China Precast Magnet

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In 2025, precast buildings in the province will account for 80% of new buildings

Reporter Sun Hui correspondent Yang Zhou source | editor of Hainan Daily | Hainan Construction Information Association.

By 2025, the proportion of precast buildings in new buildings will reach 80%, and the proportion of urban green buildings in new buildings will reach 80%.

By 2025, the proportion of precast buildings in the province will reach 80% of new buildings.

Recently, the Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development issued the “14th five year plan” for the development of construction industry in Hainan Province (hereinafter referred to as the “plan”).

The plan defines the long-term development goal of the construction industry in our province.

Original title: our province has a clear vision for the development of the construction industry.

In the construction industry of our province, the general contracting mode is widely adopted, the construction quality is significantly improved, and a team of high-quality talents is fully established to effectively support and ensure the construction of Hainan free trade port.

The plan proposes that during the 14th Five Year Plan period, the added value of the construction industry in our province will increase by 7% annually.

By 2035, the development quality and efficiency of the construction industry in the province will be greatly improved, the construction industrialization dominated by precast buildings will be fully realized, the green and intelligent construction mode will be fully implemented, and the building energy efficiency will be significantly improved.

Halfen Channel

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