vigorous development of precast buildings has changed the production relationship of the traditional construction industry.

The traditional division of labor of construction site workers mainly involves woodworking, formwork installation, reinforcement binding, reinforcement welding, water and electricity embedded installation, concrete pouring, curtain wall installation and other processes, with fine and perfect division of labor.

Double Ended Ferrule

With the development of precast buildings from the demonstration stage to the comprehensive promotion stage, the shortage of industrial workers and the problem that the quality of workers can not meet the requirements are becoming more and more prominent.

With the deepening of the information age, the strategy of “Internet plus” has been a major influence on the future development of construction workers in China.

Construction workers need to have certain mechanized operation and information management skills, and gradually replace the traditional manual labor by industrialized production lines and other mechanized operations, so as to transfer the labor to more posts of management, operation, control and scheduling.

So for construction enterprises, how to deal with and adapt to this change? 1.

First of all, the development of information technology has had a great impact on the management of the traditional construction industry.

Therefore, the traditional on-site, manual and high-altitude workers, Accordingly, they will also be transformed into industrial workers engaged in indoor, ground and mechanized operations.

Strengthen the skill training of industrial workers (1) strengthen the training of traditional construction workers to factory production workers to adapt to the characteristics of factory production of precast buildings.

Although the construction industry is a traditional industry, the progress and development of modern science and technology are everywhere in the construction industry.

Through factory production and assembly construction, precast buildings have transformed the on-site operation, manual operation and high-altitude operation of construction workers in the traditional construction industry into indoor operation, ground operation and mechanized operation to the greatest extent.

This paper discusses relevant issues in order to attract jade and resonate with the industry.

Compared with the traditional construction mode of manually binding reinforcement, pouring concrete and then gradually decorating, the operation mode of precast construction workers has changed greatly.

Therefore, compared with traditional construction workers, workers in precast construction factories need to have higher quality and skills in technical control, machine operation, process control, informatization and intelligence to engage in intelligent posts with strong control, creativity and scheduling.

Therefore, in the whole construction cycle, the organization and management mode of workers is very different from that of traditional construction projects.

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