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Hunan │ 30% precast, Hengshan County issued the implementation plan for promoting the development of precast buildings

It integrates various business areas from R & D and design, production and manufacturing, on-site assembly and other business areas to achieve energy conservation, environmental protection and the maximization of the full cycle value of building products.

Social investment projects that have obtained land and fail to pass the online construction drawing examination shall be implemented in accordance with the above requirements.

(responsible units: County Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, the construction unit, and the design unit) (IV) in the construction drawing review stage, the construction drawing review organization shall check the information such as the precast area proportion and assembly rate of the project in accordance with the evaluation standard for green precast buildings in Hunan Province (dbj43/t332-2018) and the evaluation standard for green precast buildings in Hunan Province > supplementary provisions, and fill the indicators in the report on the review of construction drawing design documents, For projects that fail to meet the requirements of the standard indicators of precast buildings, the report on the review of construction drawing design documents shall not be issued, and the construction unit and the design unit shall be notified to modify at the same time to ensure that the construction drawing design meets the relevant requirements..

The precast building is a new type of building production mode with the mode of factory prefabrication production of components and on-site precast installation, which is characterized by standardized design, factory production, assembly construction, integrated decoration and information management.

The assembly rate of precast buildings shall meet the relevant requirements of the evaluation standard of green precast buildings in Hunan Province (dbj43/t332-2018) and the supplementary provisions of the evaluation standard of green precast buildings in Hunan Province.

(1) At the stage of project planning and generation, the county natural resources bureau shall specify the relevant requirements for the development of precast buildings in the planning conditions for land transfer or allocation, and implement them in the land use contract.

In 2022, the proportion of urban precast buildings in new buildings in our county should reach 15%, and then increase by 5% year by year.

(2) Large space and Long-Span Public Buildings and industrial plants invested by the government should be constructed with steel structure cast technology.

3、 Strengthen the division of responsibilities, led by the county people’s government, organize relevant units to establish a leading group to promote the development of precast buildings in Hengshan County, responsible for policy formulation, guidance and coordination, supervision and assessment, etc.

Notice of Hengshan County People’s Government Office on printing and distributing the implementation plan for promoting the development of precast buildings in Hengshan County (szbf [2022] No.

5), notice on Further Strengthening the whole process management of precast buildings in our city (Heng Jianfa [2022) No.

16), and other documents, promote the development of precast buildings in our county, and combine the actual situation of our county, Formulate this implementation plan.

PVC Chamfer

When issuing the opinions on the fund arrangement of government investment projects, the county finance bureau should take the current budgetary estimate quota of precast buildings in our province as one of the basis for the review of the total investment of the project.

When examining and approving engineering construction projects, the administrative committee of the high tech Zone, the county development and Reform Bureau, the County Finance Bureau, the county natural resources bureau and the county housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau should incorporate the requirements of precast buildings into all links of each approval stage of engineering construction projects in accordance with the requirements of the provincial engineering construction project approval management system, and strictly control them.

(3) Other buildings shall be implemented in accordance with the notice on further promoting the work related to the development of precast buildings (Heng Jian Lian [2020] No.

Public buildings with a construction area of more than 3000 square meters invested by the government or mainly invested by the government, as well as other public buildings with a construction area of more than 20000 square meters, shall be constructed by assembly.

The design unit shall prepare the precast building design documents according to the evaluation standard for green precast buildings in Hunan Province (dbj43/t332-2018) and its supplementary requirements, which shall include the implementation area, structure type, precast component types, precast technology, assembly rate calculation sheet, key node connection, new technology demonstration and other contents of the precast building.

Among them, residential construction projects with a total construction area of more than 30000 square meters invested by the society shall be constructed with precast technology at the proportion of 30% of the total construction area.

Focus on this official account to release updates at 7:00 or 11:11; It is committed to the full release of the policy guidance of the national precast construction industry.

(responsible unit: County Natural Resources Bureau) (II) when the county development and Reform Bureau approves or approves the project that clearly adopts the precast construction method in the land planning and licensing stage, it will review the total budget investment of the construction project based on the current budget estimate quota of precast construction in our province.

(responsible units: County Development and Reform Bureau and County Finance Bureau) (III) during the preliminary design review stage, the county housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau should clarify the specific requirements of each project, such as the proportion of precast area and assembly rate, and inform the project construction unit in the internal cooperation link of the preliminary design review of government investment projects or the planning scheme review of social investment projects.

2、 Specific scope of implementation (I) public buildings shall be strictly implemented in accordance with the assembly requirements in the regulations of Hunan Province on the development of green buildings.

By 2025, the proportion of urban precast buildings in new buildings will reach more than 30%.

1、 Clarify the objectives and tasks.

For projects that are not suitable to adopt the precast construction method due to building structure form and other reasons, the construction unit shall submit a written application report to the county housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau at the preliminary design stage, and the county housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau is responsible for organizing experts to conduct technical demonstration and reply.


36) the full text of the implementation plan for promoting the development of precast buildings in Hengshan County is as follows: in order to further implement the regulations of Hunan Province on the development of green buildings Hengyang housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, Hengyang development and Reform Commission, Hengyang natural resources and Planning Bureau, Hengyang Finance Bureau, notice on further promoting the development of precast buildings (Heng Jianlian [2020] No.

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